Welcome and thanks for joining us along the virtual book tour for Dirty Laundry, the latest release in the Tucker Springs series! Leave a comment below and you’ll be entered to win a $10 gift card to Riptide Publishing! Turning it over to Heidi Cullinan now!
Small Town, Gay Bar
Tucker Springs is a small town, and it has a gay bar.
It has two, actually, as referenced in the first novel in the series (Where Nerves End by LA Witt). In Dirty Laundry Denver works Lights Out, the bar featured in Where Nerves End and owned by one of the characters. The bar has actually shown up in all three books so far, and it’s one of my favorite settings.
Years ago I watched a documentary called Small Town, Gay Bar, and I recommend you find it on Netflix or wherever you can get your hands on it. In Tucker Springs gay is totally okay, but in most small towns this is of course not necessarily the case. The documentary shows how gay bars can be an oasis of acceptance in places where it’s otherwise impossible.
Lights Out doesn’t have that heavy a responsibility, but as a recurring setting, it’s starting to become holy to me. Like Babylon in Queer as Folk, Lights Out is the place where everyone congregates, where magic happens. It’s still an oasis of acceptance, but in Tucker Springs it’s simply a celebration, a home away from home.
I hope you enjoy visiting our gay bar in Dirty Laundry–we go there a lot this time, and several scenes are steamy. May you feel as at home inside its walls as we do.
The course of true love doesn’t always run clean. But sometimes getting dirty is half the fun.
Entomology grad student Adam Ellery meets Denver Rogers, a muscle-bound hunk of sexy, when Denver effortlessly dispatches the drunken frat boys harassing Adam at the Tucker Springs laundromat. Thanking him turns into flirting, and then, much to Adam’s delight, hot sex over the laundry table.
Though Denver’s job as a bouncer at a gay bar means he gets his pick of geek-sexy college twinks, he can’t get Adam out of his head. Adam seems to need the same rough play Denver does, and it’s damn hard to say no to such a perfect fit.
Trouble is, Adam isn’t just shy: he has obsessive compulsive disorder and clinical anxiety, conditions which have ruined past relationships. And while Denver might be able to bench-press a pile of grad students, he comes from a history of abuse and is terrified of getting his GED. Neither Denver nor Adam want to face their dirty laundry, but to stay together, they’re going to have to come clean.
Dirty Laundry is part of the Tucker Springs universe.
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Heidi Cullinan has always loved a good love story, provided it has a happy ending. She enjoys writing across many genres but loves above all to write happy, romantic endings for LGBT characters because there just aren’t enough of those stories out there. When Heidi isn’t writing, she enjoys cooking, reading, knitting, listening to music, and watching television with her husband and ten-year-old daughter. Heidi also volunteers for her state’s LGBT rights group, One Iowa, and is proud to be from the first midwestern state to legalize same-sex marriage.
Find out more at www.heidicullinan.com.
I look forward to reading this. I enjoyed Second Hand.
Thanks for the tip on the documentary–sounds like one to check out!
I just purchased Second Hand and would love to continue with the series. Great post!
I’m excited to read this! I haven’t read any of the Tucker Springs books, but I have Second Hand on my e-reader. Awesome post, Heidi!
Looking forward to the day when real life is more like Tucker Springs where gay is totally okay.
I just bought this book today! It’s fantastic so far! Highly recommend…
That is just an interesting documentary! I will have to look it up! Congrats on your new release!
OceanAkers @ aol.com
This sounds intriguing.
I’ll definitely have to check that documentary out, it sounds really interesting.
Thanks for your post.
strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com
I’m looking forward to the full length version because I enjoyed the short so much :-)
smaccall AT comcast.net
I have read both Second Hand and Dirty Laundry this week and loved them both. Yes, there are several very steamy scenes at the bar, one in particular… ;)
In reading Second Hand, I wondered about this very accepting and idyllic small town. It seems to be a modern version of Mayberry or River City. Not that that’s a bad thing – it’s just not “real”. Thank goodness for fiction!
Aw… I’ll have to check out that movie… Sounds so nice I really need to get this.