10. Is this the prettiest advent calendar you have ever seen? When I wake up on December 1, this will be waiting for me, right?
9. Jane from Dear Author rec’d Shooter by Dahlia West to me this week, and I had a blast reading it. The hero, Chris “Shooter” and all of his buddies that work at a car garage are ex-military. Chris is very alpha, cranky, intense. His buddies give him a hard time the entire book which made me laugh, a lot. Hayley moves to his town and has a very dark and secretive past. She is initially very skittish and jumpy, and Chris and his crew start to protect and take care of her. As the book goes on, she starts to feel safe with them and turns into this very bubbly, adorable heroine. This book has great banter, a slow, sexy romance and overall is just a strong read. I highly rec it. Goodreads l Kindle.
And just to note: The second book in this series, Tex, is out (I adored Tex in Shooter) but the reviews on Goodreads are NOT good for this book. Take a look at this review and this one. I’m going to skip Tex and hope that book three goes back to Shooter’s style.
8. Some book news: Hey now! Jaci Burton has the best covers and just revealed the cover for Straddling the Line, out July 2014. NOM!
More cover goodness! Nalini Singh released her cover for Shield of Winter, coming June 2014.
The King, by JR Ward is now up at Amazon for Pre-Order. (Releasing March 25, 2014). I’m so excited. I can’t help myself.
7. I received and arc of A Girl Walks into a Bar by Helena S. Paige in the mail this week. It’s a choose your own adventure romance book. No really. By page two you are already choosing your underwear…
I haven’t read this book, but I did flip through all of the adventure choices. I was hoping we could choose the details in the bedroom, but from what I saw, we can’t Most of them look like this:
I think if the adventures had been more…either silly or naughty, I’d be more into it. I wonder if this will become a trend….
6.Don’t forget to sign up for the How Many Licks Newsletter – starting December 1, we are doing the Twelve Days of Lickmas (classy name, yes?) We will send out one newsletter to your inbox a day, for twelve days. Random subscribers will win prizes each day. Jaci Burton will be kicking things off on December 1. You also get to witness Fiction Vixen’s and my rhyming ability which is quite spectacular. (not really).
5. This has been all over the internet, but just in case you missed it – check out this fab commercial from Kmart. I’m now jealous that I don’t have balls. Men are so lucky. *wink* (it’s safe for work)
4. How do we feel about Adam Levine named the Sexiest Man Alive? My reaction was – eh. I mean – he has hot tatts when his shirt is off but I don’t know y’all. Plus to be sexy you have to have a good personality – not douchey
For some amusement, here are 10 reasons why Ryan Gosling is a better choice.
3. I love Holiday Television! It makes me happy and cozy. Every year this site puts out a Holiday Guide, which is great so you don’t miss your favorite shows.
2. Speaking of the holidays, this is 100% happening at our dinner. Thanksgiving Bingo! (go here to see the other cards). I think I will have prizes for the winner’s too. My mother puts on such a lovely, classy dinner – the table is perfectly decorated, the food is amazing. It’s seriously organized and amazing. Then we all show up and bet $$ on football all day and play bingo. Yes! *grins*
1. I’ve had a great reading week, which was topped off yesterday with Ripped by Sarah Morgan (out next week and one of my favorite novellas this year). I’m scared to start another book! But more away. This weekend I plan to read When It’s Right by Jeanette Grey and Passion and Peril by Suzanne Brockman and Jill Sorenson.
Susan says
I agree that Adam is douchey but at least not as douchey as Ryan Lochte. He also has a brain unlike Ryan…lol. ;) I personally don’t like the sexiest man thing. I see a lot of regular sexy tatooed men at my gym, way better then famous people. Just saying. :)
Mandi says
Word. There is this bearded god at my local starbucks… ;)
(and Oh Lochte…biggest douche of all time. LOL)
Gisele Pinheiro says
The list on why Ryan is a better choice is hilarious! <3
Mandi says
hehehe – “he holds a map”
Tori says
I LOVE the K-Mart commercial.
Mandi says
Dingo dong.
Amanda says
Goodness after reading that review I would skip that book too.
I am not really on agreement with the Adam Levine pick either. He does have his sexy moments, the tattoos you mentioned do help, but there are so many better choices out there. I would have loved it if it at been someone like Tom Hiddleston.
Mandi says
That would have been an awesome choice! I think People is receiving a lot of back lash so maybe they will pick someone cool next year.
Brianna (The Book Vixen) says
Thanks for the TV holiday guide!
Mandi says
You’re welcome! I love to be prepared for the holidays :)
may says
That is the best commercial. ever.
TV holiday guide?! SQUEEE! Thanks!
and Shield. of. winter.
YES!!! Winter is coming… I can’t wait.
Mandi says
Winter is coming……..
Not fast enough.
helyce says
You’re right, Jaci does have the best covers and I slap myself that I have not read that series. I don’t think that’s Jed Hill either…which is nice…new model blood. I love Nalini’s cover too-even though I didn’t picture Vasic quite like that.
I’m totally with you on Adam. He’s pretty and I like his tats, but yea-sexiest man? I think not.
And that multiple choice book? No, just no. Too much work.
Mandi says
Maybe the dude on Jaci’s cover should have been sexiest man… ;)
Jennifer Estep says
That advent calendar is cool. Wine, chocolate, diamonds. Any of those would make a good advent calendar. LOL.
Amanda — Tom Hiddleston would have been an excellent choice.
Mandi says
Diamond advent calendar – well NOW we are getting somewhere ;)
KT Grant says
When are you buying me the advent wine calendar?
Mandi says
I think you misread – YOU are suppose to buy it for ME. ;)
Selena Mc says
I need that advent calendar!! For real!!!!
Mandi says
LOL! I agree
Diane Sallans says
best Advent Calendar ever!
Mandi says
aurian says
Those bookcovers are lickable. I am always in the mood for the new Nalini Singh book. And yes I did enjoy the Kmart ad. Lol.
Mandi says
They are lick worthy!
blodeuedd says
I do not get why some were upset by the commercial, it’s not like we see them
Mandi says
I guess it is what is implied. But people need to lighten up! Goodness.