10. Fair warning for Top Ten today. It is full of mantitty and ‘arm porn’, and more mantitty. For example, dirty Joe Manganiello…
(I love how everyone is staring at his crotch. Channing looks impressed. LOL)Yeah, we have a lot to talk about. First let’s get to some book news.
The 2012 Lori Foster Reader/Author Get Together has come and gone. I love this weekend. One of the most casual, laid back conferences you can go to. I got to meet tons of bloggers and had a great time meeting authors. I spent an hour listening to Jill Shalvis and HelenKay Dimon talk about their favorite fictional and real life heroes. FUN! I spent an hour with Sue Grimshaw and others talking about what we love and hate in romance books. Carly Phillips was so fab to talk with. I loved chatting with Shiloh Walker and Piper Trace gave me a dish towel, in case I needed it after reading one of her books *grins* And seriously, Monica Burns is the hit of this party. If you want to laugh, sit by her. (I’m totally missing tons of people…just go next year, and you can experience it all!)
Above, Jen and I posed with some sexy men of the cardboard variety.
8. Victoria Dahl has released the cover of her next release, Close Enough to Touch. This is the first book in her new series, set in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I love her books. Releases in late August. To read more, go here.
7. Fact – I love it when a hero pleasures himself in a romance book. (You can pretend Joe M is pleasuring his big….ax HERE. See #5 for more). I’ve been known to buy books on this moment alone. *ahem* So when I heard Tori was writing a post about this for Heroes & Heartbreakers, I got excited. The post is now up, you can see it HERE. I think we need a master list started….
6. Forever has a few deals running now through July 2nd. Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt is now $1.99. This is the first book in her Maiden Lane series – a favorite series of mine. Book four, Thief of Shadows comes out later this month, so now is your chance to catch up! While these books can be read as stand alones, I think you will get more out of it reading it as a series. Elizabeth Hoyt writes great sex, y’all. No lie. Book 1 and 2 are really good. Book 3 features a river pirate (one of my favorite heroes of 2011) and in Thief of Shadows, we have a *cough* virgin hero *COUGH*. There isn’t much in life I like more than a virgin hero. Well maybe a virgin hero pleasuring himself….
Wicked Intentions $1.99 Kindle l Nook
The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis $2.99 Kindle l Nook (my most favorite book/hero by her. Ford. SO sexy.)
Lord of Desire by Paula Quinn $2.99 Kindle l Nook
Lady of Seduction by Laurel McKee $2.99 Kindle l Nook
5. (Have I used enough Joe M pics in this post?) This past weekend, MTV had their annual Movie Awards. I was too busy watching Game of Thrones to watch it, but I missed my Magic Mike boys on stage. Don’t worry though! You can see the video right HERE. (scroll down). Oh to be Elizabeth Banks…
More Magic Mike news – new trailer is up:

Is it June 29th yet? (for more pics go here)
4. Moobs returned to Game of Thrones this past week! Did you guys hear me screaming (okay, maybe moaning) when these glorious moobs made their appearance?
Damn it! Moobs with a baby. My ovaries EXPLODED. Well, first I humped the TV, then my ovaries exploded. Then my husband forbid me to watch this show.
And then…..and then Khaleesi LEAVES. Don’t leave the moooooobs Khaleesi!
Damn I love her. She is so fierce and ruthless. I’m dying for the next season already. (And maybe more Khal Drogo dreams. Sex dreams preferably)
3. At Lori Foster’s this past weekend, I learned Penny has a tiny obsession with The Avengers. I also learned all about Jeremy Renner and his amazing arms (and butt, but let’s keep it classy ladies.)
Thank you Penny for opening my eyes to this. AND, Jeremy Renner is going to be in the new Bourne movie coming out. Squeak!!!!
Fine! His butt. You guys are so demanding.
His butt even has its own Facebook Page. Don’t ask me how I find these things.
2. Michael Fassbender, has grown a beard. Oh sweet jesus. A ginger beard. Even better, he was on The Daily Show with John Stewart stroking his beard. *bites lip* Go HERE to see it.
1. I’m off camping this weekend. Think of me while you guys lounge around in comfort and I’m sleeping with bugs and raccoons! If I don’t show up online on Monday, be sure to heed the above advice! (thanks Nat!)
Damnit Mandi! Almost all the links are blocked at work. *grumble grumble* You dirty bird you!
I’ll just have to wait to see Magic Mike Magic… :(
You need to find a new job. LOL
When I found that clip I just knew I had to send it to you! I thought, ” Dammit! Mandi needs to see this and share it!” Our inner smut vixens are soooooo loving it!
Smut Vixens R’Us!
I so hope they haven’t shown the best bits *ahem* of Magic Mike already in the trailers!
I had a real hard time to find the MTV video. All blocked for outside US. But they don’t know how relentless I am. hehe
And oh man, the Lori Foster Get Together looked like so much fun! I bet you had a fabulous time!
And just randomly: Every time I see Joe M. I wonder what he would look like without a shaved/waxed chest. I bet delicious!
I’m pretty sure we will see the entire Magic Mike movie before it comes out..LOL. Every day there are new pics and clips. ;)
Joe M with a hairy chest – Now that just might be too much. WANT
Have you see The Town? Jeremy Renner with tattoos. And there’s always an ABC series starring him as a cop, The Unusuals (available on Netflix).
I don’t think so…but I’m heading to Netflix!
This needs to be in the Hall of Fame of Top Ten. :)
Hawkeye and Loki were the reason I didn’t grumble why my boys wanted to go see Avengers for the second time.
My eldest watched Thor for the first time last night – I was like, of course mommy will watch it with you *ahem*
And Hawkeye was in it for about 10 seconds. I got excited. Didn’t realize it until this viewing.
LOL..I have to tell you that I truly look forward to your Top Ten every week!!! “Arm Porn”–love it!!! This week you may have outdone yourself!! OMG…I am still drooling!!! LOL Joe–Love him-SODAMNSEXY!! I thought that I was the only one who was interested in #7 so thanks for the link to that post–I will be checking it out when I am done here!! ;) Oh and Games Of Thrones—OMG..I actually CRIED!! how could she leave him–Uh just seeing him and that baby and then what he says to her–NO WORDS-could cry again right now!!!LOL Thanks again for making my Friday!! Have a great weekend and I look forward to next week!! :) Love your blog–you crack me up!! :)
Hey thanks :) I have fun…researching…for pics every week. LOL
I’m pretty sure Joe M has never taken a bad pic. And he can pretty much wear anything (or nothing) and be damn sexy.
#7 – we all like it, right? LOL.
She left Khal..damn she is tough. That was a tear jerker!! And then she locked up those people in the vault. Damn girl. You go. So excited for next season!
LOL. I’m glad you like :)
Love the man candy today.
I didn’t watch GoT this season. Was it any good? So nice to see Khal again. And with the baby!!! (*swoon*)
I’m more of a Thor-gal than a Hawkeye lover, but variety makes the world go ’round!
YES..GOT was really good this season. I’m getting ready to read the second book – I like to read it after I watch the season to see what I missed etc.
Thor and I are cozy too..but something about Hawkeye. Rawr.
Hahaha this week is awesome! Love all the pics of Joe!
Had a great time at Lori’s with all the girls! Can’t wait for next year!
Yay for Lori’s Roomie!
Nice top 10!! Did you see Jeremy Renner as a bank robber in The Town? He was awesome!!
No – but you are the second one to mention it! Must Netflix!
I think you love that fireman.
Yes. I like the self-pleasuring thing. It works it’s way into my books often. I’m a dirty pervert.
I <3 you Shiloh. LOL
I can never get enough Joe M. Never.
That’s because you are a “dirty bitch” ;)
ooohhhhh, my house is on fire.
who should I call…..
Hmmmm..I happen to know a half-nekkid sexy man….
Ah Mandi, just when I think I can’t love you or the Smexy Top Ten more, you post this delicious assortment of hot menz *SWOON*
I’m so happy I recorded the Movie Awards so I may see Joe M. stroking his ax.
Am I the only one who bawled when Dany & Khal Drogo had to part? Heartbreaking! How could she leave the sexy moobs AND a cute baby?? They have such amazing chemistry, why must he be dead? *SOB*
Mmmmm Renner arm/ass pr0n, FTW. Please watch The Town. The movie itself is fabulous & Renner as an asshole bank robber with a Boston accent is really not to be missed. Also, I’ve never liked Ben Affleck more & he is not my cup of tea.
Hot damn Fassy & that ginger beard! I had to watch the vid twice because I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes the 1st time.
Good luck with your camping trip. I suggest copious amounts of alcohol but do not under any circumstances mix Cyclone & mountain pies. Just trust me on this one.
I had a tear, during my lusting of Khal. It was a very emotional scene – plus, I had not heard he was going to be in that episode! Very secretive!
I must watch The Town. When I get back from camping for sure! (note- no Cyclone and mountain pies. Yes ma’am!)
Fassy and ginger beard. Sigh Angie! Just SIGH!
Oh, what a smutty top ten! Joe Manganiello is H.O.T. – I will hate Sookie with anger of thousand demons if they put him in her bed. She already got her share of gorgeous men. But, if they do that, I want a scene of Alcide pleasuring himself just to compensate for my pain…
LOL. Amen.
HAHA..YES. please let that scene happen ;)
I love Jeremy Renner, too. Have been a fan since The Hurt Locker and can’t wait to see him in the Bourne Legacy.
I really need to see more of his work!
Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo. Sigh, sob.
I said it last year and I’ll say it again. I want to climb him like a tree.
He is just all man. Damn. He’s big enough for two of us to climb him, yes? :)
Lovely top ten as usual! So many moobs!!
So much to say about this top ten…
Yes, Joe is beautiful & has a fire in his pants that I would like to put out :P
Ok, I was screaming at the TV too! I wanted Daenerys to stay in the tent forever with Khal & the pretty baby. I love them!
I’m glad you had a great time at Lori’s event! I looked through Lori’s pictures & tried to spot you but I couldn’t find ya. What kind of goodies did you get?
I approve of Fassy with a ginger beard :)
Have fun camping hon.
I got lots of signed books – I stalked Tiffany Reisz so she would sign my copy of The Siren ;) It was so much fun to just hang with bloggers and readers and chat. And have wine ;)
I survived camping! Yay! LOL
Mandi, you’re a hockey wife, aren’t you? Admit! Own up. Because I swear the whole lot of the men that aren’t in the playoffs are camping, watching the Blue Jays, or at South Beach. I sees your tricks.
Mm, Joe M. I’m going to see Magic Mike, if I have to steal from a crowned country. Because dang it, those are some hot men and hockey’ll be over.
As for books, I loved reading the stuff about the teen market at BEA, myself.
LOL…no, and I saw no hot hockey dudes camping!
Great post! There can never be enough man boobs in one post! And yes the hero who pleasures himself is so sexy and very hard to resist.
Happy camping, Mandi. :)
Is that a challenge to put more moobs in this week’s top ten? ;)
Joe M. Jeremy R. Michael Fassbender. Jason Mamoa. SWOON!
Thanks for the pictures.
I think I will proceed to do the following:
1) Watch Jane Eyre with Fassie as Rochester (drool.)
2) Re-read Kristen Ashley’s “Golden Dynasty” which is (let’s face it) Khal Drogo fanfic at its most cracktastic (drool.)
3) Drag the hubs to see Avengers on Sunday. (yay!)
I’ve heard a lot about Golden Dynasty. I think I must read this.
And I approve of your smex-tastic weekend. I hope you did those things in order!
I loved meeting you, and I agree. The Lori Foster Reader Event was awesome, and I can’t wait to go back.
Also, thanks for loving The Sweetest Thing. Have to admit, I also have a big soft spot for Ford Walker…
It was nice meeting you too!
We definitely need a master list for the self man love!! Make it so, Smexy!
Hmmm….*starts a google doc.*
Omg, humping the TV! Thank you for that visual . This is one of your best top 10 with all the man titty. I have got to watch Game of Thrones…
LOL…I’m classy.
You DO have to watch GoT. You are missing out!
*sigh* Joe M has the best mantitty. :)
I was all set to go see Magic Mike the day the movie comes out, but kidlet has a summer day camp play that evening, complete with little kids singing and dancing. Is it wrong of me to admit that I debated for a few seconds before telling my friends we’d have to wait a few days to see the movie?
I’m going to be on our last day of vacation at the beach when the movie comes out. What to do, what to do?? My GFs will kill me if I see it without them..but I’m not sure I can wait an entire day ;) So I feel your pain. LOL
So much man chest in this post that I can’t catch my breath.
*passes oxygen*
With the exception of Pitbull and Gandy missing in the line up, this is the best top 10 evvaaaa!!!!!
Dang I like his red beard!
I know, right? I hope he keeps it forever, and ever. And strokes it for us. ;)
Truly some smexy stuff with arm porn. Thank you. And, I loved Fassbender and his ginger beard stroking.
I could watch him stroking his beard allll day long ;)
Lol thanks for all the great info Mandi, and I do hope you survive your camping trip!
I survived. Even with spiders and snakes. *shudder*
Holy *^%#, I didn’t realize you mentioned me in this post! I was distracted by all the hot man flesh and I think I may have skipped some of the words… :)
I hope you put your towel to good use! I know one group of ladies is bringing theirs to opening night of Magic Mike. :D
It was GREAT meeting you! I look forward to seeing you again at Lori Foster’s next year!
XO –Piper