The Siren, book one of Tiffany Reisz’s The Original Sinners Series, just released in paperback last week. You can read my review of The Siren here. Today, Tiffany stops by to chat!
Who is Tiffany Reisz. Give us the low down.
Hi! I’m Tiffany Reisz! I live in Lexington, Kentucky with my boyfriend Andrew Shaffer (also a writer, God help us). I’m short and weird and kinky and surprisingly well-adjusted. I started out as a smutty fan fic writer. When people started naming their pets after my original characters and sending me gifts and offerings of love, I decided to try writing a book all my own. THE SIREN was born.
Let’s talk about erotica v. romance for a minute. The Siren, which is the first book of a planned series, is not your typical – boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. While there is romance in it, there are many characters with different story lines and at the end of the day, there isn’t a tidy HEA. A lot of my readers are die-hard romance fans. Give us some insight into "erotica" and why you chose this route.
In THE SIREN, our heroine Nora (also an erotica writer) gives her definition of erotica. To her romance is sex + love while erotica is sex + fear. I’m inclined to agree with her. Several readers (including the lovely Dr. Logan Levkoff who gave Dr. Drew what for on The Today Show) have called THE SIREN a thriller. In The Original Sinners series, we have an Alpha Female, love triangles, secret knowledge and secret societies. That’s not a formula for romance. That’s a formula for urban fantasy which is really what the books are but with superstar kinksters instead of witches and vampires.
There are not a lot of explicit sex scenes in The Siren, but there are some very intense BDSM scenes. What do you think is the biggest misconception about BDSM?
The number one misconception about BDSM is that it’s abusive to women. Think about a boxing match. People are getting the shit beat out of them during a boxing match. But no one calls the cops. Why? Because the two participants are consenting adults. Same thing for kink. Do people get hurt during kink? Yes. Sometimes a little. Sometimes a lot. But that’s their choice as consenting adults.
The fun part about my heroine Nora is that she’s a Switch which means she’s both a Top (a Dominatrix) and a bottom (a submissive). So everything supposedly abusive that gets done to her by one of her lovers, she has done to others and has done for money. But people get so freaked out about women getting hit by men that they can’t even allow for the possibility that under the right circumstances and in a safe and loving relationship, that woman might really want to get hit by that man.
Turn to the dedication page of THE SIREN and see the inscription “And to B.” B was a 6 foot 4 blond sadist I used to belong to. Don’t tell me BDSM is abusive. You say that and you’re calling my former lover an abuser and me a victim. Trust me, we were neither.
In The Siren, the heroine Nora (who is a writer) has so many complex, intriguing relationships. Nora and her editor Zach, Nora and her virgin roommate Wes. And most importantly, Nora and Søren (just typing his name gives me the shivers). Did any of these characters surprise you as you were writing? Do you have a favorite scene in the book?
All the characters surprised me. They came to life as I was writing and started doing things and saying things I never anticipated. Wesley, Nora’s 19-year-old virginal intern/roommate, actually let Nora touch him very intimately while they were talking in bed. I never saw that coming, pardon the pun.
When Zach took that last shot of whiskey and finally let his guard (and his pants) down around Nora, I didn’t expect that either.
And when Søren who is easily the most Dominant man I’ve ever encountered in fiction or real life tells Nora that he wishes she had kept him, my throat knotted up. That moment’s a little glimpse into the mind of a Dominant. He might want to “own” Nora in a kinky way but she owns him because of how much he loves her. That’s simply the nature of love.
So many scenes in the book were so fun to write. I think my favorite which no one else gives a damn about is the scene when Zach is reading Nora’s book and has to take break to look out the window on the city. I’ve always said a really good writer can make staring out the window interesting—no guns, bombs, or sex necessary. That was me trying to do that. During that scene Zach looks down on the city and expects the people far below him to look like ants. But to him they still look like people. It’s a moment of profound empathy and compassion from Zach when he starts to let himself care about people again—strangers at first, and then Nora. It’s the power of literature. A good writer makes you care about people who don’t exist. They might as well be ants a mile away and yet you still worry that everything will turn out okay for them.
The Angel, book two, comes out this fall. What can we expect from this. Give us some scoop!
THE ANGEL is so fun. It’s both darker than THE SIREN and much more playful. Søren’s up for a big promotion and if he gets it that’ll spell disaster. Since Nora can’t be trusted to stay out of this mess, she gets ordered away for the summer while he deals with a nosy, but very sexy reporter with a big, bad bone to pick.
While he’s sparring with the reporter, Nora’s upstate with playboy Dom Griffin Fiske and Michael, the troubled teenaged boy we meet in THE SIREN. Somebody falls in love and I’m not going to tell you who.
Also, the one that got away in THE SIREN won’t quite stay away from Nora’s heart. But what she decides to do at the end of the book might just shock you.
I’ve heard you say Anne Rice has made a great impact on your life and your books. Tell us why.
I love Anne Rice. There. I said it. The woman is the bravest writer in the world. All the stuff people tell me I can’t write or shouldn’t write (hardcore BDSM, mixing sex with religion, underage sex, etc), she did it first, she did it best, and she got really fucking rich doing it. Don’t tell me what I can or can’t write. And yeah, I’m talking to you, Lady, who said she was horrified something so “un-politically correct” as THE SIREN could get published this day and age. Fuck you, you Crazy Old Bat. I write what I want.
After I watched the final Harry Potter movie, I tweeted that I found Jason Isaacs attractive. Several people responded that you have already claimed him and then I read that he was an inspiration for Zach. Is this true? Give us one of your favorite photos of him.
Absolutely true! Jason Isaacs IS Zach Easton. British, Jewish, incredibly intelligent and well-educated, and stunningly handsome. He is mine all mine. Well, mine and his wife’s. We share custody.
Favorite pic of Jason!? Talk about Sophie’s Choice! Here’s one favorite of him exactly as I picture Zach Easton. Those eyes just do me in. Who wouldn’t want to handcuff that guy to a desk and blow him seven ways til Sunday?
Thanks so much Tiffany!
The Siren is one of my favorite books I’ve read this year. I’ve also had a sneak peek at The Angel (book two, out this September) and I have to say, I think I liked it even more than The Siren.
To celebrate the release of The Siren in paperback, I’ll give away two copies (if the winners prefer Kindle/Nook format, that is fine too). To enter, just leave a comment. Open to all through August 3.
Great interview! I have this book ready and waiting to be read. Can’t wait!
Great interview! I’ve heard many fantastic things about this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
Excellent interview. Jason Isaacs makes a great Zach. The Angel is one of my favorite books so far this year (that and Fifty Shames of Earl Grey). I think what drew me to these books was the complexity of the characters. Even Soren, who scares the crap out of me, is remarkably complex.
Keep on writing Tiffany! We want more!
Awesome interview, definitely a fan of Tiffany Reisz because of Mandi and Bells! So happy I listened to them and tried this book.
These books sound amazing! I would love a chance to win a copy! Thank you so much!
I really need to read The Siren. I love it when characters surprise me by doing something completely unexpected. Awesome interview!
The Siren was fantastic! I loved it. Can’t wait for book 2.
Great interview and brilliant book! You fascinate me, Ms
Reisz. Your characters fascinate me. I wanna lick your brain, but not in a creepy, stalker way, just so I can see how you cone up with your stories. Maybe you could just tell me bedtime stories. Yeah. That’d be cool.
Fascinating interview really enjoyed it. I loved the Siren can’t say it enough. I would adore owning a paperback copy.
Hahaha! I love this interview! Tiffany always has the best ones! Jason is the perfect Zach!
I’ve heard so much about this book! Obviously I need to get my hands on a copy and read it : ) Great interview!
Jason Isaacs as Zach? Perfection. The Siren was an amazing read. Can’t wait to read the sequel!
Oooooh, this book sounds really good! It sounds like the the 3 dynamic relationships Nora has with these guys, feeds into the different aspects of her personality.
Both The Angel and The Prince are my most anticipated reads this year. Very excited!
Can’t wait to read this series!!!
The Siren is one of my top reads this year. I found it compelling, disturbing in many parts (took me out of my comfort zone several times) and very well-written. It kept me up way past my bedtime. Bravo. Thank you and Harlequin for having the bravery to write and publish this. I am sure that there will be many howls of outrage from several quarters which I dearly hope will not affect your telling of this story. We need books that challenge our perceptions and make us think beyond our preconceived notions. I am looking forward the next books very much.
Great interview! I was blown away by The Siren, no one warned me just how good it was going to be! I laughed, cried, yelled and fell in love with each of the characters! I cannot get Wesley out of my head as Jared Padalecki…so damn HOT! The emotions in the book will take you on a wild ride that you never want to get off!
The Siren is one of those books that I’m waiting for a large chunk of uninterrupted time to read, because I have a feeling once I start reading, I won’t be able to put it down. Looking forward to the series!
Slowly getting through The Siren and I love it so far. Whenever I have to put it down for the night I find myself peeking ahead a few pages to make sure things resolve themselves so I can sleep. I don’t do that with any other books. Tiffany once said that sex is the least interesting thing about her characters and she’s right. Each character has a reason to be there and it’s not just for “mommy porn”. Overall it’s a well thought story with layers. Great job! And yes, I hope I win a physical copy. Mostly so I can bop 50 Shades of Gray readers on the head. “Read this intead.” :)
Great Interview! I loved the Siren AND I loved all the prequels she wrote (to be read after the Siren) and posted on her website. Her writing is amazing and I just loved all her characters! I laughed, mostly because Nora is just incredibly witty, charming and hysterical…I cried, because when she said “I’ll fly” I came undone and knew then and there what Soren ment to her – how much she loved him, a love that is deeper than most can even fantasize about….and I yelled and got mad – seriously Nora, how could you!!! (we all know what parts I am referring to!!!)
One of the best books/series I have had the privilege of reading!
Oooh, a friend on Twitter recommended The Siren. I’m excited to read it! :)
I have heard so much about this book. It sounds different from my usual read and since I’m curently in a slump, this sounds just right. Thanks for the chance to read it.
This book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway :)
Fascinating! Thanks for sharing. This book is on my TBR list, I’ll admit. Not for the kinky-ness, but because it sounds interesting.
I feel like I am always so behind! I haven’t read The Siren yet but it is on my list to read this summer. Hey there is still a month left!
I haven’t read anything by Tiffany yet but it definitely sounds good! Thanks for the giveaway :-)
smaccall AT
I enjoyed the interview.
The books sound like good reading.
The Siren is magnificent. I’d love to have the paper version to prop up on my top bookshelf under a spotlight with a theme song of its own playing softly in the background.
If I don’t win it here (I hope, I hope, I hope!), I’ll have to go search it out at Target. Now that I know the paperbacks are out there, I just… want one. Great interview!!
I had no idea Ms. Reisz was a fanfic writer! I used to read fanfic like crazy! Great interview. I look forward to the Angel. :). Great interview.
I loved this book. Amazing detailed characters. A storyline that keeps you guessing until the last paragraph. Plus some Hot scenes. A must read.
Thanks for the great interview! I need to read this book, I would LOVE to win a physical copy! :)
Sounds fascinating. Would definitely like to read this one.
Thanks for the interview! I’ve read The Siren, twice, with weeks between readings. I needed that time to recover. This one doesn’t leave you alone after your done reading. I had to venture back in to find the answers to some of my most pressing questions. Did I find them? No, I’m still as spellbound as ever. Waiting, very impatiently, for the next book!
Which FanFic?!
And I want a physical copy of this rad book of delicious radness. PICK ME! .. because I’m sexy… and a writer…. and sexy..
Tiff – When I read the Old Bat part, I wanted to stand up and cheer. Keep writing your amazing characters and their fascinating stories. I will always be there snapping them up and devouring them with glee. Power to the kinky people! xo
Great interview! I love that you write what you want with no apologies, I can’t wait to read this! Thanks for the chance!
Hearing such great things about this book.Looking forward to reading it.Great interview.
Would love to have a copy and looking forward to more great books.
The Siren is on my wishlist but I am hesitant to take the plunge. I am not sure my heart can take the places it will have to go with this book based on what I have heard about it. I did like the interview – what a sassy and interesting person makes me think I should take the plunge based on personality alone.
I’ve heard lots of great things about this book! >.< I want! A blogger friend recommended it and it's definitely on my must read list! Woooh! Awesome interview! :))
Thanks for the chance at winning a copy. I’ve seen this book mentioned often on Twitter and would like to read it as it is outside my usual reading boundaries. Love to read something new every now and then :)
I’m looking forward to reading this book! :D
I never really heard of this author before but now i’m definitely interested! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the interview! I’ve heard so much about this book, I must get my hands on it somehow…
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Great interview. I have been wanting to read one of Tiffany’s books for a while. Especially since I am a Kentucky girl too. Thank you so much for the great post and for the giveaway.
It was an interesting interview and the story looks very unique.
If the Crazy Old Bat says this book shouldn’t be phblished, I want to read it!
the story is very unique for me, hope i get the chance to try it
Thanks, Tiffany and Mandi, for a great interview! I have read all of the Original Sinner stories – full-length, novella, and short story. I’m an unabashed
addictavid fan.Tiffany, you said, “A good writer makes you care about people who don’t exist.” You have done that with your Original Sinners. When the last page is read, they are still with me. I still think about them and hope that all of their dreams come true.
You mentioned your former lover, “B”. The small details you shared about him made me think of Søren. Was he your inspiration for that character?
Thank again, ladies! Great post!
Great interview and great summary of the book. I definitely want to read it.
This sounds like a book I would definitely love to read! I’ll buy it if I don’t win, but fingers crossed!
I have The Siren queued up on my Kindle for my next read. I am so happy to read that you loved it. I generally agree with the reviews I read here!
I would love to read this series. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.
Nice interview. The book sounds interesting.
I am freelance book reviewer for two different websites and I would LOVE to have a copy of this book (in kindle format) to read and review for my members.
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