Sealed With a Curse by Cecy Robson (Weird Girls #1)
Urban Fantasy
December 31, 2012
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: Misha tore off his pants in a way that would shame Magic Mike.
The Wird sisters, (weird sisters, get it?) all have a different power. Celia can mainly change into a Tigress but if say, a bunny brushes up against her she involuntary changes into that (hey that’s weird!) Her other sisters, Taran (the snarky one, Emme the quiet,shy one and Shayna (snarky and super hot) can turn wood into weapons, heal, telepath and other odd abilities. They were cursed before they were born, so they all came out with weird abilities, which freaked out their parents so they were raised in foster care. They are all nurses and they live happily together.
When the book starts, they are brought before the vampire court for killing a vampire (who was harming one of the sisters). They make it out of court alive and free, although the vampires want more. Celia is asked by Misha, one of the head vampires to help him out with a problem. Vampires in his family are going into bloodlust, where they basically go insane with needing to feed. Misha feels one of the other head vampires is behind this, and since Celia doesn’t really have many ties to the supernatural world, he feels he can trust her more. Plus he can feel her immense power and thinks she might be useful. While Celia ponders this, she also sees and is immediately attracted to Aric, the head werewolf. He of course hates Misha and immediately feels the need to protect Celia. His wolf trainees all become enamored with Celia’s sisters, making it one big messy, romantic family. Celia decides to help Misha, Aric gets involved and much drama and fun times ensue.
The author is tricky in this book. And I’m probably going into spoiler territory so beware. At the beginning we are introduced to the uber-sexy, sleek vampire Misha. But Celia also has a moment where she catches the eye of the very sexy werewolf Aric. Immediately I thought – Ugh. Love triangle. Whhhyyy. But the book was cute so I kept going. And what I love is that – the heroine falls for Aric, not Misha. Misha pursues her (it does make me roll my eyes that every hot dude falls at his feet for this heroine..who doesn’t think she is pretty and has only had one boyfriend ever. Why does this happen all the time in romance books?). But Celia declines him. Gasp and shock! Yes – she declines his advances. There is no wishy-washy crap. I may have cheered a little. The author even plays a trick on us for a few pages making us think Misha and Celia are bound together forever after a certain incident only to find out she is pulling our chain. I approve. (Although I really hope we don’t get pulled back into a triangle in the second book…)
That being said, I have mixed feelings about Aric. Oh he is mighty, mighty sexy with that low, rumbly voice. But certain times their romance felt awkward and stilted. There are times where he was trying to romance Celia and a hot woman calls him. Celia becomes hurt and confused by all these women in his life only to just let it all go. I wanted to see him explain all of his dates? Or have Celia ask him to stop dating or something. And Celia becomes very unsure of herself as she thinks of all the women Aric has dated and how they were all probably purebred Werewolf. He would act all weird around her, or not give her straight answers, yet one bat of his eyelash and she was swooning and forgetting all the bimbos he slept with. And then every time they are about to kiss his phone rings or someone interrupts. Every. Time. It got really annoying.
But, but but. Overall I did like this one. It’s funny and light-hearted, yet still has that great gruesome urban fantasy action. At one point Celia accidentally touches a chicken (which makes her turn into a chicken) with Aric next to her.
“Are you all right?”
I nodded my damn chicken head and prayed- prayed like the world and all the victims of war, famine, and disease counted on it. God….please don’t let me lay an egg. Now now.
The sisters have a nice relationship although I found it odd they all fall in love with werewolves really easily in this book. Their relationships with their new partners entertained me but I was kind of hoping each sister would get a book, but I think book two continues with Celia.
Rating: B-
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I’ve got to admit you had me sold at the pun with their last names. I’m willing to give this a try just based on that.
I do think I wanna give these sisters a chance
I had initially hoped each sister would get her own book as well. That was partly why I was so surprised when they all matched up so easily.