Tiger Magic (Shifters Unbound #5) by Jennifer Ashley
Paranormal Romance
June 4, 2013
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “I’m a little afraid, sure […] it’s not everyday I slap duct tape over a man’s mouth and stuff him in my truck.”
Tiger was held in a secret lab for forty years; experimented on and tortured. Rescued by the Las Vegas shifter pack, he is sent to the Austin pack until they can figure out what exactly to do with him. Unusual in his make up, Tiger is a loner who makes all shifters, except for children, very uneasy. Not sure where his life is going, when he happens upon a human woman stranded on the side of the road, he knows instantly he is seeing his destiny.
Carly Randal has a fabulous life with a supposedly faithful fiance and a job she loves. When her car breaks down in the middle of the desert, she turns to see a single shifter staring at her across the sand. Not having interacted much with shifters, she is surprised when her body and mind both zero in on the shifter-shouting MINE.
When circumstances push Carly in to Tiger’s world and his arms, she finds her original impressions of shifters radically changed. As she slowly gets to know him better, she is willing to do anything to protect him and the love that is developing between them. Shifters, humans, and politics be damned. Tiger now belongs to Carly and she’ll take on the world to keep him by her side.
Tiger Magic is the fifth book in Jennifer Ashley’s Shifters Unbound series. A true paranormal romance that delivers well developed characters, devious plots lines, steamy romance, and engaging dialogue. I love the balance created in here between the sexy romance and the heart pounding action. Though you know your happy ending is coming, the path that you follow to this conclusion is fraught with peril and heartbreak and all you can do ride it out as Ashley weaves her magic around you. Evolving world building allows for easy comprehension even though it is rather convoluted. These are not stand alones. Filled with multi layered plots that further expand the storyline and take us in new directions; you will find yourself devouring each page as new subplots yield bigger clues and dangerous situations, leading us towards our final outcome.
Tiger Magic brings the series back to the Austin pack and old friends. I am a HUGE fan of Ashley’s writing and I have waited awhile to finally get Tiger’s story. We first met Tiger in Mate Unclaimed. Used and abused from birth, Tiger is now free from the lab but is at an impasse in his life. Since he is not a registered shifter, his containment collar is fake. He obeys the Austin alpha, Liam, because he chooses to, not because he is submissive to him. In a lot of ways, Tiger reminded me of Lord Ian from Ashley’s Highland series. Though Tiger does not has Aspergers like Ian, he does have a black and white way of looking at the world and it provides much humor that intertwines well with the seriousness of the plotlines. He reminds me of a child as he experiences many “firsts” in his life after his confinement. His “flight or fight” instincts are finely honed and he will do whatever it takes to protect those he feels need protecting. Including taking out anyone who gets in his way. Yet, he isn’t a chest beating alpha. He doesn’t force his will on anyone, he just wants to live his life according to his own moral code, without interference.
Ashley couldn’t have penned a better couple than Carly and Tiger. Their differences are the key that makes them perfect for one another. Your heart breaks when you learn of the betrayals Tiger has faced and the fear he lives with daily by his own kind. Tiger has spent his life alone; first in the lab and now in the world. Being different only serves to isolate him for those who should embrace him. Carly is a delightful heroine; honest, forthright, passionate, funny, and lovingly protective. There is no guile to her. No heavy angsty secrets. She will champion the underdog in any fight and all she really wants is to find herself a love who will be true to her. With both our protagonists, what you see is what you get and it’s a refreshing outlook in the recent trend of emotional romances with badly damaged, uncommunicative lovers.
The chemistry and sexual tension between Tiger and Carly is hot and heavy, with a strong undercurrent of playfulness. No closed bedroom door scenes in here. Tiger wants Carly and makes no bones about it, but his “wooing” of her is sweet and seductive.
“I know what I was made for. I was made for you.”
It helps that Carly is no pushover and she is comfortable in her sexuality. Though Tiger is working from the insta-lust/love “mate” perspective, Ashley still takes her time in developing their romance from physical to emotional. She allows Carly to find her own way to Tiger and on her own terms. My only qualm is I would have liked a bit more personal conflict between Tiger and Carly. They connect rather easily in the book and external circumstances are their only main obstacles to overcome.
The main conflicts are the meat of the story as Ashley reveals the reasons behind Tiger’s confinement and the people responsible. Racism, which is a main component of this series, raises it’s ugly head as Tiger fights it on multiple levels. We see many old faces from past installments, adding depth and continence to the arc. Conner had to be my favorite character in here, besides our protagonists. His unfailing loyalty to Tiger is both sweet and humorous. He sees the real Tiger and fights hard for his friend.
“He’s not going to hurt me. I’m a cub and a friend. He’s not going to hurt Carly, either, obviously. It’s just trackers, Guardians, Shifter leaders, and dumbass security that upsets him.”
There are some fabulous side stories that will leave you jonesing for more as Ashley teasingly gives us clues to future storylines. We also meet some new characters who promise us some wild rides in the future. I REALLY hope we see more of Walker and Rebecca
The ending is an intense, emotional roller coaster ride of deception, betrayal, and redemption as Ashley further sets the stage for a ending finale to this series that promises to be a climatic and epic ending . Ashley continues to be a favorite author for romance. I recommend this paranormal romance to all readers who love their heroes and heroines to be kick ass, sexy, funny, and always willing to cross the line for those they love.
Overall Rating: B+
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Wow, what a quote ~ you got me hooked. Great review! I’m new to the series so I’ll have to start at the beginning and get catching up, but I’m thoroughly intrigued. Thank you!
I really enjoyed this one. Tiger is a fabulous hero.
I read the last book of this series, thought I wanted to read this one… but I dunno!! Is it a must read for me? I am kinda on the fence.
I really liked this one. Tiger is a fab hero and I liked the storyline and the new doors she opened. I think you should read.
I’m with you on Walker and Rebecca. I know the next book is Graham’s but I hope she heads back to Austin after that for their book. It was a total tease!
Rebecca cracked me up. I love her! Yes…what was up with that teaser??? Must have new book NOW. :P
Hm, I have not tried these by her, but I am curious
I enjoy them but I love everything she writes. lol
Jennifer Ashley is my very favorite author and I read A LOT of romance. If you took all my authors away from me I’d go to the mat for her books! I’ve got my copy of Tiger Magic that I’m about to start!
Hope you enjoy it! Come back and tell me what you thought when done.