Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost (Night Prince #2)
March 26, 2013
Paranormal Romance
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: “I forgive you, but only because you said please.”
Smartass I thought. Then I groaned at the instant chorus of “Please!” mixed with cries for release from Vlad’s prisoners. No wonder he got so sick of the world.
“I’m only merciful to one person a day,” he threw over his shoulder. “As the saying goes, today isn’t your day and tomorrow doesn’t look good, either.”
I was so happy when Jeaniene Frost announced she was doing a spin-off series featuring Vlad. Even more happy after I read book one, Once Burned and really enjoyed it. In that book we are introduced to our heroine Leila, who has the ability to shoot electricity through her right hand (comes in handy when she needs to slash a naughty vampire in half) and also, if she touches an object, she can read the impressions of whomever touched it last. She meets and falls for the cranky badass vampire, Vlad. He whisks her away to his castle in Romania, where corpses litter the yard and the dungeon is full of “guests” waiting for their torture. Although he tells her time and time again he is not someone lovable, she falls in love anyway. So at dinner when he “proposes” she is devastated to find out he proposes to have her become a vampire, rather than his wife. Humiliated, she flees back to the states and to Marty and her former side circus show. But when a trailer at the show explodes, Leila starts to realize it may not have been an accident and someone may be after her. Vlad, fearing she is dead, comes looking for her too. They reunite (hooray!) and he drags her back to his castle again (did I mention he is a bit on the alpha side?) where more drama and explosions occur.
This is a fun book/series. Jeaniene Frost writes both Vlad and Lelia so well. She really makes Vlad an alpha ass, yet so sexy and lovable. He is fierce and strong and just bad tempered. And Leila can be just as fierce and stubborn – which makes their relationship so much fun.
The beginning is a tad slow for me, probably because Vlad is out of the picture just for a short time and I was antsy for him to be back in Leila’s life. We get a nice new mystery in this one, as someone is trying to kill Leila and others around Vlad may not be whom they seem. But what really engaged me is Vlad and Leila’s relationship. By the end of book one she admits to being in love with him. While deep down he returns this love, he is scared that when she discovers the real him – all the violent things he has done and his past and he continues to do in the present, she will flee. That is hard for him to admit because he has a big dose of cockiness flowing through him. But he has had other lovers not able to handle the real him. But Leila is not your average girl and she recognizes the good qualities he has, including fierce loyalty to those he trusts.
Leila knows that he has lived to be 500 years old because he is ruthless. She does plea with him in this book to show remorse to those that deserve it in her eyes..and he learns to relent somewhat. I love her attitude – she is feisty and stubborn but not overbearing. She is strong and a woman you want to root for. Her immature sister got on my nerves in this book, but I did like the storyline with her father.
The setting,action and romance all works for me in this book. And I like how it ends too!
Rating: B+
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Great review. I may read this one. I wasn’t a huge fan of book one but this one sounds better.
Oh I loved this one. Even better than the first one. Vlad is so bad. How does Frost make him so likable? Loved!!
I also love Leila’s attitude. She’s the perfect amount of sassy, stubborn, and compassionate to go up against someone like Vlad who can easily take over any scene he’s in.