Actually, it’s May’s smexy top 10 this week! Are you ready? I am going to be surprisingly book-relevant and appropriate this week. There will be no talk of lady boners or peens, nope. Well… not too much. There is so much going on and as day 1 of summer break begins, the temps are over 100 here and I could use a cocktail. It’s 5pm somewhere, right? Onward!
10. Mandi and Tori are off at Lori Foster’s event this weekend. If I were going I’d follow Shiloh Walker around and hope I could somehow snag a draft of her next Colbana Files novel. If you’re not reading that series- you really need to. So much pain, so much heartache… and yet I trust she’s going to make it all worth it (or start to) with book 3. I can’t wait for 2014 for that.
9. Looking for the perfect shirt? Maybe as a gift? How about some vintage peen?
Or are you trolling?
Skreened has me busting up. They even have a He-Man one, which reminded me of this video…
8. Thea Harrison shared the cover art for her new novella – I love the scruff, but I’m not wild about the photoshopped eyes. I have always liked her Elder Races novellas, I hope this is another winner. Here’s a blurb – it releases July 2:
For a librarian with a focus on rare magic books, Olivia’s new job is a dream come true. She has been hired as part of a team to help manage the safe transportation of the collection of books owned by the Vampyre sorceress Carling Severan. The fact that the library is located on a mysterious island in an Other land only heightens the adventure. Head of security for the expedition, Sebastian Hale is tired of his rootless life of adventure and finds himself attracted to the calm, beautiful librarian. But he is living a personal nightmare. He has been hit with a curse that is slowly taking away his sight, and he doesn’t know if he will survive the results.
But the powerful feelings growing between them, along with Sebastian’s inner turmoil, take a backseat when they learn there is a traitor lurking among their expedition team. With Elder Races politics and a priceless library on the line, they’ll have to rely on each other to survive the experience.
Warning: When a librarian who likes to nest meets an owl Wyr who has always lived for adventure, their romance won’t just be fly-by-night…
7. Are we all recovered from Episode 9? Are we ready/can we handle the finale this weekend? Game of Thrones, oh I do love you. I only read the first book then decided screw this since they killed off my favorite guy (Khal! *sobs*) and I realized there would not be happy in this series. The show though, I’m fine with watching while I sort laundry or clean my office or whatever. Speaking of shows on HBO…
6. True Blood starts next week – are we going to watch? I plan on watching for nude Alcide + Eric scenes, and hoping those crazy writers can come up with a reason those two need to break off and start a M/M romance… I’m not kidding that those two are why I watch at this point, and every time I think I’m going to quit watching they give me a hot scene with one of them and I’m back in. I’m cheap and weak like that.
5. Have you tried Brownie Brittle? I made the mistake of going to Costco absolutely starving and wound up bringing some home. Oh, oh my! It is so delicious. Crisp and chocolatey and rich like a brownie. The calories aren’t bad either – as long as you just have a proper serving.
4 Macrieve – are we excited for Kresley Cole’s next book? You can find an exclusive excerpt over at XOXO After Dark here. After reading it I dinnae think I’ll be reading it lass. At least no’ too soon. I verra much dislike the use of words like ‘verra’ in my books. Just say he has an accent. Egads. (personal pet peeve #493 right there). Anyhow! Sounds like he’s a dirty one – bless Kresley Cole for her dirtiness.
3. Speaking of dirty, let’s talk Elizabeth Hoyt! First off on Twitter she posted that she is currently writing a contemporary novel. This makes me SQUEE because I really enjoyed her previous ones (written under name Julia Harper ) and I’m excited for more! I’ve fallen behind on her Maiden Lane series (naughty me!) but that is still going strong – she posted an excerpt from Duke Of Midnight on her website here. (Thanks Heroes & Heartbreakers for the heads up!)
2. These dog videos… they made me snort and cackle. “Dear Diary…” I love it so much. THANK YOU Mandi for sending to me. Sometimes you need a sad dog to give life perspective.
1. Heart of Obsidian gets #1 today. Oh my, I mean OH MY. I will share one non-spoiler line. I do not buy hardback books I wait for paperback but I couldn’t on this one and I’m glad. Worth every penny!
“I researched sexual intimacy the same way I research everything else. Methodically and in intricate detail.”
*fans self* I plan on finishing this book today and allowing for no interruptions!
Since there is no way to top the awesome that is Heart of Obsidian, I wish you a wonderful weekend!!
Ahh, I didn’t know E Hoyt wrote under another name. Just glom asap!
Loved the Diary video!
Loved the dear diary video.
Hey May-fabulous Top Ten! Enjoy HoO! I just finished yesterday too. I shouldn’t have started it until after my DD’s graduation and my parents had left. Too many interruptions. Must re-read as soon as time permits.
Ohmigod Heart of Obsidian was AWESOME!!! That was one of my fav lines too :)
Great top ten May! I do wonder why the blog emails are taking more days to reach me, it is Tuesday when I read this.
Thanks for the book news especially!