10.This has been my FB and Twitter stream all day. I want a gruff, dark Batman..not sure Affleck can pull that off. But either way – we now can call him BATFLECK and is all is right in the world.
9. Jurisha on Twitter yesterday told me to read Aftermath by Cara Dee. After I went to Goodreads and saw my friend Amy read and enjoyed, I plopped down and started reading. And I read it straight through. This is the story of Cameron and Austin, who along with eight other men were kidnapped by a psycho, and held in cages in a basement for five months. Cam and Austin shared a cage. They went through hell together. Austin was married, but after being free, his marriage falls apart. They both suffer from extreme anxiety and PTSD in present day. The book goes back and forth between flashbacks of their captivity and present day where they go from needing each other for support to romantic feelings. Both flashbacks and present day are done really well. The flashbacks are freaking creepy as their captor pretends each of the men is someone who wronged him in life (his boss, father, brother – although the men are actual strangers to this guy). He does verra bad things. In present day these two have a bond due to their captivity. Once they turn to a physical relationship the sex is really hot. I really enjoyed this one and I’m going to stalk this author’s backlist. Goodreads l Kindle
8. Y’all know I love me some Ruthie Knox. Big news from her. According to a press announcement:
TRULY (releasing as a full ebook in August 2014) is the first of Knox’s New York series, which will consist of three full-length contemporary romances that revolve around Pulvermacher’s, a Green Bay Packers-themed bar in Greenwich Village, and the Big Apple and Cheesehead couples who meet there. The following books in the series will be published as full ebooks; MADLY in October 2014 and COMPLETELY in December 2014.
But, but, but – before Truly is released through Loveswept, it will be available for free on Wattpad:
Several chapters from TRULY will be posted each week beginning September 3, 2013, building up to the story’s conclusion on November 4. Knox’s fans and new readers from the Wattpadcommunity will have advance access to TRULY and will be invited to help Loveswept choose the cover that goes on the final ebook edition. The Loveswept and Wattpad collaboration also provides a unique social experience and opportunity for readers to discover and engage directly with the author, instantly and from anywhere because of Wattpad’s mobile-friendly platform.
Follow Ruthie Knox on Wattpad.
7. More 2014 news: Maya Banks has announced a new series: The Surrender Trilogy. From Maya’s Facebook Page:
And now for a little "background info" on the new SURRENDER TRILOGY
In the Breathless trilogy, the books were all connected via three guy best friends. The SURRENDER trilogy is a bit different in that the three female leads are best friends. HOWEVER, all the characters are entertwined. It’s about a "group" of friends connected through marriage or friendship.
It’s also set in Houston and in the same WORLD as the Sweet Series. It’s not a true spin off but you’ll see a LITTLE of the Sweet Series world in the books Namely The House and one Damon Roche
You can see all three covers and blurbs for this series HERE.
6. MORE 2014 news. Should we just Fast Forward to 2014 – I feel like 2013 is so done. *wink*
KMM has announed, Burned book two in her Dani triolgy is pushed back now to 7/22/14. Her 19 yr old cat died recently and she just wasn’t in a good place to write. We understand KMM.
5. Sookie fans, while the final book of the series just came out, Charlaine Harris isn’t quite done. After Dead contains:
You’ll learn how Michele and Jason’s marriage fared, what happened to Sookie’s cousin Hunter, and whether Tara and JB’s twins grew up to be solid citizens.
This coda provides the answers to your lingering questions—including details of Sookie’s own happily-ever-after…
The book will feature extensive interior art by acclaimed Sookie artist Lisa Desimini, including a Sookieverse Alphabet, color endpapers, and several full-page black and white interior illustrations.
Are we interested in this?
4. Enough of this book talk! BOOOORING. LOL. Kidding, kidding. But seriously you guys. We have two epic lady boner moments to discuss from this week. We’ll start with Jon Snow.
Yes, I know his real name is Kit Harington but I don’t like that name, so I call him Jon Snow. To me is will always be the tortured virgin who doesn’t need a hat in sub-zero degree temperatures in the snow with high wind and PERFECT HAIR.
Anyway – he is going to be in new movie called Pompeii. He doesn’t wear a lot of clothes. His abs, OH HIS ABS. And I’m pretty sure his hair is still perfect to match his perfect abs and hopefully other perfect body parts. WHAT’s UNDER YOUR SKIRT THING JON SNOW?!
And the trailer:
Pretty sure Jon Snow will save Pompeii with flying dragons and by shouting: WINTER IS COMING – THE NIGHT IS DARK AND FULL OF TERRORS.
Releases February 2014 <—effing 2014 rears its ugly head again!
3. Eric from True Blood aka ASkars went FULL FRONTAL. While reading a book so that is extra SMEXY. Now, I didn’t actually see this episode, only pics from the internets. And OH INTERNETS you are so good to us. But he is also on fire. My god don’t let the peen burn.
The only thing that would have made this better is if Alcide would have been nakey with Eric. (what?)
Here is a LINK to the set of full pics from the scene that includes his nakey peen. So NSFW!
(Also, the tumblr these images are coming from “Real Men on Tumblr” go take a lookey. VERY NSFW but oh my my my.)
2. Have y’all heard of Drunk History? I believe it started as a web series on FunnyorDie but now Comedy Central has picked it up. It features actual drunk people retelling an historical event. They are DAMN funny (sometimes vomit which isn’t so funny – LOL) They have actors who lip-sync what the drunk person is saying.
Anyway, one of the first Drunk Histories isn’t a retelling of an event but the retelling of Twas the Night Before Christmas. It has Ryan Gosling and Jim Carey and it makes me giggle every time I see it!! I haven’t watched these on Comedy Central but plan to catch up soon.
1. It’s meet the teacher day and then Monday my kids go back to school. We had such a fun summer! But the words ‘back to school’ get me a bit excited, not going to lie *wink* Have a great weekend! Read something Smexy!
Yeah, I’m not feeling Affleck as Batfleck. Not feeling it at all.
Glad you enjoyed Aftermath. I have a fierce love for Cam and Austin. Such a great story.
The Surrender Trilogy may be what leads me back on the Banks train. I jumped off a while back but if Damon Roche is in the picture, I’m so back on!
This girl is on fire for JON SNOW! I will leave ASkars all for you. ;)
Damon, Amy…DAMON!!! Woo-hooo!!
I love how they zoomed in for us for the full frontal of Eric…nomnom…and every time I hear Ben Affleck, I think of the stupid goose from those Aflac commercials…”AFLAC!”///see he can’t be a bat because he is a goose.
I just don’t think Affleck is quite intense/dark/broody enough to be Batman.
Is it me or does Akars peen look…ummm…REALLY little?
I was terrible po’d with Harris’s ending to the Sookie series but not I HAVE to buy this one because it seem to be answering the questions I had. *&^%$
*whispers* I like Affleck.
I really need to read Aftermath.
“Real Men on Tumblr” go take a lookey. VERY NSFW but oh my my my.”
Me: heh, NSFW. clicky
Not safe for daytime viewing (kids still on vacay and I can’t go to my bunk ;)
I wonder if Kit’s abs save him in Pompeii?
I have been wondering about drunk history, good to know :)
That’s a joke about Afleck, right? May I remind u of a little known movie called Daredevil?
Why am I only hearing about that tumblr site today?
I cannot c anything good in the Eric pics. Waaa.
I am okay with Afleck as a person and actor but he did play Daredevil and if you played a superhero once (even if it wasn’t great) I think it should be a law that you cannot play a different one
Lol great top ten again Mandi, thank you.
I love Drunk History. I’m still catching up. Last night I watched the one where Kristen Wiig played Patty Hearst. Kudos to the creator of that show!
Skarsgard looks lovely, but I’ve learned the hard way (heh heh, she said “hard”!) that context makes a huge difference in my enjoyment of nudity. I’m still traumatized from the sequence in THE PILLOW BOOK (huge spoiler alert, for those who care) where Ewan McGregor’s Jerome lengthily, gorgeously disrobes and showers…and ends up dead of an overdose by the end. To me, nakey should always mean happy! HAPPY!
I didn’t realize DRUNK HISTORY was a ‘net series first, makes sense. I really have to be in the mood for it, but Jack Black’s turn as Elvis (featuring Dave Grohl as one of the Memphis Mafia!) and Casey Wilson as Dolly Parton were pretty damn good…