10. I didn’t just start this Top Ten with a GIF from Magic Mike. No. Not me. More? Go here (some nsfw. Thanks @katiebabs)
9. Karen Marie Moning has posted another excerpt from Iced, which comes out this October. This will be a three book series (I think) featuring Dani and Ryodan. This excerpt mentions Barrons. BARRONS. *ahem* Here is a tiny part from it:
“No one but me is ever going to teach you, Dani.”
He touches me before I see it coming, has his hand under my chin, turning my face up. My shiver is instant and uncontrollable.
“That’s non-negotiable. You signed a contract with me that grants exclusivity. You won’t like it if you try to break it.”
Oh Ryodan. I approve. Can’t wait for this book. For the full excerpt go to KMM’s Facebook Page.
9. New series and cover alert from Moira Rogers. Haunted Sanctuary, out this January is the first in their Green Pines series. Per their blog, each book will have a HEA, but a haunted mystery plot will carry forth to each book. Looking forward to it! For the blurb and more info go here.
8. I’m so excited to hear that LB Gregg will have her Men of Smithfield books (m/m contemporaries) republished with Carina Press. Mark and Tony (originally titled Gobsmacked) will be out this July, with Max and Finn (Happy Ending) out in September. I really adore her voice and these were some of the first m/m books I reviewed at Smexy. Looking forward to rereading them.
7. One of my good blogging buddies, Chelsea who writes Vampire Book Club is raising money to support Barrow Neurological Institute, who researches brain cancer in honor of her father. She has put together a fab auction that close tomorrow night at midnight. So take a look at the great prizes, and get bidding!
6. Who is this sexy man bathing in the water? His name is Karl and he is the model for Pamela Clare’s upcoming book trailer for Defiant.
He has such a large gun.
For more pics of Karl and the post detailing how the shoot was brought about, go to her blog.
P.S. Don’t look below his kneecaps. The fantasy kind of gets ruined with the flip flops. All the good stuff happens above the knee caps anyway.
5. In case I haven’t given you enough reasons to see Magic Mike, here are 50 more. # 6, 7 and 8 are looking mighty good.
You can now send your friends, (or yourself) a Chanagram. Pick Channing’s dance moves, find a Facebook or Twitter friend, and send away.
4. Hold on to your ovaries! You got ‘em held tight? Because there are ‘Hot Men With Babies’ Tumblrs. *ovaries explode*
3. The above GIF is titled – When My Boyfriend Suggests Something a Little Too Kinky.
I. Love. This. Site. #WhatShouldWeCallMe.
The more you browse, the harder you will laugh.
(apparently it tastes like frosting. I’m gonna be in trouble)
2. Whipped and Fluffed. Oh my. I must have these at the beach and set them side by side. . Is that wrong? It’s the same reason that I chose the nail color “Come to Poppy” yesterday for my pedicure. You can’t put a name like that out there and expect me to ignore it! So now I have pervy toes. I’m okay with that.
The guys in this video, although they are completely obnoxious, mix the Fluffed with chocolate pudding. *licks lips* It might be a tasty treat
1. We leave for the beach tomorrow. A week in the sun and sand. Cocktails. Sand castles. Hot lifeguards. I’m ready….
….and classy as ever. Happy Friday!
I’ve been watching that Joe M./Magic Mike gif for minutes now. Why is this movie not out today? I need mostly-naked menz now, please.
LOL. We all do!
Oh dear. Askars with a baby? My ovaries just wilted.
(Actually I think they did years ago, but men with babies have always turned me right off.)
That damn gif at the top of the page, though… HELL-OH! :P
Askars should always walk around holding a baby.
Marshmallow vodka is yummy, but my favorite is vanilla (Absolute makes one). How old are we?
I happen to enjoy vanilla vodka tooooo :)
OMG! That # 10 is beautiful! I just got a lady boner.
The next three KMM books are spin offs of the FEVER series but are Dani O’Malley novels. ICED is focused on Dani & Ryo and starts 2 weeks before SHADOWFEVER ends. But Karen promised that we will learn way more about The Nine & Christian McKeltar in the next books (YAYAYAY!!).The titles are ICED, BURNED & FLAYED. I’ve decided not to read the excerpts until closer to the release date and lemme just tell ya, its killing me!!! I love Jason Momoa as Barrons! YUM
Thank you for the 50 reasons to see Magic Mike. Like i really needed any more after seeing the trailer, lol.
Have fun at the beach…i’m off to buy some Smirnoff Whipped & Fluffed!
OH! Thanks for all the KMM info!!! I didn’t know we got to see more Christian!!! Poor guy :)
I dunno. I don’t think Jason is hot enough to be Barrons. But then again, I don’t know what actual guy is. A pleasant problem to think about though.
Exactly. BIG problem. Let’s all ponder this…. :)
I think this is one of your Smexiest posts! (Although I saw the flip flops before I read the warning! But, Jason as Barons makes up for it!)
Great post, Happy Friday!!
LOL…Barrons/Jason can make up for a lot :)
You’ve outdone yourself today, Mandi!
Let’s see…#19 is my fav reason to see MM, Joe M can seriously move his hips, that cat GIF is so full of awesomeness, Thor+newborn baby = *swoon*, and flip-flops are definitely fantasy killers.
Have fun at the beach!!!
Love the Joe M. gif!! Thank you for that :D
I’m loving that ICED excerpt, however, I’m a bit troubled by Dani’s age.
Have fun at the beach!
Hahahah! Love your top ten posts!!
Big gun *snickering*
And can I please please play with Barron’s toys too??? No way anyone will be as bad ass as him, but I still can’t wait for ICED.
PS. I want to play with Barrons’s toys.
Fab Top Ten! Have a great time at the beach. I’m gonna miss you!
such exciting news about the LB Gregg books. Can’t wait!
Lol, best kitty ever
I can hardly wait for Magic Mike to come out, Thanks you for the Joe M clip, hopefully it will hold me over until Friday
I just gotta say, I love this site! :-D I’m also craving me some Magic Mike!