10. Right? Damn it real men – get with it.
9. A few notes from Nalini Singh. First of all, she has a contest happening on her blog right now to win an arc of Archangel’s Storm (Jason’s book in her Guild Hunter series). I believe the contest is open through 7/20. Go to her blog for details.
She has also announced an anthology next March titled, Wild Invitation. It will have two previously released novellas Beat of Temptation (Nate & Tamsyn) and Stroke of Enticement (Zach & Annie) and also two brand new novellas – no word on who will star in them yet.
8. Historical Romance news: First up, Jennifer Ashley has released the cover of The Seduction of Elliot McBride (Mackenzie #5 out 12/31 – one of my favorite series!)
In Jennifer Ashley’s words: The hero is Elliot McBride, the brother of Ainsley from Many Sins of Lord Cameron. The heroine, Juliana St. John, is a new character. The story has an old Scottish house, plenty of Highlanders, kilts, a steamy love story, Punjabi food, dogs, and a goat.
And even better, she announced book #6 will be – The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie. Woo and Hoo!
Elizabeth Hoyt also revealed her cover for Lord of Darkness, Godric St. John’s book.
If you haven’t read Thief of Shadows yet, (the previous book to Lord of Darkness) get to it!
7. I love a male prostitute hero, and Cara McKenna writes a very good one in her book, Curio. She has now announced she is writing a set of Curio Vignettes, short stories continuing Didier and Caroly’s story. Excited. Craving releases this September.
6. File this under the category – Bloggers and authors are awesome. My blogging friend Sharon (you can find her here) met Abigail Roux for an interview recently. Roux writes my beloved Ty and Zane from the Cut & Run series. Besides doing a fab interview (a must read for fans of this series) she also had Abigail sign a piggy for me (in reference to this cover). Is that awesome or what? Huge thank you to both Sharon and Abigail!!!
5. Brace yourselves!!!! Lots of almost naked men are running straight for us. These are the lovely men of the Parma Football Club (Italy) running during a pre-season workout session. (thanks to Zoe Archer for the pic).
4. Magic Mike has been viewed. I liked it. I mean, I don’t think there was that big of a chance I was going to hate it. Let’s face it – I’m in love with Channing Tatum. It would be hard for me to not like a movie he is in (except The Vow – omg…what a horrid movie.)
Also – Channing cries in this movie – while wearing leather and driving his big truck. I LOVE a hero that cries. (Or vomits in the bushes – I’m looking at you Smite ) My only disappointment is that he didn’t make out with what’s her face more. That would have been hot.
Maybe we’ll get a sequel. Of course, Channing would have to fail at making furniture, and move to Miami to strip in the second movie. I’m good with that.
Matt Bomer was probably my least favorite character. I even liked that Tarzan dude better than him. Best scenes – Joe M. Zomg – Big Dick Richie killed it. I also massively loved Matthew McM in it.
Now what is coming up for me to obsess about in my Top Tens? I need something smutty and preferable involves hot men dry humping…..something worthy of Lady Boner status!
3. Breaking News: “No evidence of Mermaids,” Says US Government. No really, they actually came out with that statement. I know the real story though. I mean, the restaurant we go to in Myrtle Beach has mermaids swimming in a pool. Duh. We all know they are real.
2. Ladies, meet Mateus. He is works on the farm. He carries hay around with him at all times in case he is in need of a good….romp. See above is the “before shot.” Below is the “after shot.”
All men should walk around with a bale of hay…just in case.
He is also excellent at doing chores in his undies.
My god to be that cow….he has a nice view. (All pictures found here.)
1.We are having our 4th of July party tomorrow. Currently, The Weather Channel is saying it will be 102 degrees with a heat index over 110. Awesome. Oh, and we are having a chili cookoff. So steaming hot chili on steaming hot day. We are awesome planners!
I’ve also rented a dunk tank. We don’t have a pool, so I’m pretty sure there will be many volunteers to get cooled off. We’ll see how it goes…
Have a great Friday!
You lie. There are not mermaids in Myrtle Beach. They’re in Silver Springs, Florida!
But where would they be in MB? It’s been 15 years since I lived there.And darn you. Get my hormones going even more this week! Like I need help. Pretty men. I already did some Google image searching last night on happy trails. Like I need that at 93F today, which has been our coolest day in a week or so.
Mermaids are everywhere!! It’s the truth. Mermen too, right? ;)
I like your farm hand, but his nose ring is so distracting. (Maybe we can crop out his head and focus on his lower attributes, hm?)
Thanks for pointing me to that Abigail Roux interview. I am so jealous of your piggy!
I do love my piggy. I’ll have to find a special spot on my bookcase for it.
omg. can’t stop laughing at silly boy with ring in his nose… he’s the bull on that farm, eh?
also: JoeM and McC for the win in Magic Mike!!! I think we can have MM: Miami without channy tay tay. Add in some new fresh meat, replace tarzan with Momoa, and we all set. Ok, also through in hot sex scenes too.
We need something new to obsess on though, for realz!!!
Loving the top 10, as ALWAYS!
omg…Momoa joins the cast of MM2. This would be most amazing!!!
Aren’t the piggies cute? Sharon got one signed for me too, but it hasn’t arrived yet. I hope it’s not lost somewhere above the ocean it has to cross. :(
We still have to wait a few days for Magic Mike to be released here in Europe. OMG, the anticipation! :D
Oooh..fun anticipation! You’ll have to let me know how you like it!
Sharon is so awesome!
Oh, this may be one of my favorites Top Ten, Mandi…
Nalini Singh, Jennifer Ashley, Elizabeth Hoyt- All are auto-buy for me and I’ll end up as homeless woman with tons of books…
Mmmm, lusty Didier in vignettes- count me in.
Divide & Conquer piggy! So.Cool.
I remember Mateus as the man who wears tattoo gun better than Tom Cruise on Rock of Ages pic. Apparently, he is good with cows, too. I’m not digging the nose ring, though…
Have a great 4th of July party!
No one likes his nose ring..LOL. Poor Mateus. Yes, he is the same dude with the gun tatt. He is very versatile. LOLOL
We can live homeless together with all of our books. They will keep us warm ;)
OMG, I love the Highland Pleasures series :) Jenn Ashley rocks! Woo
& Hoo is right.
Lemme just say, I am a fan of half-nekkid men. But not men in speedos. Speedos are weird. I don’t know. Lol.
I still need to see Magic Mike. I never got to see it last weekend cause of the storm in my area & all its damage. We just got power on Wednesday. I hope to see it soon. *fingers crossed*
Stay cool this weekend!
Oh yikes..no power. That sucks..it better stay on!
It’s rare that I actually see a man in a speedo in real life – so I’m not sure what my reaction would be to 20 men running with their stuff jiggling. ;)
When I was 15 I went to Italy with my family. I fell asleep at Heathrow and when I woke up, I was surrounded by the guys from I think the national Italian football team. My poor teen brain almost combusted. They were very lovely. Much staring was involved.
I love this story :) So maybe I need to go stalk an international airport? Wonder if my family would for that? ;)
The farmhand dude just made me lol hard. Omg.
I can’t think of a romance hero who cries. Help me out here.
Cindy Gerard has one. There has to be some. Does Ward ever make her men cry?
I saw and loved Magic Mike too, but that leading lady… I appreciated her because she was so opposite him, but yeah, just the fact that you (and I) refer to her as what’s-her-name, what does that say about the character and/or the actress? Would it have killed her to have a slightly more expressive face, especially when watching Channing do his mega awesome dance? She wasn’t as dishwater dull as, say, Kristen Stewart, but a little more mighta been nice. And what was up with the pale yellow wash over the outdoor scenes? Made it look like it was filmed through a bottle of pee… Well, anyhow, other than that, it was a highly enjoyable movie, and I am sure I’ll be watching it again on rental! :-D
LOL..what IS up with the pale yellow wash? That was weird. And yeah – what’s her face was very..rigid. She was odd. I wanted it to be more romancy.
Another awesome top 10! Can’t wait for Hoyt’s newest book!!!
Love her stuff!
Yay about the Nalini Singh anthology. Ive been wanting to read Nate and Tamsyn’s story but that was the only story I was interested in in the original anthology. 4 Nalini Singh shorts I haven’t read = WIN.
Also, can’t wait for more of Didier. Nom nom nom.
Totally agree. I’m pretty sure I haven’t read both of the already pub’d shorts. Excited for it
Mmm the more Nalini Singh books, the better! And I also love Jennifer Ashley’s books! That cover is truly yummie!
Glad you enjoyed Magic Mike! I hope to see it here in Holland soon!
Lol I want to read about your 4th of july party, and pictures of that dunk tank please!
I have a video I might post of me getting dunked. LOL. I screamed a lot with the anticipation they might hit the target. It was fun
Love it! Even tho there a million movies out there, and I never see movies above a PG rating, I am going to see MM on Monday. Hoping to be entertained for a couple hours!
Woohoo for an adult movie! LOL. My husband took my boys to see Brave while I was at MM. He is a good hubs ;)
GASP! You dare to put down my sex god Bomer?? Pfft I say. Um, I still need to see Magic Mike.
You want be disappointed. Wish there were a little bit more Mr. Bomer of him in the flick, but I’m not complaining.
His body was fine ;) His character was icky.
How do they know.. ;) I mean those deep water graves whatever..could be mermaids there, or maybe they are hiding with magic. Lol, ok so yes no mermaids. Maybe they should go after vamps next. poor twi fans
They could totally be hiding! I’d be hiding if I was a mermaid ;)
Bloody hell, I’m featuring Mateus Verdelho in my man candy treat tomorrow too, but I went for a punkish look. He also has some insane pics with a big dark beard and white hairdo :))) Very naughty boy by the look of him!
Insanely jealous about Angel’s Storm and still haven’t seen Magic Mike (sacriliege, I know!)
Have a great party tomorrow!
Yeah – I looked up some older pics of him and he has some crazy hair/beard thing going on! I think I like him like this much better.
I love your top ten lists.
I did see Magic Mike twice already. Twice within 7 days. I’m calling that flick Lady Viagra. I never thought either way about Mr. Tatum, but my opinion has definitely changed. As the young people around me say, he can totally “get it.” Actually, all the men in that movie were just hot to death.
What’s her name is Cody Horn, some Hollywood executive’s daughter. I can count on one finger the number of times she didn’t have her jaw set tight in a disapproval. (Even during the press junket interviews she had that ice grill smacked on her face!) Even if you really disapprove of the stripper lifestyle, you wouldn’t crack a wee bit smile while your brother is pretending to be a cowboy on stage? I have a twin brother. If I saw him stripping, I’d be hollering with laughter. They’d have to throw me out the club for heckling because that’s what brothers and sisters are supposed to do. lmao.
Channing can move. He is really cute, but damn. His dance moves are what win me over.
Cody Horn. Yes. Very flat character. And I agree- she never once cracked a smile at the silly dancing by her brother or anyone else. I mean..come on!
Another Great Top Ten!
He looks like such a bad boy. I approve.
That photo of the Italian footballers proves that even the best looking men in the world don’t necessarily look good in budgie smugglers (Speedos)!
Kind of underwhelmed by the paleness of the Hoyt cover. Will read the book regardless!
“budgie smugglers”
I love. LOL