Tori reviewed this previously for Smexy. Then May, Helyce and I all read the book and we wanted to talk about it too!
If you want a sure way to become an “ Old Lady” to a motorcycle man, here is a plan you can follow.. (and just to be clear, I’m Tack’s Old Lady so y’all better just step back).
10. Tease him with lusting looks and the tip of your pink tongue for years. Then get engaged to someone else.
“Don’t answer my question, baby.” he said softly and watched her swallow then lick her upper lip.
Jesus. Shit.
He’d never seen her do that. Definitely not this close. The tip of that pink tongue on the perfection of that rosy lip.
Tori: I enjoyed the prologue. The friction was delish and seeing Shy watch what his misjudgment created helped me to get more into his head. I would have enjoyed seeing some POV from Tabby during that time though. The give and take would have cemented those scenes for me.
May: I really liked how we were given glimpses of the interactions (or lack thereof) between these two, and how we see mostly through Shy’s eyes how our heroine goes from rebellious teen to woman in love.
Helyce: The prologue was rough for me. I didn’t like the jumps in time. I understand that we could not see Tabby grow up “real time” but I didn’t like it. I also didn’t get that Tab had been in love with Shy for all that time.
Mandi: The prologue is 40 pages long in this book spanning at least three years. That was odd, but I guess necessary for us to understand Tabby’s teenage crush on Shy to where she stands with him as an adult.
Also, I’ve tried licking my lip in front of my husband and he doesn’t seem to have the same reaction as Shy. WTF?
Tori: My husband always asks me if I have something caught in my teeth.
9. Have a dead fiance and use Shy to rebuild your life – as friends only. Make sure to cook him bad food and sing musicals to him….Aka I dreamed a dream!
“I dreamed a dream, Shy.”
“You’ll dream more dreams, baby.”
“I’ll never dream,” she whispered, her voice lost, tragic.
“We’ll get you to a dream, honey,” he promised, pulling her closer.
Tori: I liked the slow move they make from enemies to friends. It allows the relationship to grow without feeling like it’s based on nothing but a sexual attraction. I wasn’t happy he never mentioned Rosalie because if they were true friends, he would have spoken up. So it felt like he was hiding her from Tabby. The musical scene was sweet and the fact that Tabby can’t cook when the rest of her family can made me happy for some reason.
May: This was really fantastic to me, because it let them get to know each other before getting physical. I think for this couple and story, this was really well done. Well, everything except the fact that Shy was also keeping a serious but secret girlfriend at the same time.
Helyce: I really like this time period when Shy was the good friend and supporter. I think Tabby really needed him to be there for her exactly like that. They form a strong friendship which is really necessary and, I think, makes the relationship stronger.
Mandi: I love that Tabby lies (innocently) in Shy’s bed and sings him a les miserable song. We needed to see this side of Shy. What I didn’t like as this progresses is how everyone starts to dump on Jason (her dead fiancé). Tabby questioning if he would have made her truly happy, etc. Don’t dump on the dead.
8. Let the word out you are leaving town for a new job.
“Shut the door, Tabby,” he ordered.
“Shy, what–?”
“Shut the fucking door, Tabby!” he roared and watched her face pale as she shut the door and turned to him.
“Okay, Shy, calm down. We’ll talk,” she said gently.
“You leavin?” he asked.
“I..” she hesitated, licked her fucking lip and, Christ, that him him straight in his dick like that always hit him straight in his dick. “Yes, Shy,” she admitted. “I was gonna call you next week. Talk to you. Tell you what’s–”
He cut her off, “You’re not leavin’ “
Tori: I wasn’t jumping for joy with this scene. I felt Shy was still playing her. He told her to get it together and basically accept he has a girlfriend yet when she attempts to do that, he becomes angry. Is she suppose to stand there and watch him with another woman-knowing how she feels?. Then when she agrees to stay, he dumps Rosalie like a bad habit and does some mattress dancing with Tabby. Not cool in my book. Yet, there was a small part of me was going, “wooohoooo…smexytimes!!” *I’m such a hores* (Mandi *nods her head and says she is a hore too)
I also would have liked a bit more development with the whole Rosalie situation. Shy dumps her and they see her, see her pain, and that’s it.
May: This is the one part of the story that I really disliked. I felt that it made her look weak (that she just changed her plan like that), and with all the time they took to work around other issues it was straight up gross that he was dating Rosalie, then switched ladies in his bed within the span of an hour. Yuck!
Helyce: Ok, I’m totally in the minority here. I think my reaction here was “yes, finally”. Perhaps it comes from the fact that I felt like it took forever for them to get busy; but I was not thinking about Rosalie at this time. I thought this scene was super hot, they remembered the condom and I was good with that. As for Rosalie, yeah, I felt bad for her when they meet up at the mall, but I thought Shy’s reaction to her hurt was appropriate. He felt something, didn’t just blow it all off.
Mandi: Dude. Don’t have sex until you know for sure he broke up with Rosalie!! Control your hormones people. I didn’t like this part. It would have taken Tabby 5 seconds to ask Shy if he had broke up with Rosalie, and she doesn’t until after they have sex. Later in the book they run into Rosalie at the mall, and I did kind of like the fact that Rosalie is still really hurt over how it all went down. It wasn’t all roses on her end and I liked that.
7. Have dirty, dirty sex and make him wait until you orgasm. Don’t tell anyone in MC or family you are doing such dirty things.
“You,” he growled, the sound of his rumbling, deep, harsh, voice like a touch. “In my bed,” he finished and my heart flipped.
Four words.
Four words that said everything.
He wanted me there.
He’d wanted me there for a while.
Tori: I found the sex scenes hot I will admit, they did get a bit repetitious. I felt the whole, “lets keep this a secret” to be over dramatized. Tyna severely disappointed me with her holier than thou attitude. I was super glad when Tabby stood her ground and let her know just how terrible she was acting. I did enjoy the MC’s reactions to Shy and Tabby. I felt Tack’s anger and Shy’s feelings of betrayal and could understand to. I also loved how Shy bucks against the brother’s notion that they control their old ladies. When he tells them he and Tabby don’t play that…*swoon*
May: I don’t think it was all that dirty, to be honest I found the sex scenes to be dull. I just didn’t get the rockin’, dirty, smokin’ hot smexy time I expect from her. Now I totally was on-board with the “let’s keep this quiet for a bit”, but they did it really badly going out and kissing outside and such. They should have fessed up and sooner.
Helyce: I understood why they needed to keep it from the club and Tack, but I was upset over Tyra’s reaction to it all. Tabby had had that conversation with her already about singing to him and waking up in Shy’s arms and liking it. Tyra should have had a clue. I have mixed feelings about the brothers’ reaction to the news. Was it because Tabby was Tack’s daughter or because he kept it a secret? Were they upset because Shy was kind of a man whore before? Maybe I missed something.
Mandi: I was happy with the sex scenes. Shy’s constant – wait for me to orgasm- oh Shy. You sexy beast.I think the build up to them were good and she gave us just enough to keep me interested. I liked that they kept their relationship a secret for awhile, knowing just how bossy her father would get when he found out. I think Tack’s reaction, the MC’s reaction and Shy’s feeling of betrayal over the fact they would kick him out well done too. Really enjoyed the scene where Tack gives Shy his blessing too. Oh Daddy Tack!!! You are the bestest.
6. Attempt to become BFFs with Shy’s brother, which is difficult to do with Shy glaring from behind…
“Look at me, what do you see?” he growled and when Landon didn’t answer, he repeated his demand, “What do you see?”
Oh God.
I didn’t know whether to feel elated because I knew what Shy thought Landon would see of terrified because I didn’t want a bust-up to happen in Fortnum’s bookstore, not with a crazy guy behind the counter. He’d side with Landon and Shy would be outnumbered.
My eyes shifted to Landon to see him taking us in then they moved to Shy’s face.
“I see it, Park,” he said softly.
Tori: I enjoyed meeting Shy’s brother and catching a deeper glimpse into his life beyond the MC. I have to agree with May about the lack of individualism that seems to be missing in regards to our protagonists. I addressed that in my review in OTW and Raid. Neither had many outside friends or hobbies. I don’t count Natalie. The streamlining KA is doing is taking away some of the crack that made her stories so addictive. For goodness sakes, we don’t even know what kind of car Tabby drives.
May:I really liked getting to see Shy’s brother and getting to know about his past. It was one of my favorite aspects of this story. I must say though, it made me wish that KA had given Shy and Tabby each more personality, more individuality. We get none of their interests or quirks, Tab has no real girlfriends to hang with and Shy isn’t super close with any brothers in particular
Helyce: Yes, that is an interesting point May and I didn’t really think about it while I read. I loved Landon’s character. I liked that he was skeptical of Tabby having only heard Shy’s side of it all, but I did like their relationship and getting some back story. I spent a lot of time wondering who Landon would end up with, but nothing ever came to me.
Mandi: That is a good point May. I wish we had seen Shy in scenes with his MC buds more. The scenes with his brother are nice and I did like the backstory with their parents and uncle. I like that Shy has his MC family and his brother as family and how they play off of each other.
5. Deal with Daddy Tack
“You had dinner?”
“Buyin’ my girl dinner. See you at Lincoln’s in twenty.”
Tori: I found this scene more in line with the KA of old. Full descriptive scenes and some good old Tack-isms. I love Tack. I’m glad he and Tabby were able makeup as adults.
May: The scenes with Daddy Tack were awesome. When he has dinner with his baby girl – I loved it and seeing how he comes to terms with her growing up and making her own choices.
Helyce: I loved this scene as well. I love that Tabby stood up to Tack and was very adult and not a yelling or over emotional woman.
Mandi: Oh Daddy Tack!! This man can just do no wrong in my eyes. I adored seeing him as a father and future father in law in this book. The way he treats Tabby – realizing she is an adult but still being protective was well done. I also love Tabby and Tyra’s relationship and how Ty-Ty is the buffer between crazy alpha Tack and when he needs to be gentler, daddy Tack.
4. MC dudes – don’t “do laundry babe”
“Did I get a biker badass who’s great at serving up orgasms and has a natural talent with sweet, or did I get that and an unpaid laundress job?” I’d asked irately the last time I came back from the Laundromat to see Shy in front of the TV with a beer.
“Don’t do laundry, babe,” he told the TV.
Not me, the TV. He didn’t look at me, and he certainly didn’t look at the hamper I was lugging in.
Tori: I was torn between laughing and wanting Tabby to ask him if he did clean clothing.
May: This is Tack’s daughter, right? How is this a surprise, was my thought.
Helyce: Dammit Mandi, I shouldn’t read your comment until I type mine out! Seriously, “strong suction”? I don’t even remember what I was going to say here.
Mandi: My favorite line is after Tabby gets all pissed and Shy refuses to back down, she calls Tyra and Tyra says, “Kane Allen is not a man who vacuums floors.” In real life this would not be fun, but in fiction – with a MC book – I love this mentality. Is that wrong? I’d love to vacuum Tack’s..err..floors. I have strong suction. What?
3. Your enemies will have blowback..aka..The beating of Dr. Dickhead
So I whispered, “You beat up Dr. Dickhead.”
“Yeah,” he copped immediately.
I blinked.
Tori: This scene came out of nowhere for me. I had actually forgotten about Dr. Dickhead. Not surprising it happened but surprised Tabby was surprised. I mean, she grew up in this culture…why would she be surprised by all this?
May: *shrugs* douchebags gonna get beat down.
Helyce: I actually thought he didn’t do it. I thought Landon did it since Tabby wasn’t telling Shy any of it and Landon seemed to be keeping her secret. Ah, I could have done without this part, but I understand it’s purpose. But like May’s comment for #4; this action on Shy’s part should not have come as a surprise.
Mandi: This is the way the culture works in a MC (at least I assume) and Shy feels no obligation to explain himself to Tabby. He did what he thought was right, Dr Dickhead knows what’s what and that is the end of it. I think her going to Tack and him explaining it and her accepting it worked well for me.
2. MC will have your back – even if you have druggie friends. But don’t hire outside help. Ever.
“She wants an extraction which means, she’s your girl, she gets one.” His hands pressed gently into my jaws as he emphasized, “One, Tab. I know these assholes, and Chaos is gonna buy a shitload of trouble for intervening.”
Suddenly, I had scores of worries and one was my mind suddenly dredging up the word firepower.
Tori: Natalie. What a *&^%$#@*^ Frankly, I found her too abrasive, rude, trashy, and dumb. I didn’t understand why Tabby didn’t kick her to the curb. I felt it was a cheap way to bring Hawk and Lee into the storyline and cement their involvement. I did like the arc advancement but…cheap way to introduce it. And WTH with Elvira. Why have we not seen her boyfriend or gotten the story behind it?
May: This was another part that just didn’t work out for me. It clearly is a way to introduce new danger for future book(s), I don’t think the whole Natalie plotline added anything except some WTF-ery. I wish Tabby had even one real or true friend.
Helyce: I hated the Natalie plot line. I would have preferred her turning up dead somewhere even as harsh as that sounds. (Oh God, please don’t have her get all reformed and hook up with Landon). It served it’s purpose though and now we have the story arc with Benito and all that. Which brought Rush more into the forefront and I like Rush. He’s got something going on. And Joker-yummy Joker. Oh, sorry, off topic. Tabby writes Natalie off, so maybe that’s the last we heard of her. I liked the PI part-and while it caused some problems, ultimately I enjoyed the side story and how the MC handled the killer.
Mandi: I like that we now have bad drug guys presenting danger in upcoming books but I felt the Natalie storyline to be weak. I didn’t like it. It felt forced just to set up this new danger. Like May, I wanted Tabby to have a friend she could actually count on. She must have a “normal” friend out there, right?? Also with Tabby hiring the PI to investigate Shy. Another lesson she had to learn. You would think growing up Chaos she would know not to hire an outside source to investigate internal affairs, but it does show she is young and in love. I like how they handled the guy that killed Shy’s parents.
1. Finally you get a ring and a wedding!
“We’re getting married,” I whispered.
“Yeah,” he replied, still grinning.
“We’re getting married,” I repeated.
“Yeah, babe, and I like it that you like the way those words taste in your mouth, but I’d like it more if you’d shut up and kiss me.”
I didn’t kiss him. I said, “We’re getting married.”
Shy went quiet then he let my hand go so he could cup my jaw as he dipped his face close. “Yeah, Tabby, baby. We’re getting married.”
Tori: I liked it as that was the HEA I wanted but I also felt like we missed something. I wanted more. The skipping ahead irritated me and I felt the transition was abrupt. It threw me out of the story a little. I missed all the mundane and external data that woul dhave been shown in an earlier book *sigh* I wanted to see her SQUEEEE with Tyna. I wanted to see her inducted into the girl group and dress in a little dress and drink martinis. I wanted see Tack and Shy come get their woman and go home and have drunk sex.
May: Eh, by this point in the book I was done. The last minute war/drug dealer/etc. had me more interested and I really didn’t care how Tabby and Shy wrapped their HEA up. Don’t get me wrong – this is a cracktastic world of awesomeness. I just never got invested in this couple.
Helyce: I liked the ending and thought it was romantic too. I was pretty tired of the Shy-speak at this point…run on sentences and repetitive dialogue aside, I liked the HEA. I’m dying to know what the deal is with Lanie-I can’t picture her with Hop so we’ll see how that goes.
Mandi: I thought the end was so romantic and sweet. Too bad I still want to hump Daddy Tack. *dreamy sigh*
And now we wait for Fire Inside, which will feature Hop and Lanie – we got sneak peeks into their relationship in this one. Hop is described with a big ole’ mustache. Some are concerned he won’t be sexy enough..but if anyone can make a guy who might looks like this…
…sexy, it’ Kristen Ashley.
(I think it looks like Freddy Mercury…sorry)
I’m going to pretend I never saw that picture. I don’t want that to be what I’m imagining while reading Lanie and Hop. Um, no.
hahaha..we are evil
Lol, great advice/commentary ladies! My biggest disappointment was no “greedy” times with Tack and Tyra. Just one would have set me straight. ;)
*whispers* Perv.
Mmmm…gimme some Greedy P. I now need to reread MM
Me too!
agreed. Even if it had just been him whispering about her greediness in a darkened corner… I need to re-read the goodness that is Tack.
Love this whole thing! Glad you guys felt the same way I did about the whole Rosalie thing. Not cool.
This line is so me:
“I thought the end was so romantic and sweet. Too bad I still want to hump Daddy Tack. *dreamy sigh”
Daddy Tack. I might always have to call him that now.
yes. Daddy Tack…. somehow for him, it works.
I’ve had the hardest time picturing Hop with his mustache. After seeing that picture, I”m afraid that’s all I’ll see when his book is released. Mustaches do very little for me, and the fact that Hop’s sounds like it’s gigantic, I’m a little concerned, lol!
Many are afraid to picture Hop. We’ll see…the excerpt at the end of Own the Wind was good so I’ll keep my fingers crossed Hop will be a hottie
Argh. That picture. Noooooo!!!
Maybe he is wearing short shorts too
No. Just no.
‘I still want to hump Daddy Tack’ Snort! Love me some Tack. I just downloaded this to Kindle, SOooo looking forward to reading after you girls rundown.
Yeah, I was right there with you wanting MORE friends and family time for both characters. I’m re-reading the Burg books now and I was cracking up loving the scenes where Mike and the guys (Cal, Layne, Colt, Ryker, et al) get together and talk about their women, their problems, cakes, etc. Those kinds of scenes work on so many levels to make KA books ROCK!
Plus, Natalie was in no way a KA bestie! I couldn’t believe that she was pretty much all Tab had in the way of a friend. Excuse me? WTH??!
I really enjoyed the book, don’t get me wrong, but I’m worried that there’s too much push against details and extras now that she’s got a professional editor/publisher. Please don’t cut out all the goodness!!
It will be interesting to see if the “details and extras” are in the next one…
I hope they are! I don’t need to know the entire layout of every house or the color of the nail polish on every woman in the story, but I like a good deal more than was in OTW.
The one thing that has puzzled me throughout my 2 readings of Own the Wind: Why did she call Shy in chapter 1? Given the “shit” he handed out in the prologue and the situation she’d found herself in, why call him?
I guess because she knew she could count on him to come get her? But yeah – she could have called pretty much anyone probably.
It’s an obvious plot contrivance and somewhat clumsily done (imho), which is unusual because KA can be very obvious in her plotting, but is rarely clumsy in her use of contrivances. That said… the book overall was a fun ride and gave me many moments of gleeful smiling.
BTW, the girl posse thing: I expect that Tabby’s will grow a posse as new “old ladies” are brought into the Chaos fold. Other than Lanie that is, who is Tyra’s BFF. Don’t forget that Joker and Rush have books to come out and they’re Tabby’s contemporaries. ;)
Oh yessss…I want Joker and Rush’s books!!! I love this world.
Joker for the win.
I agree that Tabby needed friends beyond Natalie but I don’t think being added to Tyra’s set would have worked. That set is in their 40’s now and even though they can pass along wisdom Tabby needed her own group. I love her relationship with Tyra but Tyra is, in all that matters, her mom.
I think we all have a Natalie in our lives – maybe not to that extent but that one friend that we just can set aside because of history or whatever. Sometimes they redeem themselves, sometimes not. I kept waiting for her to pop up again and didn’t find the way it was done as forced but I did find the intro to the external conflict a bit contrived.
Overall a good book but I felt that KA’s voice was muted in this one. Maybe the fact that she’s working with a publishing house has something to do with this.
I’m going to have to ask Tori if she thinks KA’s voice is muted in this one..I’ve heard several say that and I have not read her backlist like Tori has. Interesting.
I think we all have a Nat in our lives too..I just wish Nat had been more fleshed out in this book.
I enjoyed reading everyones take on different parts of the book. It just goes to show you that every reader will have a different opinion. I love KA’s books & I will be reading this one.
Hope you enjoy!
I really enjoyed OtW. But there was definitely something missing. The lack of friends for Tab was an issue for me. One of the great things about KA books is that there is always a strong female relationship going on too. Tyra and Lanie come to mind. Bringing in hawk and Lee felt a little forced.
The new editing process has definitely scaled down on the little minute details that make us love KA books. Although we did learn that Shy is left handed. As a lefty, I pay attention to my kind.
I loved seeing Tabby stand up to Tack and Tyra. And Shy to Tack. Who among us wouldn’t want their man to stand up for us?! All in all, thumbs up for OtW.
I find KA to write interesting females. She can make them SO strong but others she can make SO bitchy. I kind of like it ;)
Oh, I love her bitchy female characters! She doesn’t even try to give them any redeeming qualities so you have to hate them. I kept hoping that Tabby’s mom would learn from what happened in Motorcycle Man and try to forge a relationship with her adult daughter but nope, she’s still a bitch from hell.
“The streamlining KA is doing is taking away some of the crack that made her stories so addictive. For goodness sakes, we don’t even know what kind of car Tabby drives.”
Y’all totally hit the nail on the head as far the stuff that bothered me too. As much as some of the superfluous info that we got in other books… I missed it! And I missed the depth we got in the other books as far as friends and family and clothing and what kind of cars they drive and the other stuff that gave me a clear picture of the character and that world.
Maybe it’s because we already knew the Chaos world? But yes, I would’ve loved more of GNO’s and Little Black Dresses and drunk monkey sex! And what about Lan? Will we get more Lan? More Natalie? Will Lan be Natalie’s white knight/saving grace/hero?
I’m totally scrubbing that motorcycle/mustache dude pic out of my mind. BUT I’m sooo not scrubbing “Daddy Tack” out of my brain….niiiicccceeeee.
I loved Lan and I hope that KA keeps him around and we eventually get his story. Please, please don’t let Natalie be his woman. I just didn’t like her.
I also want to know what’s up with Rush but I read somewhere that we wouldn’t get his story for a while. I have some theories of what’s going on with him but they may be too far fetched. I’m surprised he decided to give Chaos a go. We read of his ambivalence about joining after what went down with Tyra in Motorcycle Man. What has he been doing all these years, just hanging? Working at the shop even though he’s not a brother?
Disappointed. I finished this book last night and I did not love it. I wanted to as I am a huge KA fan but I did not. I also did not love Shy. For me he just did not pull off the badd-ass biker attitude or the OTT way he spoke. Not sexy. Tack or Tate (still my absolute favourite :)) he was not.
There were some big question marks, e.g. perhaps Tabby was too young/stupid to not realise she shouldn’t have gone outside the club when she hired Lee without saying anything although I always thought this was far-fetched. However are we really supposed to believe that Lee would not say anything and to just carry on finding the guy without any heads up to Tack about what he was doing and why??
I agree with many of the comments above about the lack of supporting characters and the not-so-interesting plot development until the very end – an obvious set-up for the next book/s. Fair enough, but,it felt very contrived that Hawk and Elvira just happened to be involved in trying the bring down the same porn/drug baron bad guy – and where did (the v hot) Malik-who-just-happens-to-be-a-vice-cop come from?? Hop/Lainie are already well into their relationship by the end of OTW so we will be going backwards to get their whole story. Not sure why it has been done like this. Also I DO NOT like the sound of that mustache!! I also hate the sound of Natalie and have no idea why she is Tabby’s only friend (given that she is supposed to be such a sweet/intelligent/gregarious girl) but more worrying is my fear that KA could set her up not with Lan but with Rush – please NO.
End was OK but not fab, perhaps I just wasn’t invested in them enough as a couple. As I said. Disappointed.
Good point about Lee..he probably would not have carried it out without going to Tack first.
I think we are going to have to go back in time for Lanie and Hop because it looks like a lot happens with them in this book. So then I wonder if the drug stuff at the end will even be in the next one?
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