Provoked (Enlightened #1) by Joanna Chambers
Historical Romance-M/M
July 23, 2013
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “…I hate what I am at time, but at least I accept myself enough to realize I can’t lie my way through life…”
David Lauriston, a junior advocate in Edinburgh, finds himself under suspicion for radical sympathies when he defends a group of weavers accused of treason. His life becomes even more complicated when a chance sexual encounter with a mysterious man leaves David both confused and wanting more.
Lord Murdo Balfour is a worldly cynical man who believes life should be enjoyed to the fullest and nothing is off limits. Though he never indulges in repeat performances with the same man, his one night with David has left him feeling raw, unsatisfied, and hungering for more.
As David seeks to uncover the spy who betrayed the weavers to the local magistrate, he fears his mysterious lover has a more sinister reason for being in town. And the truth could do more then just break his heart…it could get him killed.
Provoked is a historical m/m romance set in 1800 Edinburgh, Scotland, based on the Scottish Insurrection. The first in a series, Chambers effectively builds an uneasy romance between two completely different men whose loyalties and morals that separate them are as effective as a yawning chasm. A suspenseful mystery only reinforces their differences when the traitor David seek, leads him straight to Lord Balfour.
This is my first time reading Joanna Chambers and I was impressed with the tone and flow of this story. With a length of only 216 pages and told from David’s point of view, it is presented with the intention that this is but a single chapter in David’s life so there is no resolution to either the romance or the main conflict.
Our protagonists are both well developed as Chambers takes the time to build them; highlighting their background and differences. David is ashamed of his feelings for men and views it as failing on his part. Caught by his father in a compromising situation, he finds himself balancing on an ethical precipice, caught between his desire for men and his knowledge that society views this desire as an abomination. His increasing guilt leads him to try and ignore his and Balfour’s growing attraction for one another even as he finds himself unable to resist that attraction.
Balfour, a self proclaimed hedonist, doesn’t see his love of men as a sin, yet he also doesn’t see himself falling in love with one. It is merely an itch to be scratched. Yet, from his first meeting with David, he feels different. He is angry that he cannot simply push his feelings for David aside. He wants more and we see hints of jealousy and hurt in his dialogue with David as David continues to refuse to play the way Belfour wants.
It’s unusual to see many female characters in an M/M romance yet in here they aren’t only present but given viable places in the storyline. Both Balfour and David have interactions with two particular women whose interests in the men only add even more conflict. I am intrigued by the roles they will play in the future of these two men’s lives. I also enjoyed the interactions we have with David’s family. His father, though disappointed in him, still loves him dearly and wants what every parents wants. For their children to be healthy, happy, and safe.
As I stated above, this is but a merely chapter in David’s life so there is no resolution to the storylines. We aren’t left with a cliffhanger but more of a to be continued… I am interested in seeing where Ms. Chambers takes this series and looking forward to the next installment.
Rating: B
Between your review and the one at DA, I’m really tempted to pick up this book. Another part of me wants to wait and see how the other two play out first. Series romance can be a burnout for me, but it sounds like this one is totally worth it for the characters and the history provided.
Being the slacker I am, I didn’t even realize it was a serial until the end. Didn’t impede my enjoyment, though. I enjoyed the emotional turmoil and character interaction between h/h. I think you would enjoy.