Pack up the book bag because we are old enough for Kindergarten! If Kindergarten was a place we could talk about hairy chests and happily ever afters and big peens.
I’ve gone back and forth with what I wanted to do with this post. First I was going to thank everyone who has helped us along the way. But that is wayyyyyy too many people. Because this falls on a Sunday, and we usually do a dirty Smex Scene Sunday post, I was going to post the dirtiest scenes I could think of…but there are too many of those too!
So first just let me say thank you to Tori, who is my sister in reading and blogging. And to May and Helyce, who contribute so much and make me laugh every damn day. I seriously adore these three ladies. *slaps butts* Also, big thanks to the authors, publishers and publicists who work so close with Smexy. I’ll try to be professional and not slap your butts, but how about a high-five? :)
Now to thank our lovely readers! You guys are what makes Smexy fun. Thank you.
I’m giving away five $20 gift cards to your favorite online bookseller. I’ll pick winners tomorrow.
For a chance to win, leave a comment and tell us your favorite blog or person to follow on Twitter for reading recommendations (and you aren’t allowed to say Smexy). I want to add bloggers/tweeters to my follow list!
Dani says
Congrats Mand da la!! Y’all rock!!
blodeuedd says
Just!? Omg, I follow so many awesome bloggers and tweeters.
But ok…let’s go with Marcela today as she is an awesome tweeter and blogger, and she lives in Turkey and the PM has killed twitter (but they get around it ;) there so she should get a shout out :)
Amy says
Happy Anniversary! Laura Florand gives great book recs. Last week she recommended Apples Should Be Red, and I loved it!
Ren says
Yaaay.. congrats for your fifth blogoversary! :D
I discover your blog when search any info about BDB and while I put those series into my never ending TBR.. I still love visit your blog, especially your Top Ten Post :)
My favorite bloggers to follow are two and I thini you already know them. First is Katiebaba from Babbling about Books. I love her opinion and insight especially about books review. And the second is Rachel from Parajunkee, she taught me a lot about Blogging 101
Brianne says
I like heroes and heartbreakers because they cover a lot of different genres. They also have a mix of reviews and other ‘discussion’ pieces. and a good amount of excerpts
Sandy James says
Happy birthday!!
I follow @thereadingcafe on Twitter. Always has good insight into the books they review.
cayenne says
Happy blogiversary Smexy Ladies!! Wishing you many more years of hapenis!
I do a daily blogroll of about 10 romance book blogs, and I follow them plus another dozen (…or so) authors on Twitter, so asking me to pick one is kind of tricky.
I’ll say Jennifer at Romance Novel News because a) her taste is close to mine, so I know if she likes a book, I’ll probably like it; and b) she takes many for the team and reads a boatload of WTFery – her Twitter WTF-reads-in-progress commentary is epic. & @jenniferRNN
Lammie says
Congratulations! I have only been following you for a couple of years, so I guess I am only ready for preschool. I second the love for the Top Ten List! And all of the great reviews – I appreciate the fact that your reviews are not always glowing, so I can trust that a good review is honest.
It is hard to pick only one blog, but Smart Bitches, Trashy Books was the first book blog I found when I rediscovered romance novels a few years ago. I trust the reviewers, and I love the daily deal posts. I also like the posts where they tell go through an author’s backlist to tell you which are the ones to read first.
Silvia A. says
If you want to expand your horizons I’m going to suggest you “Penny for my thoughts book blog”
A bunch of lovely book lovers!
rissatoo says
Happy 5th!
There are SO many blog(ger)s that are favorites / mandatory daily stops! The first two to jump to mind are The Qwillery and Kindle Gal. Though I’m not really on twitter lately, I follow them there, too.
Kanoko says
Congratulations and thank you for the past five years, you smexy ladies, you. Good job. I don’t follow a lot of blogs (so few of the ones I always come across share my taste for romance). I regularly read only four, but Smart Bitches, Trashy Books is my pick-me-up book blog. I appreciate the thoughtful, insightful entries and the smart, snarky tone of the blog. Book summaries are extremely fun to read. Admittedly, I don’t always read the recommendations, but when I do, I’m one satisfied reader one way or another. The site design doesn’t hurt, either—the reading experience itself is highly enjoyable.
And the DBSA Podcast? What a riot. I may have a little crush on Sarah’s hearty laugh. Shhh…
Amy J says
YAY! Five years is huge! congrats!
I follow Anna from Anna’s Book Blog. She always gives me great rec’s for fantasy or urban fantasy reads.
Texas Book Lover says
Congrats on five great years!
There have been some great bloggers named so far. Here are a couple more of my favorites I always drop by…in addition to yours…
Romance at Random –
Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews –
Erica H says
Dear author has great reviews.
Karen says
I’ll add Fiction Vixen to the other blogs already posted.
Must figure out the Twitter thing…
Michelle says
Congrats on your anniversary!
I love following authors for the quotes and sneak peek info. @ilona_andrews is a favorite. I love Curran and Kate!
Jennifer says
Congrats on the anniversary! My two favorites (besides you all, of course, are Smart Bitches, Trashy Books and Vampire Book Club.
Selena Mc says
Congrats, Mandi! Way to go on 5 years! I’ve been around for four of them (just lurking at first). Thank you for all the fun & great book recs! Smexy is my favorite place to visit! Xx
I don’t Tweet, but I visit many blogs on a daily basis for great book recs & articles. One that hasn’t been mentioned yet that I love is, Reading Between The Wines. Crystal does a great job reviewing and writing fun articles for the readers.
A bunch of really great authors have great blogs too where you can win books and get new recs. I’m following like 30 now. Darynda Jones is one of my favs!
Congrats again, Ms. Smexy! ♥
Brianna (The Book Vixen) says
Happy Blogoversary! 5 looks good on you :)
Here are a few tweeps I follow for book recommendations:
Irene Jackson says
A couple of my favourite Blogs are Herding Cats & Burning Soup , and Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews.
Julie M. says
I like to check out Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books for reading goodness. I think that’s how I found you. I was following some other blogs, but now with your blog that’s my big three.
I don’t tweet either, but occasionally I’ll check out someone’s twitter. I like to look at Nalini Singh’s.
I am deeply, passionately in love with your Friday top ten posts. They are a highlight and I just thought you should know.
The_Book_Queen says
Woohoo — congrats, keep the smexy fun coming, ladies! :)
Hey, hey, if you can’t pick just one sexy scene to share, how can we pick just one awesome blogger/reader to share? It’s impossible, I tell you! Okay, let me think . . . Okay, although I have MANY amazing people I could mention here, I’m going with Melody ( because of our (many and very odd)inside jokes and the fact that our reading tastes often line up. :)
Kirstyn says
Congrats on the five years! My favorite blog besides Smexy is I have read a lot of book I wouldn’t have otherwise.
vicki says
Congratulations! Love your blog. I only follow your blog and Keep up the great work
Spaz says
I read everything you guys tell me to read and am never disappointed!!
Ummmmm… My other trusted resources are the ladies at Fiction Vixen. And Jen at Red Hot Books. Bree of Moira Rogers gives good book recs! Sorry, I know you already follow all these!
sweetiepiepen says
Happy anniversary, Smexybooks! My faves are Bells and Marq, but I’m pretty sure you already follow them. :-)
Brigitte Crozier says
MariannBellesBookBag @mariann297. She got me hooked on Kristen Ashley. Have loved all books read off her recommendation. And congratulations on turning 5 :-)
Stephanie G (Paranormal Haven) says
Congrats on turning 5! I just want to pinch your cheeks and say in baby talk ‘who’s a big girl?* :-)
Lets see…other than the names mentioned above, I follow Rabid Reads. Our PNR tastes tend to be the same so it’s good for recs.
Erin K. says
Happy Anniversary, Smexybooks! I love your blog. One of my favorite Twitter follows is Kati D from Dear Author. Our reading tastes are so similar.
Jama says
I like to follow Dear Author
gamistress66 says
happy b-day :) so enjoy your site, particularly the top 10 & wrap up :) as for where most of my rec’s come from it varies so that I couldn’t come up with any one place ;/ (though you guys are one of the places)
lorenet says
Happy B-Day! I always check your suggestions as well as FictionVixen, Dear Author and SmartBitches. The three main shortcuts on my menu bar. Keep up the good work.
Lynnette F says
Congrats on going to Kindergarten. One of the other blogs I check daily is Dear Author.
bn100 says
Happy anniversary! I Am A Reader, Not A Writer blog
LoriK says
Happy blogiversary! It’s hard to pick just one book blog, especially one that hasn’t already been mentioned. I’ll go with Wendy The Super Librarian. She’s fun and reviews a nice variety of books.
Silke says
Hi from germany,
i read since 2009 in english, i dont want wait for the translation.
i like your weekly wrap ups …discover so many books for me like the kit rochas or samantha youngs dublin street series .. Thankyou so much for the recs.
i like the blog or
greetings, silke
Krista says
I love The Saucy Wenches Book Club. Especially their goodreads group.
Congrats on making it five years! I love your reviews and your Top Ten Fridays.
LegeArtis says
Congrats, ladies!!!
I am with you little over 3 years and you are one place I check every day.
Hmmm, I actually follow different people for different genre- When it comes to UF I always look what Tori has to say (I know, I know..we can’t say Smexy :)) and All Things UF. When it comes to mm- I really love Katinka, Ilhem and Shelley from Boys in Our Books. Jane DA is a general go to when it comes to contemporaries. Heather Massey for scifi romance. Mandi is my first for steamy reads (you see what you did there..?)…
Darlene Marshall says
Happy Birthday, Smexy Ladies! You realize, five years makes you old enough in dog years to celebrate with a drink or two? Here’s wishing you many more years of reviewing success!
kathmandu says
Congrats to all you lovely ladies!
I will say after Smexy for Recs I like Fiction Vixen and Dear Author.
I follow both on twitter. :)
Jane says
Happy Birthday to Smexy Books. I follow Beverley Kendall’s The Season.
Elle says
I don’t tweet, but I’d probably follow Natasha is a Book Junkie, the ladies from Totally Booked Blog and the team of Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews as I’m already stalking them on their blogs, Facebook and Goodreads accounts ;-) Happy birthday to you all at Smexy Books and long life to come (that’s what she said…)!
Elizabeth H. says
Happy 5th Blogiversary!!!
I get a lot of my book recommendations from Kimmie at Book Obsessed Chicks @KimRocha
Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup @herdingcats2012
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Danielle H says
Congrats on 5 years. I like book recs from Annie at Under the Covers, The Book Pushers, Fiction Vixen.
Thanks for giveaway!
Viki S. says
Congratulations on 5 years! I wish you many more.
Dark Faerie Tales is quite good and Night Owl Reviews too. Thank you very much :).
Lesley D says
Happy blogoversary!!
Another blog I enjoy for recs is The Book Smugglers.
Glittergirl says
Happy Anniversary!!! I visit you every day :D
Fiction Vixen
Ex Libris
Under the Covers
Romancing the Book
Cocktails & Books
Happily Ever After Reads
Reading Between the Wines
Riverina Romantics
Rebecca says
Happy Anniversary! The Book Smugglers, Dear Author, and Forever Young Adult always give great reviews. Dear Author also offers insight into the latest publishing trends and news.
Jamie Beck says
Congrats! I enjoy reading your reviews, which are always balanced (and yet fun). You guys have a way of letting your personalities and enthusiasm shine through better than many others. That said, I also like Dear Author and Fiction Vixen.
Followthep says
Happy Blogoversary! I like Under the Covers, Totally Booked Blogs for recommendations. I like the blog below because what would the world be without smut?(lol)
Meghan says
Happy 5th!!!
I just started reading Smexy Books last year. Love the insight.
I also love reading Smart Bitches Trashy Books.
Diana says
Congrats, Smexy! There are several romance blogs I stalk…I mean follow! including The Book Nympho, Rabid Reads and Hot Listens.
However, lately I’ve been hounding the ladies over at AudioGals ( for a range of romances to listen to while I work.
erinf1 says
Happy, Happy Blogoversary!!! Here’s wishing you many, many more! I really do enjoy your blog and I look forward to each new post :)I love the Smexy Sundays and the reviews and author spotlights you host! I’ve found some awesome new favs due to you all! Ummm… I really enjoy Fiction Vixen, SBTB, Dear Author, Manga Manic Cafe, Under the Covers Book Blog, The Romance Dish… just to name a few :) But Smexy is definitely top of the list!!!
VaSusan says
Happy anniversary, and thanks for all of the great recommendations through the years.
I follow SBTB (can’t get enough of the cover snark), Heroes and Heartbreakers, Fiction Vixen, Dear Author.
Also good are Audio Gals:
and Happy Ever After:
For those with varied tastes who want to know about audio books, Audiobook Jukebox is a great clearinghouse for reviews in all genres.
Norma says
LOVE YOU SMEXY!!! Just love your blog! Nothing new for you because I follow you, Dear Author, Fiction Vixen and Smart Bitches.
Lozza says
I’m afraid I won’t be of much help, since I think you already know that Dear Author and Angela James are good for book recs :)
Maureen says
Congratulations on five great years! A couple of my favorites are Dear Author and Book Binge.
Pamela says
Happy anniversary!
I follow All About Romance,Dear Author, Smart Bitches Trashy Books, Red Hot Books, and The Book Pushers
elaing8 says
Happy 5th Blogiversary!!
One blog I like is Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews
lee weatherbee says
I like heroes and heartbreakers also, Happy 5th!
Celine says
Congrats on turning five! I have discovered a lot of books through Dear Author.
Sharlene Wegner says
Happy Anniversary! I probably get more book ideas from Harlequin Junkies than anywhere else. There are a lot of great book blogs out there, though, yours included!
Jodie says
Congrats to Smexy! Finding your blog a few years ago totally fine-tuned my reading! While I became more particular thanks to your reviews, I also tried several new series and authors. Fiction Vixen is my other goto book blog! I love getting your opinions on books and rec’s on what to read!
Followthep says
In celebration, I just saw an author post the best rear ends in Hollywood:
Mandi says
Well this will make my top ten list this week!! :)
Little Lamb Lost says
Can’t tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Happy 5th! I also love Fiction Vixen, Dark Faery Tales, and All Things Urban Fantasy for book rec’s
Christina says
I read romances in my teens then stopped for a while after college, somehow I stumbled across Smart Bitches a few years ago and was drawn back in! I follow a bunch of other blogs but still that’s one of my favorites.
Sophia says
Happy blogiversary smexy ladies!!
barbara says
Happy 5th! One of the blogs I follow and enjoy is Scorching Book Reviews.
Paula says
Happy happy anniversary, I love your blog , the four of you are so much fun, thank you. I also like FV and Dear Author.
Vi says
Happy Anniversary, ladies!!! I love getting recs from Dear Author.
I will always be grateful for your Top 10 list of why we should read on Dublin Street!
Amanda says
I am having a difficult time thinking of a particular blog that hasn’t been mentioned. I will go with Jenre’s Well Read site. She doesn’t post or tweet as much as she use to but her site has tons of great m/m recommendations.
evening-green says
Congrats on five years! Besides following you I really like getting recommendations from Under The Covers <3
EvelynS says
Fiction Vixen and Dear Author!! Happy fifth blogoversary!!!
Jaymzangel says
I love @Smartbitches for book recs, but my fave is my original book pimp (from back in the day, LOL) @sparklybearsy.
Jaymzangel says
Happy Bloggiversary!!
Shana says
Congratulations! Five great years and I hope many more to come!
I follow Heroes and Heartbreakers as well has All Romance Ebooks.
Thank you for asking this question, reading the other posts and surfing everyones favorites will be fun! I’ve never heard of some of them and can’t wait to check them out.
Readsalot81 says
Happy Bloggoversary ladies! :) May there be many more to come!
Oh, I love lots of bloggers :)
Brie from Romance Around the Corner
Lucy from The Reading Date
The Bookpushers
Badass Book Reviews
Kristin at My Bookish Ways
Fiction Vixen :-)
maidenveil says
Happy Blogoversary! :) I love following Bewitched Bookworms. :)
MaryK says
My favorite tweeter is Dear Author.
Jordan says
Congrats on turning 5! Although she doesn’t post recommendations all the time, I’ve loved every book that Ilona Andrews has mentioned. She often mentions books in the fantasy/romance crossover area which are some of my favorites!
KT Grant says
Where has the time gone? Cheers, to my favorite hores.
Sarah Porter says
Kelly Harvey says
My absolute favorite would be Smexy but…I also love fiction vixen!
Carol B. says
Congrats on your 5 year anniversary! I really love your site and get great recommendations. Other sites that give good recs are: All Things Urban Fantasy, Gizmo’s Reviews & Dark Faerie Tales. (I love goodreads too!)
Amy R says
I follow Fiction Vixen, Under Cover Book Blog, Smut Book Club, Harlequin Junkies, Book Vixen, Kindles and Wine, Dear Author, Scorching Book Blog, Bookaholic Anon, Smart Bitches Trashy Books, Penny for your thoughts and a few others.
Michelle STARKEY says
Congrats on 5 years and multiple…ummmm…. Reviews. Your guys rock. Of course you and Tori are my go to girls for book recs. I love you girls and agree with 99% of your reviews. I also go to Angie at SBC, Heroes and Heartbreakers and the book Vixen.
Jen B. says
Hmmm, I follow a lot of blogs. I trust Smexy and Under The Covers Book Blog and Romancing Rakes for the Love of Romance. There is an Urban Fantasy blog I follow but I can’t think of the name right now and there aren’t any postings in my inbox right now.
Susan W. says
Congrats on 5 years! After scrolling through the comments I found that I follow so many already mentioned and found a couple to check out. Herding Cats and Burning Soup is one of my favorites along with Smexy Books.
Jackie (Literary Escapim) says
Congratulations on 5 years! It’s amazing how fast time flies when you’re having fun! *grin*
Only because they haven’t been mentioned yet, and I have to second quite a few of the aforementioned, you should also check out @Twimom227, @Love2Read4Fun, @TMBuzzardm, and @KMont; but you’re already familiar with them…what am I saying. *headsmack* Everyone else should definitely check them out.
Tina F says
Happy Blogoversary! I go to Love to Read For Fun and Paranormal Haven!
Jennifer says
Happy Blogoversary! Besides you all, I visit Dear Author, SBTB, Heroes & Heartbreakers, Vampire Book Club, and Under the Covers Book Blog. I can’t pick just one. Here’s to many more years of smexy goodness! *toasts to Mandi, Tori, May, and Helyce*
Andrea T says
Congratulations on the blog birthday! I do genuinely enjoy your posts.
My favorite blogger/reader for recommendations is Karen at For What It’s Worth (@teamsheltie). She always gives me the best advice and recs, and she’s such a nice person/friend.
LSUReader says
Congratulations on a wonderful five years!
Some of the romance blogs I check for reading recommendations are:
The Romance Dish, SOSAloha, Fiction Vixen, All About Romance, Book Binge and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books.
susan says
Congratulations! Smexy Books is always fun. I regularly read Dear Author, Smart Bitches, and All About Romance.
Becky says
Five years! Fantastic! Congrats :)
My favorites are Dear Author and Smart Bitches–nothing new, I know. Not my fault they’re awesome and everyone knows it! ;)
Jess1 says
I can’t name a favorite but I like Fiction Vixen, That’s What I’m Talking About, Book Binge, The Book Vixen, The Book Pushers, etc.
RossyG says
Happy Birthday Smexy Books! I love reading the reviews here and I’ve discovered a lot of new authors thanks to you.
Kaetrin says
Happy 5th birthday Smexy! I get recs from all over but Brie from Romance Around the Corner is my book twin when it comes to contemporary romance. :)
Patti (Caught in a FAB Romance) says
Not entering, just wanted to say, Congratulations!
Nancy says
Congratulations on your anniversary! You ladies do an amazing job!
I follow Laura Florand and Courtney Milan’s twitter accounts for great blog posts and great book recs.
Kimh says
Book binge, the book pushers, Romantic times
Thanks, happy 5 th congrats
Julie says
Happy anniversary! I can never go wrong with Dear Author. :)
Jessi Gage says
Yay for blogiversaries! Congrats!
I love reading @Charlotte_Stein’s tweets. She has a candid way of looking at the world through the lens of TV shows that I find too cute and a bit inappropriate. She’s the best.
For book recommendations, hm, I think @RuthiKnox has excellent taste. She hasn’t steered me wrong yet.
Liz S says
The Galaxy Express
Night Owl Reviews
Heroes and Heartbreakers
Bitten By Books
These are some of my favorite sites to learn about new books. Congrats and thanks for the contest!
Natasha says
I follow Under The Covers Book Blog, Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance, Ramblings From This Chick, Fangs Wands and Fairy Dust and so many more!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Manda says
Happy birthday! And, thanks for giving me some new romance blogs to check out! Besides Smexy, three websites I frequent are Fiction Vixen, Dear Author and Smart Bitches. I’ve also gotten some good recommendations from the Amazon Romance Forum.
Hayson says
Happy birthday! Yous are my favorites because you introduced me to flowers that look like peens. I’ve never been so taken with botany. Your reviews are thoughtful, funny and always entertaining. I can’t wait until you reach middle school age.
miki says
Happy Blogoversary!! thank you for sharing with us for so long and i hope for a lot longer^^
i reccommend you to follow Brenda from Crazy Four Books, her review are really well done and she is a fabulosu person
Mandi says
Wow – thank you all SO MUCH!!!
Anne says
Happy Blogoversary. I’d say Escape with Dollycas because she has the only blog I read which focuses on mysteries. I know there’s others out there but I haven’t found them yet. I follow many romance and several sci fi/urban fantasy ones.
Alesa says
Congratulations Mandi and well done! I’m so happy I found your Blog, I have had many hours of reading enjoyment because of your recommendations – and many smiles because of all the extra stuff you post!!
I only really also follow the girls at Fiction Vixen but do occasionally check out SubClubBooks x
Angela says
Happy Blogiversary!!!!
ck says
Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway! Your blog has been the source of many, many recommendations for me and you have all the thanks for that, as well.
Rebecca Rogers Maher says
Congratulations on 5 amazing years! Thanks for all you do.
Jen Twimom says
Congrats to you and the gang! I’m going to miss you so much at RAGT this year! Hopefully we’ll get to hang out again someday!
I know you already know her, but @mslizalou always gives me great feedback on books to read. Plus she holds my virtual hand when we read tough books together.
Nicole S says
Happy Anniversary! Since wood is the 5 year anniversary gift…I don’t think a real gift is necessary :) I enjoy all your recommendations especially the historicals. Other than Smexy I like to follow Smart Bitches and Loves Saves The World. Keep up the awesome work and can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
aurian says
Congrats on the fifth blogoversary Mandi, Tori, Helyce and May! That is amazing, and I think I have been around for 2 or 3 years.
My recommendation, a blog called Paranormal Haven. They have great reviews, some great monthlong events and just read my kind of books.
Gisele Pinheiro says
Happy aniversary!
I love the blog and all the awesome recommendations you all have giving me. My recs? Here you go:
Taylor P says
Happy 5th Anniversary!
Smexy Books is one of my favorite book blogs. A few of the others I routinely read are:
Maryse’s Book Blog
The Book Vixen
Laurie says
Happy Anniversary! I follow Fiction Vixen and Under the Covers blogs. Hope we see you make it to high school and college:)
Michelle says
Happy anniversary! I follow Smart Bitches Trashy Books and
Jen at Red Hot Books says
Congrats on 5 great years. I love getting recs from Brie at Romance Around the Corner and Bree of Moira Rogers. I also adore Chelsea at VBC, Pamela (Spaz), Jennifer (The Book Nympho), and Annie at UTC. There are so many great folks on Twitter and in our little corner of the blogging world. Mandi, you help make it brighter… one shiny peen at a time. Love ya!
winnie says
Happy Blogiversary to Smexy Books! :D
As for romance readers/bloggers I follow, there are quite a lot actually so I’ll just randomly select one:
Jen says
Congrats on 5 years and hope for many more! It has been a pleasure getting to know you ladies. ;)
Barbara Elness says
Happy 5th Birthday! Some of my favorite blogs are: Suzanne Johnson’s Preternatura, Tynga’s Reviews, Dark Faerie Tales, SOS Aloha, Romance Bandits, and The Qwillery.