10. No Christmas miracles in my house this year. (link)
9. Jeaniene Frost has released the cover for book two in her Night Prince series, Twice Tempted, set to release March 26th. A few notes – she has now said this series will be a trilogy. Also, the next Bones and Cat book, Up From the Grave is coming winter 2013 (hoooooooray). I’m not really a fan of this cover, nor the step back –
I mean…come on. But..I did enjoy book one, so I’ll definitely be reading this one.
8. I posted yesterday the Top Ten Reasons you should read Leave Me Breathless by Cherrie Lynn. One of the reasons is because he has a pierced peen. A pierced winkie. A pierced dangly bit. His pork sword has something extra at the tip! When I mentioned this on Twitter, I got a lot of interest.
So if you want more heroes with pierced pintles, check this amazon list and this older post at Smart Bitches. (thx to Angela for the links!)
7. In case you missed it, Fiction Vixen has a great post on the Iced release party in NOLA, but even better, a recap of the Q&A done with Karen Marie Moning. Highlights:
Will we ever get Barrons POV again? KMM: ” He is the hardest POV to write so probably not, but never say never. It depends if he talks to me.
She wouldn’t answer “Why does Barrons hate the Fae so much?” She said it WILL be explained in further stories
We may never meet all of the 9, but we will learn more about a few! (Mandi wants them ALL to get books. LOL)
Some of the main characters will die in the next 5 books (Mandi says – Jo, right? *wink*)
* Dani’s Father is irrelevant. She confirmed that it is NOT Ryoden. (Thank the sweet universe!!!!!!)
Much more HERE.

It’s Movember y’all. The video above made me LOL. Thanks Claudia! In the words of the official website – “Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in the US and around the world. With their Mo’s, these men raise vital awareness and funds for men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.”
Every Movember, my husband chooses to grow a full beard (I don’t complain ladies – he actually always has a beard, but it gets extra full in November) but this Movember he is taking it one step further. You see here how Becks has the full beard but it’s made a break with his mustache?
Hubs is going for this look. This excites me. I think he needs to practice his smoldering look as well. And it’s all for a great cause. Go HERE to read more about Movember and see how to donate.
5. People Magazine has released their Sexiest Man Alive 2012 issue. It’s Channy Tay Tay for the win! Now I love me some Channy. But I saw a picture later in the week that made Channy look like a little 12 year old. We will get to it in a minute. I do love to watch him dance though. Also, why is he wearing a shirt in that pic? SIGH People Magazine. #Fail. (lose the pants too).
In other sexy man breaking news:
GQ has named Chris Hemsworth the Man of the Year. Yes, I loved him as Thor, but I say we can’t give him this title until we actually see his big hammer. The real deal.
And finally, Salon has named their Sexiest Man of 2012:
Minnesota Vikings punter, Chris Kluwe. Yes he is a cutie, but even better he is very outspoken for marriage equality. Same-sex marriage just passed in my home state of Maryland this election (HOORAY!!!) and I find anyone this passionate about equal rights, very sexy indeed.
(oh hey, Ryan Lochte was in the sexiest man alive issue too..don’t want to deflate anyone’s lady boners though.)
4. Wait! I’m not done with sexy men yet! People Magazine also gave us the sexiest man by State. Maryland gets Edward Norton, who I find a great actor…sexy? Eh. It’s not fair Hawaii gets Jason Momoa!! Or Texas get Matt Bomer! South Dakota – you get Tom Brokaw. Lucky ducks!
Go HERE for full list and see which sexy man your state gets.
3. Now for MY pick of the sexiest man. Or at least the sexiest picture I’ve seen this year. Joe Manganiello tweeted this pic of himself as he films the movie Ten.
Oh sweet universe!!! Joe M. I’ve been a bad, bad girl – come hunt me down.And everyone has been making fun of his cornrows. LADIES. Look south of the hair. The good stuff takes place down below. Rawr. He is now the wallpaper and lock screen on my phone. My lady bits tingle every time I turn my phone on now.
2. So I know I talk about Jon Hamm a lot. This isn’t a problem, is it? I didn’t think so. Anyway, last week I posted that Jon’s girlfriend told him he wasn’t allowed to go out in public anymore without underwear because he can’t contain the free swinging beast of a peen he has. What a bitch! (I kid I kid – I don’t).
But The Hammaconda made ANOTHER appearance this week. This time it appears Mr Hamm may have had a few too many cocktails, and he was…swinging to the right. You can see for yourself HERE. It’s a free country Jon Hamm! You burn those undies and let the Hammaconda roam free, fine sir.
1. This weekend I’m going to read Heated Match by Lynne Silver and Ice Cold by Cherry Adair. What’s on your reading agenda? I’m putting THIS book on my TBR pile. What?
Have a great Friday!!!
“I’ve been a bad, bad girl – come hunt me down”
LOLOLOL Me too!!
His gun is big enough for both of us.
Jesus, all these lists make me dizzy or is it all these hotties? :)
Hammaconda? Omg, I spilled my tea! lol I can see already the signs “Free the Hammaconda!”
Too many hotties to fill all the lists! LOLOL
His pork sword has something extra at the tip!
you’re too much.
I’m surprised I can still say things that surprise you. LOLOL. Don’t you know me at all!?! ;)
I love your top tens! Thanks for staying on top of the Jon Hamm situation ;)
John Cusack is the sexiest man for Illinois. Maybe I need to move.
Ooh..I’d move there for him. LOL
Another great list with hot menz! Granddaddy!
Ryodan is NOT Dani’s granddaddy!! Stop freaking me out. LOLOLOLOL
I don’t even know where to start, Mandi. Hammaconda may be my favorite word from this post.
(Still drooling over Joe M.)
I stole Hammaconda from someone on Twitter – maybe Moira Rogers….It made me LOL for a long time.
The Hammaconda really is turning out to be the gift that keeps on giving! Weekly! I bought Leave Me Breathless, sounds just like what I need :D
The Hammaconda wants to give us all a good show. Every week!
WOOT! NC gets Dexter don’t mess with NC or we will cut you… into pieces! also I have never heard the term pork sword. Thank you for that one. Jo is so going to die. I finished ICED and really liked it. Dani gets on everyone of my last nerves, but by the end of the book she is tolerable. I am Team Christian ;)
I liked Dani more than I thought I would. Jo totally needs to go away. And Christian is…interesting. LOL. I like him.
I’m scared of NC now!
wipes jaw up from looking at all the hot men :)
*passes towel*
It’s a rare Friday I don’t laugh out loud at least once reading your Smexy Top Ten!
Hey thanks! ;)
Eh, all the men of the year are ugly. SO not my taste :/
:( 2012, not a good year for hot men for you?
Very underwhelming People cover. I have seen enough pics of Channing to know why he was chosen but that photo does not show off any of his known assets.
I know! Total bummer.
I may or may not have been looking at pics of my beautiful Matt Bomer yesterday and realized he grew up and went to high school like 15 miles away from me. I think Texas definitely got the most beautiful man!
Oh wow! You need to stalk him or something now. Is he coming home for Thanksgiving?? LOLOL
I had to come on here to say YOU CRACK ME UP. THank you :)
hehe…glad I could entertain for a few minutes :)
I WILL be picking up a copy of GQ! *sigh*
Right?? Yes. :)
Your Top Ten always brings the sexy men :) I love that you never disappoint me :)
It is a hardship looking for all of the hotness ;)
OK, I had to click through to see the sexy from my home state of Nebraska. Sigh. Really? Then I went on a hunt and found out that Larry the Cable Guy is from Nebraska. I now must turn to wine for my depression. Thanks a lot Mandi! :)
Giggles. Nebraska must have some really hot, strapping farm boys, right??
Also, totally jealous of Rhode Island for having Charlie Day. I love him.
MIAMI, MISTLETOE and MURDER by Katie Reus (October 31, 2012)….her hero Travis Sanchez has a pierced peen…..hap(penis) all around…*sigh*
OH REALLY??? I must check this out! (Hapenis just made me smile too!)
And yet another reason DC needs statehood now. No congressional/senate representation AND no Sexiest man in People.
But I will admit to liking your number 10 of the week best.
LOL..#10 is a very true statement ;)
Okay, I have been staring at the stepcover for a few minutes, and I still cannot figure out the legs.
Thanks for all those hot men Mandi! I hope they go international next year ;)
Does he have 3 legs???
Missouri sexist man is John Hamm!!! I wish that i was in high school drama class!
OMG…can you imagine? I wonder if he wore underwear in high school…
I totally laughed out loud! It amazed me that some of your top tens were some mof my fav things too! Lynn Cherie and Iced..YAY!! Thanks I will be following you…
We have good taste! ;)