Play (Stage Dive, #2) by Kylie Scott
Contemporary Romance
E book, 304 pages
St. Martin’s Griffin
Released: March 25, 2014
Joint reviewed by Mandi & Tori
Mal Ericson, drummer for the world famous rock band Stage Dive, needs to clean up his image fast—at least for a little while. Having a good girl on his arm should do the job just fine. Mal doesn’t plan on this temporary fix becoming permanent, but he didn’t count on finding the one right girl.
Anne Rollins never thought she’d ever meet the rock god who plastered her teenage bedroom walls—especially not under these circumstances. Anne has money problems. Big ones. But being paid to play the pretend girlfriend to a wild life-of-the-party drummer couldn’t end well. No matter how hot he is. Or could it?
Tori: Rockstar bad boys are a guilty pleasure of mine. The more intense and outrageous they are, the more I am attracted to them. I think it’s the combination alpha/beta personality and the usual secret that causes them to act the way they do. The push/pull relationship between the hero and heroine combined with heroes often self destructive behavior draws me in everytime. The emotional dialogue is often compelling but it’s what’s not said but implied that pulls me into their sphere.
Play is a sweet new adult romantic contemporary that focuses on the relationship between an out of control rock star and a down on her luck young woman. Ms. Scott uses her skills to paint an engaging, quite humorous,and at times heartbreaking picture of first love as she builds a swoon worthy romance on a false premise. Not a trope I normally go for; it works well in here. Though told from primary from Anne’s viewpoint, we do get in depth dialogue between both protagonists, enabling the reader to see both sides of the story.
Anne Rollins has just been royally screwed. She just discovered her roommate, her supposed best friend, has skipped out owning months of back rent. No one but Anne is surprised by this turn of events. Lauren, Evelyn’s (Lick) best friend, invites her to a Stage Dive party to help take her mind off what just happened. When Anne arrives, she meets Mal and the fireworks start. Anne has had a crush on Mal for years and has dreamed of meeting him but never quite imagined it like this.
“Your cheeks have gone all rosy. Are you thinking rude thoughts about me, Anne.”
“Liar,” he taunted in a soft voice. “You’re totally thinking of me with no pants on.”
I totally am.
Mal is having a rough year. Personal issues has him almost acting bi polar with his manic behavior. Drinking and partying too much, Mal knows he needs to slow down before he crashes and burns. Meeting Anne and feeling an instant connection has him invading her life and home, offering her a position of his pretend girlfriend. With Anne Mal doesn’t have to play the “rock star”. She brings him a sense of peace and tranquility he so desperately needs while he encourages her to take chances and have fun.
From there the laughs just keeps coming. Anne and Mal are fantastic characters whose personalities explode off the pages. Individually and together, they instantly steal your heart and you become heavily invested in their story. Both of them have some serious baggage that not only affects their relationship, but their lives in general. I liked that Anne wasn’t your average star struck groupie. She carries on with her life as normal…well as normal as one can with a 6 ft plus totally hot rock star living with her. She continues working and doesn’t take any crap from Mal. She knows when to push and when to back away.
What did you think Mandi?
Mandi : This book surprised me. I read and enjoyed Lick and I think as soon as I was done I tweeted Kylie Scott and demanded Mal’s book. What surprised me is the type of hero Mal really is. In Lick he was silly and made me laugh – and while in Play he is silly and made me laugh he also is not your typical rock star hero. He almost has an immature vibe but at the same time is very sexy. I honestly don’t know how this author played both sides so well. I laughed out loud so many times in this book, swooned at how sexy Mal is and yet felt deeply for him and what he was going through. Anne is great too – she gets Mal. She really, really gets him and that just made it all work. Even though he is a lot to take when they first meet (and yes I’m using Tori’s quote above just expanding):
“Are you thinking rude thoughts about me, Anne?”
“Liar,” he taunted in a soft voice. “You’re totally thinking of me with no pants on.”
I totally was.
“That’s just gross, dude. A massive invasion of my privacy.” He leaned in closer, his breath warming my ear. “Whatever you’re imagining, it’s bigger.”
“I’m not imagining anything.”
“I’m serious. It’s basically a monster. I cannot control it.”
“Malcom – “
“You’re pretty much going to need a whip and chair to tame it, Anne.”
Tori: I loved that this wasn’t an insta love romance. Though they have to play off they are in a committed relationship, Scott gives Mal and Anne ample time to get to know one another. The chemistry between them sizzles HAWT (limos for the win) but neither was pushing for sex. Mal and Anne’s witty banter gives rise to friendship and more as they spend more time together. Both are givers though Anne more so and that balance resonates through the book. From their first meeting, you know they are destined to be together. I also enjoyed that any misunderstandings were easily carified. Neither protagonists are true emotional black holes, wallowing in self pity and wanting to be the center of everyone’s attention. I seriously just loved them both to pieces. *laughter* I wish I could list all the scenes that made me laugh but then I would be pretty much retelling the entire story.
Mandi: I liked that Anne is honest with Mal. She calls him on his bullshit when she can tell he is bullshitting – with Mal it’s hard to tell.
“God, you confuse me. I don’t think my head has stopped spinning since you walked in the door.”
“You can be confused later. But come on my face now, please?”
I liked how things play out with Anne’s good friend Reece too. Reece can’t decide if he has feelings for Anne, and the jealousy that arises plays out well.
And yes – I have about 50 quotes highlighted I want to share.
Tori’s favorite quote: “A biter and a screamer. And you seemed like such a nice quiet girl. I’m shocked”
Tori’s Grade: B+
Mandi’s favorite quote: “I’ll sleep with Anne.”
“No you won’t.”
“Yes, I will.” He raised a hand high. “For I am, Malclom, Lord of the Sex!”
Mandi’s Grade: B
I loved Mal but I think what really made me love this book was Anne. At first I thought she might end up being a doormat heroine but she really wasn’t. I loved the scene in the bathroom, where she confronted that one woman. So many times I have seen characters take that kind of stuff and never stand up for themselves.
All in all I thought it was a sweet and fun read and I found myself wondering why there aren’t more of these type books out there?
I agree. This book had all the elements that appeals to me as a romance reader. Humor, attraction, sex, mild but realistic relationship pot holes, solid plotlines, and two strong characters who were comfortable with one another.
And the bathroom scene? Anne owned it.
I just adored Lick the most but this one was really great.
Tori – Rockstars are a guilty pleasure of mine too, can you list a few of your favorites? I’m always looking for new ones to pick up!
Sure Krists. Some of my favs are:
Olivia Cunning’s Sinners On Tour. Warning-EXTREMELY erotic. :P
Heidi McLaughlin’s Beaumont series
CM Stunich’s Hard Rock Roots series
Bec Botefuhur Biker Rockstar series-cheesy goodness.
True Story by Willow Aster (standalone)
Jean Haus’s Luminescent Juliet series
I hear Christine Zolendz’s Mad World series is good but I haven’t read it.
Thank you!! I already had two but I bought the rest so I can read on vacation next week. :)
I really loved Thoughtless and Tina Reber’s Love Unscripted but that was… a long time ago and they were so angsty… at least Thoughtless was. I’m in a slump and I need something good!
I loved this book and while I really wanted to read Mal’s story I was a little nervous because I was afraid he would be too immature and I wouldn’t like him but Kylie did a great job capturing his personality. And I loved Anne and how she reacted around Mal and didn’t let him get away with too much.
And I think my favorite scene (even though there were a million great ones) is when Mal meets Anne’s sister Lizzy.
“She used to write your name on her thigh in permanent marker,” my traitorous wench of a sister reported.
“That’s a lie!” I cried.
“Did she write it on her inner thigh? I bet it she did, the minx.” Mal grabbed my wrists, holding them against his chest.
“Lizzy be a good girl and fetch me a pen,” said Mal. “I need to write your sister’s name on my junk, right now.”
That scene was one of the BEST. I laughed so hard. I think Anne and Mal are in my top ten fav characters.