Our Authors After Dark 2012 Spotlights continues with the effervescent, never flat romance author, Cat Johnson. An author of contemporary romance in genres including military, cowboy, ménage and paranormal, Cat Johnson uses her computer so much she wore the letters off the keyboard within a year. A self-proclaimed promo ‘ho, she is known for her creative marketing and research practices. Consequently, Cat has sponsored bull riding rodeo cowboys, owns an entire collection of cowboy boots and camouflage shoes for book signings and a fair number of her consultants wear combat or cowboy boots for a living. In her real life, she’s been a marketing manager, professional harpist, bartender, tour guide, radio show host, Junior League president, wife and avid animal lover.
Ms. Johnson currently publishes with Samhain and Tease Publishing, but has recently announced a deal with Kensington to write a cowboy series entitled Oklahoma Nights . The first book in the series, One Night with a Cowboy, releases April 2013.
Her latest book, from her smoking hot military based Red, Hot, and Blue series, entitled A Few Good Men (book 7).
He has met the enemy…but he’s never fought desire like this.
Deployed in the deadliest place on earth, Army Staff Sergeant John Blake relies on caffeine, adrenaline, years of training and sheer force of will to get through his days. He has no problem with his tank crew passing around a sexy romance novel, but John’s a fighter, not a lover. He’ll pass. Winding up as the author’s accidental pen pal wasn’t in his plan, but there’s something about her sweet, caring emails that has him looking forward to checking his inbox.
Week after week, Maureen Mullen, aka erotic romance writer Summer Winters, has dated one loser after another in a quest to find the last decent man on earth. Now it seems she’s found him—halfway around the world. When it comes to falling for unavailable men, she’s batting a thousand.
Gradually, the emails between the war-hardened warrior and the writer of passionate prose heat up to the point of keeping them up warm and wanting at night. Soon they’re wondering if it’s possible to build something solid out of cyberspace, or if it’s just an emotional mirage that will dissolve in the heat of reality.
Aloha to Cat – she is so ono (delicious). Cat not only writes hot heroes, she also supports the real heroes in the military! Her books are fun and I look forward to reading A FEW GOOD MEN!
This sure sounds good, cowboys and militairy man!