I’m babysitting my nine month old nephew today and recovering from an awesome Baltimore Orioles win last night. Seriously the most fun I’ve ever had at a game. Instead of an official Top Ten, I have three very important things to share with you.
#1 – There is a Go Fund Me account set up to help Dear Author/Jane Litte pay for her legal fees surrounding the Ellora’s Cave lawsuit. You can go here to contribute. The amoun this fund has increased today is astounding. GO romance community!!!
#2. A chicken wearing a scarf looking in a mirror. All chickens should wear scarves.
#3 – Jared Leto not only has the world’s most gorgeous hair (and eyes.) He also has a ginormous bulge. Click here for the story. Warning – it’s bigger than the Hammaconda I think. #SuperBigBulge
That’s all I can do. Even as I was ogling bulge I had to stop to change a dirty diaper. What the heck kid???? ;)
My weekend read is going to be A Bollywood Affair by Sonali Dev. I’ve heard really good things. Have a great weekend! Go Baltimore Orioles!!!
HOLY COW! How the heck does he carry that thing around? I wonder if he needs to hold it to run the way we women do our boobs.
He needs support down there for sure! LOL
I have always loved him. *drools*
I actually heard about Jared Leto’s enormous peen some time ago when I kept seeing #HurtsLikeSatan tags on his pictures. Naturally, I started wondering just what the hell that tag means. So, then I found out that Jared’s sexual proclivities are like…urban legend. There are bunch of rumors from girls who hooked up with him that he is totally kinky, rough and that he has huge peen (like 11-12″) and it “hurts like satan.” :D I always thought of this as just rumor; a part of being a rock stars and that adds to his appeal, but damn, that video is… 0_0
I donated as soon I saw news about DA legal fund. #TeamJane #notchilled
LOL…must be nice to be him ;)
That picture of Jared Leto gave me a flashback to the scene in This Is Spinal Tap when Derek get’s busted at the airport security check with a foil wrapped zucchini in his pants. Holy crap.
The chicken is cute! And I thought for sure that “package” was fake, but after reading the other comments, hmmm!
I don’t know…I think Mr. Leto’s peenie-weenie is genuine.
Poor Poor Hammaconda