Bound (Torn Trilogy #3) by Erica O’ Rourke
Paranormal YA
June 26, 2012
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Not everything is fixable.”
Bound picks up about right where Tangled left off. Mo used her gifts to avenge her friend’s death and negotiate with her family for some much needed freedom. Thinking she is finally going to be free, her uncle flips the tables and pushes for more from Mo and isn’t above using her family and friends to get what he wants. Mo makes the ultimate sacrifice and gives up her dreams in order to keep everyone she loves safe. But not everyone appreciates her sacrifices. Mo’s inability to let things lay soon places her and Colin in discord. Mo soon finds herself pulled in different directions as her magic, the Arcs, and her family makes demands on her she can no longer ignore. As Mo tries to clean up her mess, she sets in motion a dangerous game that unless played just right, will destroy them all.
Ms. O’Rourke picks the best titles for her books. Bound perfectly describes Mo as she bound to the magic, bound to her family, and now bound to save her love’s life. A steady pace and solid storyline propels the novel along at a comfortable speed. More action, suspense, and mystery makes this final installment an exciting ending to this trilogy. I liked that the narrative aspect was toned down in here and we are able to submerge ourselves more into the story and Mo’s life. The character development continues to deepen, revealing areas of their personalities and emotions that have remained hidden before now. Layers in both characters and the plot lines are peeled back and the tangled hidden agendas begin to finally unwind and reveal themselves. While Mo has always remained in the spotlight, other characters have been introduced and carry more of the story line’s weight. It still speaks in a youthful tone to me (because of the protagonist) but you cannot miss the subtle maturing of Mo. She has come a long way since Torn and the ramifications are readily apparent. She is no longer the quiet, unassuming girl she was when we first met her. The paranormal storyline really takes command in here and edges the contemporary portions into the background where it belonged.
I admire Mo. She deals with so much in here, torn between two worlds, yet for all her mistakes, you know everything she did was from the heart. She tries so hard to be what everyone wants yet realizes, in the end, she can only be herself. She is brave, intelligent, and very, very stubborn. She will always do what she feels is right. This, of course, can cause problems when you attempt to manipulate other’s lives. Regardless of the who and what, she did what she needed to do in Tangled but she cannot avoid the consequences of her decisions. And they are huge. I did find it rather telling that she, on occasion, does what she despises her uncle for. She too makes decisions concerning others without a by your leave. She is even more conflicted in here as she is pulled in different directions; trying to stay one step ahead of her uncle and the dangerous game they are playing. Mo finally begins to listen and trust her magic-realizing that it isn’t a passing gift. Ms. O’Rourke merges Mo and her magic in a realistic fashion that matches with her emotional maturity. Stubbornness continues to be her greatest gift and flaw. She pushes hard to know things, often against good advice, then regrets when the truth is revealed. Only this time, her actions not only affect her, they affect others who aren’t so forgiving this time around.
The romantic love triangle remained a solid fixture throughout this trilogy. Mo remains torn between Colin and Luc but Ms. O’Rourke takes pity on us and gives us a resolution. I liked the differences between Luc and Colin and the lengths at which they will go to be with her. I admitted in the last review that I was team Luc. Regardless of his reasons, I always believed that Luc truly cares for Mo. That he would fight everything and everyone to be with her. Colin, for all his declarations, still felt too much like a bodyguard then a potential lover. Ms. O’Rourke cranks up the emotional drama and plays it out till the very end. Some will be pleased and some will not.
The ending wraps up the main conflict and overall arc in a dramatic, heart stopping finale that reveals so much in the final moments. All our questions are answered and we are left with a nice, abet, brief look into Mo’s future. A solid trilogy that is sure to appeal to all YA readers who enjoy magic, suspense, and romantic entanglements for their heroes and heroines.
Overall rating: B
Recent Reviews:
Awesome review T. I haven’t read a good YA in ages! Will recommend to friend’s teen daughter who is an avid reader! She will LOVE!
Thank you. I enjoyed it. Interesting world.
Great review, I have added it to the list for my stepdaughter!