9. Tori read Girls’ Night Out by Lauren Dane and here are her thoughts:
In Girls’ Night Out, Lauren Dane takes us back to Petal, Georgia for a brief visit with the sexy Chase and Murphy family. Those who read this sexy and humorous romance contemporary series know it is actually a spin off of Dane’s delicious Chase Brother series. I love Dane’s Chase brothers and the Murphy siblings so it was no great leap for me to zero in on her Petal series.
In this very brief novella, only 22 pages, we learn that Lily and Nathan’s wedding is almost here and the girls and boys are heading out to the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Told in a one night time frame, Dane gives us a little look at everyone’s lives from Maggie and Kyle’s continuous love affair to Matt and Tate’s impending blessing. A light hearted addition to the series that is filled with plenty of love, laughter, snark, and penis hats.
I would like to to add that this is not a stand alone nor even really a novella. It is more a chapter in the series.
8. We’ve all see lots of boobs on HBO, right? Well now the ladies are demanding more dong. Watch this video – it made me laugh and laugh. Kind of NSFW (thx May!)
7. So Charlie Hunnam is set to play Christian Grey. A few notes. First, as a young lad he was on the British version of Queer as Folk. And yes oh yes – there was boy kissing and groping. *bites lip*
In case you need to see him again, here are 50 pictures of Mr. Hunnam. (are we convinced yet he can play Christian?)
And finally, in case you need to see what his butt looks like. (WHAT? It’s important) Go here. (obviously nsfw)
6. In other casting news!! Outlander by Diana Gabaldon is turning into a TV series on the Starz network. And above we have our Jamie and Claire. What do we think? I love who they picked for Claire (if we are just going by looks, I’m not familiar with her). Jamie – DOES HE LOOK LIKE A VIRGIN? eh – I’ll wait to see him dressed in character. He looks kinda thin.
Here is a bunch of clips of Sam Heughan in movies if you want to take a look.
But more importantly, just like Mr. Hunnam above, Sam Heughan has been on film kissing boys too!!!! Go here to see it (nsfw)
I don’t even know if I get the Starz channel! Must get on that. And I’ll leave you with this:
“When the day shall come that we do part," he said softly, and turned to look at me, "if my last words are not ‘I love you’-ye’ll ken it was because I didna have time.” (OH Jamie.)
5. Because it’s Friday and because hello – this is the Top Ten list – here is a list of random hot men doing random hot things. (my god those sweat pants)
4. We are gearing up for the new season of TV. Once my heart recovers from Breaking Bad I plan to watch Parenthood and Scandal for sure. Dying for those two. I turned to Twitter this week to find out what new shows I should be watching. I was told Almost Human (produced by JJ Abrahms) looks good. And a show called S.H.E.I.L.D. created by Joss Whedon (woot!) There were probably some others too but I can’t remember. *stares at butt above* If you have any shows I need to watch, lemme know!
3. MMMMMM. Frozen Pumpkin Yogurt from Full Fork Ahead. I’m SO ready for fall. Pumpkin yogurt and pumpkin beer. It’s good stuff!
2. You guys – someone put Nicholas Cage’s head on Miley Cyrus. It’s horrifying and hilarious. (and then there is this)
1. Oh Friday I do love you so. I get to eat chicken wings and salt and vinegar fries tonight. And Sunday I head to the Ravens game. Wooty woo! Hope you guys have a great weekend. Read something Smexy! I’ll be finishing Unbeautifully by Madeline Sheehan (so obsessed with this series) and All of You by Christina Lee – Tattooed virgin hero. HELLO!
blodeuedd says
I can’t say he looks like a virgin but Claire is perfect
Carla says
Fun post! Thanks for the CH pics (esp. directions to his bum…mmmm…)
Have a great weekend, Mandi!
Michelle Kelly @AnotherLookBook says
I LOVED that College Humour DONG video. So true!! Excellent list.
Also, big fan of all the casting choices that they have made for Outlander so far. As a rabid fan, I am sooo pleased. I was soooooooo worried. No longer.
Kwana says
That college humor vid was so funny. Thanks for the laugh. All this week’s picks were great.
CK says
Dong vid was hilarious but all I can say is, “Thank you for #5.” Sorry, I hear my bunk calling. :)
Selena Mc says
We’ve already discussed The Dong video, I think it’s EPIC! :)
I’m obsessed with Outlander, so I’m in all Outlander-related FB groups. I love everyone they’ve chosen so far! Sam & Cait are perfect! I found this little gem in my “Heughligans Outlander After Dark” group. It’s my favorites M/M Sam Heughan Sexy scene. Definitely NSFW! Enjoy :)
aurian says
Have a great weekend Mandi! And I too want to watch the Agents of SHIELD
Tina B says
#s 8 & 2 are hilarious!!!
I am excited about seeing Charlie as Christian. Not who I pictured, but at least it’s not someone that I couldn’t picture. :)
I love pumpkin! I need some of that FroYo!
Sharon says
Um… Thank you for all the m/m action :)
Kimh says
Have fun
Go niners
Lege Artis says
Yay, I am obsessed with Madeline Sheehan, too. Can’t wait for Tegen and Cage!
I actually like the actor they picked for Jamie. And he is from Scotland, which is a plus.
DONG video-priceless!
Great Top Ten!