Yesterday’s Heroes Heather Long
Paranormal (Superhero) Romance
Released: September 17, 2012
Carina Press
Reviewed by May
Favorite Quote: Pain-stiffened muscles slowed her, but she had spent too long training, too many hours preparing for danger to be caught with her pants down.
Despite not having any pants on.
Michael Hunter and his team were sent back in time, sent to prevent events that caused their world to become one without super heroes. One without hope. A world not worth living in. His latest mission is to kill target Rory Graystone – who happens to be a superhero and no helpless female at all. When he comes in contact with her both realize they have an undeniable chemistry between them, and Michael is overcome with the need to protect Rory – even if it is from his own team.
The sting was all the sweeter because her hand flattened against his shoulder blade, lingering. The sudden urge to flex the muscle beneath her shapely fingers struck him.
It was absurd. The desire to preen, to puff up, to demonstrate that he was everything she could want…
This story was incredibly interesting, engaging, steamy, and a lot of fun to read. The problem is, it reads like a prologue. At the end of the story we’re left with no satisfaction, nothing but questions. From who sent Michael and his team of “Boomers” back, to will this couple find true love, to how they’re going to save the world. We don’t know any of it!
I will confess, I detest time travel in my stories. It makes my head hurt with “well if I go back, but then what if me going back is exactly what triggers the bad stuff, but if I didn’t go back… but if I did then got stuck would I still be born and if…” yeah. I’m not a fan it hurts my head. So, moving beyond that aspect my issue is that this was an incredibly well developed and intriguing world, but it didn’t go anywhere beyond getting Rory and Michael satisfying their lust.
I find it very hard to grade this story, and as the author’s website has no information that I could find about future installments or the future of the series (assuming it is a series), I don’t know what, if any, satisfaction is to come. As promising of a start as this book was, it felt like a teaser and not a story that stood on its own.
Grade: C-
Recent Reviews:
Reading Reality – A-
Book-A-Holic Anon – 3/5
Kindle l Nook l Carina Press
Ya made me go look them up! I was not going to buy a book that had no ending! It looks like there are at least 3 planned. Info was here-
oh awesome – that information wasn’t there when I wrote the book (I looked at her website) – SO GLAD to know that more are planned for sure!