10. I think we should all take a swig from my new Mustache Flask before continuing with the Top Ten. ‘Stache Flask makes everything go a little better. Thank you to my friend Sarah, who is awesome sauce. (The brown bottom is even fuzzy – *giggle*)
9. Jill Shalvis has announced that she is writing a third trilogy set in her Lucky Harbor world. Copied from her website:
I know that the first new hero will be a San Francisco Lieutenant Detective who goes through hell at work and escapes to the house his grandma left him in Lucky Harbor. All Luke Hanover wants is peace and quiet, except … there’s a woman in his house, looking a little bit wild and crazy as she stands nearly naked in his kitchen breaking up with someone’s voice mail.
Hero number two will be Luke’s childhood best friend, Jack, a sexy hot Lucky Harbor firefighter. More on Jack to come later … (as well as the third muskateer, the three guys were childhood trouble makers)
A Jill Shalvis firefighter?!? I think we all need to take a moment.
Also, if you are not following Jill on Facebook, you are missing out. She has ‘man wars’ with Kristan Higgins often, resulting in sexy men (like above) being posted. She is really fun online.
8. After many years of rumors, it looks like we will finally have Outlander adapted for television. Does this excite you? My first thought as always is – please do a good job with casting. PLEASE.
For those unfamiliar with this book, Claire is in Scotland on her second honeymoon when she time travels back to 1743 and meets Jamie Fraser (a virgin *bites lip) and he becomes her Scottish warrior (*bites lip harder). I adore this book, although I’ve only read the first 4 in the series (8th book comes out next year).
“When the day shall come that we do part," he said softly, and turned to look at me, "if my last words are not ‘I love you’-ye’ll ken it was because I didna have time.”
7. Look what’s coming out next month. *drools* I don’t know much about ..I do know- Carolyn Jewel has the blurb and first chapter on her website. And for those who read Ravishing the Heiress by Sherry Thomas, this will be Isabelle’s story.
6. What’s up with Jeremy Renner? I wasn’t super familiar with him until I saw him as Hawkeye in The Avengers (Nice article about his previous work). And Penny started showing me pictures of his arm porn (and this. oh and this. ok fine, one more! This.) and I thought, damn…I kind of like it. And now he is going to be in the new Bourne Legacy movie. Watch this clip:

So what’s the verdict? Hot? Or not?
5. Speaking of hot – look at
me Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender in the new issue of W. Hot diggity. Fassy in leather with a crack peeking out. Do we need a moment?
I don’t know what is happening here, but I think Charlize is looking in the wrong direction if you know what I’m saying. More pics can be found here and thanks to Amanda for sending me the link!
4. Speaking of hot (again!) I adore Robert Downey Jr, and after seeing how he dances into Comic Con last week, I adore him even more.

Thanks KB for the link.
3. There is now Spanx for men. No really – apparently men worry about how their butts look so they’ve created the ‘wonderbra for men’s butts’.’
Let me say this men. Wearing this ‘wonderbutt’ underwear will not make you look like the man in the above picture who I’m positive has a perfect butt sans underwear. (can we take a moment and admire his back?) But hey – if you need a little extra support….
…then pick your angle boys! (full article / site Thanks again to KB for the link).

2. I’m a huge Walking Dead fan. Huge. And while last season had its lame-o moments, the trailer for Season 3 looks amazzzzzzing.
Bring on the new characters of The Governor and Michonne!! (and for gods sake please keep track of Carl this season.) Returns October 14.
1. Hey – listen to Eric Northman and do what he says this weekend. Happy Friday!
Lol spanx for men, well nice butt indeed
I love the man-spanx. It looks like the “Y” part is jammed up his crack.
I’ve actually never read Outlander (*hangs head*) — but it’s in the TBR mountain. One of these days, I’m going to get to it.
Seriously? A butt bra? That’s just wrong.
#5 just made me giggle, and giggle, and giggle. Thank you!! :P
im going to have to check out fassys pics. jeremy arms are amazing lol and spanx for men whats next. really enjoyed your top 10. robert downey jr is so cool. i to hope they pick the right actors, not like the mess they made of nora roberts on tv
RDJ never fails to make me smile. Thank you! I missed all the SDCC stuff last weekend so this is the first panel I’ve really seen.
Butt bra for men is awesome….simply because let’s see how they react in public spaces when things move around the wrong way.
Hahahaha! Spanks for men, wow. I agree, that model sure doesn’t need any help in the posterior area.
Great Top Ten, Mandi… Robert Downey Jr. is just adorable. ;)
I love RDJ. I loved how he made his entrance to the Iron Man 3 panel.
I adore the Outlander Series! Its one of my favorites. I’m kinda on the fence about them making it into a series. I really hope they do it well, but in my heart, I know they’re going to butcher it. I will watch it either way though.
Great pics of you, I mean, Charlize & Fassy ;)
I can’t stop laughing at the butt bra! *snicker* That’s just weird!
‘Stache Flask DOES make everything better. We need a better today. Get with it ‘Stache Flask!
Tha was awesome!! Just like you!! Thsnks for making me smile tonite. Had surgery this afternoon so even tho I am “smiling” from my pain meds, lol, I would have been anyways!!! Great underwear for men, mayb I will get some for my hubs our anniversary is coming up, lol!!!! Luv your site!!!
I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Fassy’s butt crack is wicked sexy. That. Is. All.
OMG I want a ‘stache flash!
So much steamy hotness in this one. *rowl*
I love RDJ. Did you see this? http://blueinkalchemy.tumblr.com/post/27583704261/true-story-his-name-is-robert-downey-jr
re Outlander – casting is ALL! Would love if they get it right. Jamie… *another sigh*
And, um, that butt bra actually looks uncomfortable!
Manx? This somehow reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld wherein Kramer invents the mansierre.
Love love love the Top 10s!
Thank you for Jeremy Renner Arm Porn. I’m not in the Bourne series at all, but I might just see it for JR AP. Also, thank you for the Fassy
porn. Ahem, I mean magazine picture links. As usual, your top ten puts a smile on my face and good-bad thoughts in my head. :-D#8 – pleaseohpleasepleaseplease let them cast Outlander correctly *bites nails*
I LOVED book 7 just as much as 1, and 1 just about killed me when it ended. I’m pretty much dying for 8 to come out.
OMG how much do I love RDJ and that entrance? He is so awesome and sexy and keeps getting better with age – like a box of fine wine. ;-)
I hadn’t noticed Renner before The Avengers either. I’m pretty anti Tom Cruise, but I rented the most recent Mission Impossible JUST to see more of Jeremy Renner! And forearms totally do it for me. Call me crazy!