Hero: Ty Walker. Has been in prison for five years for a crime he didn’t commit. Huge guy, barely speaks. He is all rumbly and alpha and hot. He likes to call Lexie, “mama.”
Heroine: Lexie Berry. The day she picks up Ty out of prison is the very first time she meets him. The next day he gives her $50,000 to marry him in Vegas. Holla! She is very silly and goofy. I loved her.
Note: This is my favorite scene in the book. It’s not necessarily an erotic scene, but it’s sexy and pure romance.
“Lex—“ but got no further.
And he got no further because she whispered, “You know, I love you too.”
That thing, that thing she gave him that started to settle again, shifted and warmed, digging deep, taking root.
“Lexie—” he whispered back, his arms convulsing around her but he again got no further.
“Fell in love with you when I opened my eyes in Vegas, turned in bed and saw you put my bouquet in a vase.”
Fuck him.
Fuck… him.
“Shut it, mama.” He was still whispering.
“At the pool, when you showed, my day started.”
His arms now gave her a warning squeeze.
“Shut it,” he growled.
“Sitting at the breakfast table, seeing your wedding ring, being able to really look at it on your finger up close for the first time, I had to touch it so I could remind myself I was the one who got to put it there.”
“Shut it.” This time, it was a rumble.
“The next morning, when you didn’t show at the pool, I had to find you so I could start my day.”
He rolled and shifted until he was on top of her and he repeated, “Shut it.”
“Six weeks without you, I’d wake up and hours later go to sleep and not once did my day dawn.”
“Baby, shut… it.”
“You took the shadow off my world.”
All right, his woman wasn’t going to shut it he was going to shut it for her. So he set about doing that. And when she was reduced to making nothing but those sexy-as-hell noises in the back of her throat each time his slowly slid his cock in and filled her then whimpered when he slowly slid it out, he was again ready to talk.
But he was going to be doing the talking.
“Look at me,” he ordered after filling his wife with him, his voice thick and her closed eyes instantly opened, the small arch she had in her neck righting and he had her attention. “I don’t give a fuck we’re both still raw. I don’t give a fuck, even without that, we’re still new. I don’t give a fuck we got shit out there pressing in. I wanna plant my baby in you.”
Ty Walker, plant your baby in ME and call me mama! Oh wait – *ahem* Got a little carried away. *wink*
Hmm. This is the one book of hers i did not like. I hated Ty from the first page to the last. Never warmed up to him. I liked Lexie though. She was funny.
She was cute and silly :)
I liked this one too. Ty was different which is something I liked. It’s so hard to come up with original plot devices or even characters but KA pulls me in every time so she must be doing something right.
Didn’t like this series as much as Rock Chicks (loved the Chavez brothers) or Dream Man series (some of them anyway) but Sweet Dreams I just finished for the second dime. Really liked it. Curious to see your review.
After this series I’m going to try Rock Chicks
I loved this book too! I can’t decide if this one or “Sweet Dreams” or “Breathe” is my favorite in the Colorado Mountain series (when I first read “Breathe” I wouldn’t have considered it a fave, but on the re-read? slow burn fabulous! — hope you don’t skip it!)
I just loved the emotional intensity of “Lady Luck” so much. I think I’m about due to re-read the whole series.
I won’t skip it!
I really enjoyed Ty and Lexie. I liked Ty didn’t run Lexie over. And her goofiness was cute. Sweet Dreams is still my fav but this is a close second in this series. You NEED to read the Burg series…pronto.
What’s the Burg series?
Helyce, the Burg series takes place in Brownsburg, Indiana. The books in it so far: “For You”, “At Peace”, “Golden Trail”, and “Games of the Heart”. They’re all good, but “At Peace” holds a special place in the pantheon of KA great reads (IMO). :)
Burg series. Noted. :)
I haven’t delved into the Burg series yet. Maybe that should be next. Read Tangled last night though- that’s an exciting new series. Hilarious too.
Tangled by Emma Chase?
Yes! It was great! Laughing so hard and very well done. I loved that it was different. Totally from the guy’s perspective and he was narrating to us. It felt like a movie.
Hi Mandi, I really loved Ty and Lexie together , I thought it was a great read. Has anyone Golden Dynasty. – Thoughts on this book?
Tori has read it – I’ll have her come over and talk about it :) I definitely plan to read it
This one and Motorcycle Man are two of my favorites. Haven’t read the Burg or Rock Chicks series so we’ll see if these continue to be at the top.
It took me a bit to warm up to Ty but once I did, I wanted him to call ME mama… That scene in the diner right after she picked him up? Man, I wanted to stab him with a fork – repeatedly. And then again when he found out that she’d talked to Tate & the gang… What. An. Asshole! I sobbed and my heart broke for her so even though she was in pain I’m glad that she didn’t fold when he went to get her.
I really loved Lexie. I don’t always like the females KA writes but Lexie was strong, yet silly too.
@ Paula (I am taking that you haven’t read Golden Dynasty yet based on your question, but if you have, apologies!): I loved “Golden Dynasty”. That was the 2nd KA book I ever read (after “Knight”). It reads very much like a fanfiction of Game of Thrones Danaerys and Khal Drogo, but with all the KA trademarks including a heroine in her 30s. It has some solid world building and I loved that Circe (the heroine) has to learn a new language and a new culture.
If you have any triggers re: rape or violence it would be a really rough read. Dax Lahn has about the biggest ever redemption arc of any KA hero I think!
The first book in the series is “Wildest Dreams” which wasn’t my favorite KA by a long shot and which you don’t have to read to enjoy/understand Golden Dynasty. The 3rd book “Fantastical” I loved a bunch and have debates with myself about how I would rank it vs. Golden Dynasty — haven’t decided yet!
ok you had me until he threatened to plant a baby in her. *runs screaming away*
Sorry. Just had some labor & delivery flashbacks… *hides in corner*
KA heroes like to be possessive! LOL. And Ty wasted five years in prison. He wants babies!
I’m a broken record on this, but you must read Heaven and Hell. There are a lot of similarities between the two stories. Mostly the fact that both heroes are biracial hotties! :-)
Yes ma’am! I’m calling this summer “The summer Mandi reads all of KA” :)
You’re in for a good summer then. A friend over at Bitch Can Write a Book turned me on to the Dream Man series last fall and since then I’ve read that series, the Colorado series, and Rock Chicks (RC twice). Love her alpha males and the rock chicks are just so goofy it’s like hanging out with your friends.
Heaven and Hell was really good, as was Playing It Safe.
I couldn’t stand the whole “mama” thing at first, but by the last third, I loved it, lol. I hope you read and review Sweet Dreams. It was my fave of that series, so I’d like to see what you think about it. You should def check out her Burg series, too. I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. It still has her alpha men, but I felt that series has a totally different vibe than her other series.
I have Sweet Dreams up next!
Pamelia, Thanks for your feedback on Golden dynasty, sounds like I would enjoy this one.:)
I have inhaled all of the books by KA and have yet to be disappointed. I finished Tangled by Emma Chase and I am not a fan. The Rock Chicks are freaking awesome and Indy is my favorite :)
I love Indy and Jet, but then there’s Ava and the Ice Queen. Love them all. Didn’t like Tangled? Why not? I’m curious.
As previously stated, despite having read all but one KA, Sweet Dreams remains my favourite too. Tate, Tate, Tate :) (and I liked Laurie too) I also loved Golden Dynasty and Dax Lahn the Warrior King. I dont know how he redeemed himself from initial Bad-Warrior to later F*cking-Amazing-Warrior – but he did!! I read this before I watched Game of Thrones and thought I was experiencing Deja Vu when I saw the Danaerys and Khal Drogo storyline… There are many hours of fun with the KA hero’s and heroines. Disappointed with “Own the Wind” so hoping “Fire Inside” will be back up there.
Have downloaded “Tangled” and “Driven” although slightly sceptical about yet more cliffhanger/trilogies so we shall see. Really still mourning the loss for a while of Ty and Zane (sobs). Think will have to go back to the beginning …..
Aiiiiii mama!!! SO HOT. And I am not really a fan of that who “wanna put a baby in you” train of seduction. I usually mentally blank out all talk about baby-stuff during smexy scenes.
I bought it based on the scene you chose. I am scared to read it on the plane now…just in case the rest of it turns me on too much and everyone around me feels uncomfortable ;)
Nice reco!
Susie K
The Romantical Skeptic