10. The holidays have arrived. Are we ready?
9. What a cute cover for Julie James’s May 2015 release! And as she says on her website:
SUDDENLY ONE SUMMER is not part of my FBI/U.S. Attorney series. Neither the heroine nor hero is an FBI agent or Assistant U.S. Attorney, and no part of the plot relates to the FBI or federal prosecutors office. So calling it an FBI/U.S. Attorney book would be, well, weird. But Ford, the hero in SUDDENLY ONE SUMMER, first appeared in Love Irresistibly (he was the heroine’s best friend), so rest assured that there will be familiar faces in the book.
You can go to her blog to read the blurb. I loooooove Julie James books. Very excited for this one. Goodreads l Kindle (Pre-Order)
8. Tori recently read, reviewed, and enjoyed Come Dancing by Leslie Wells. Now, she has released a holiday story ($.99) that features the same couple, Dancing with Mistletoe.
7. Hey – who is going to RT 2015? Tori and I will be there! Yesterday they announced the Agenda (list of events) and a list of all the authors coming.
6. The new Hobbit trailer is out! I love these Hobbit movies. My son just finished the book and was totally trying to spoil the ending for me. Dude. ;)
Can we also just say that mama loves Thorin…. #MamaLikes – and she likes whatever this scene is:
5. In other adorable/cute news, because twitter is abuzz with Jane the Virgin, I started watching it (on the CW network, 4 episodes have aired I think). You guys – this is the most adorable, charming show. It has a crazy premise!! Yes. (it’s based on a telenovela) but it’s so well written and acted and the cast – I love the cast. I actually made my husband watch the first episode and after much initial eye-rolling he said he now needs to watch episode two.
We are watching it off of Hulu to catch up, not sure if it’s on CW OnDemand. But I (and twitter) highly rec!!
4. Sherlock is getting married. Well – Benedict Cumberbatch is, but I like to pretend he is always Sherlock. Always. I can’t help myself. He did it in a very quiet, british fashion, announing it in the newspaper. He is marrying a theater director. It all just sounds damn perfect. As long as this doesn’t hinder production of the new season of Sherlock, I give my blessing.
3. Jamie Dornan has recently said he does NOT go full frontal in the upcoming Fifty Shades of Gray movie. If Fassy can parade his peen around in a movie, Dornan can too darn it. Just a quick glance – give me something to hoot at in the theater as I sip out of my flask.
Buzzfeed has 19 times he has an opportunity to show it – we could have had 19 peen showings!!!
2. A peen shaped mosquito bite. Because it’s Friday and I’m getting a little slap happy.
1. Sunday, I’m running a 10k which includes 4 miles over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. This bridge is really long – and high above the water, and something like 26 feet wide or something. I can barely drive over it in the summer when my husband takes the doors off his jeep. Now I have to run over it. HOLD ME. I’m scared. Why am I doing this? Oh right, because my friends and hubs and brother are doing it and I couldn’t be left behind. But damn it. Think of me on Sunday ;)
I’m currently reading Rogue Spy by Joanna Bourne and it’s amazing.
I am going to RT for the first time, and I will be doing this alone. (Vacationing alone is also a first for me.). I am so excited that you and Tori will be there as well! I hope if we get the chance to meet in person I don’t do anything fangirly embarassing.
Good luck on the run – maybe someone can hold your hand while you run? (But doing that for four miles is probably too much to ask.) Maybe you could listen to a favorite section in an audiobook while you go across the bridge?
RT is sooooo much fun. This will be my 3rd and I just love it. The atmosphere is just the best. I really hope to meet you!!
Thanks for the run – I’ll be listening to music I think…my friend has the same start time as me so maybe I’ll run with her.
Or maybe I’ll listen to a really smutty romance book! LOL
Running across the Bay Bridge? No…REALLY????
I still have nightmares about DRIVING over the Bay Bridge, some of which involve having to get out of the car and walk. My palms start to sweat just thinking about it. When I was learning to drive, my dad made me go both ways over the bridge before he’d let me get my license, so I know it can be done, but Geesh!
Good luck to you. You’re a better gal than I am, Gunga Din!
We only go over the bridge maybe once a year – so I know it but I don’t really KNOW it.
Why am I doing this?? LOL – there is beer at the end. I’ll run towards the beer! ;)
Head up, eyes on the horizon, not on the road, or heavens forbid over the side. I’m sure you’ll do great.
So excited about RT 2015. Especially after seeing the list of authors attending. It’s gonna be awesome.
SO excited. Can’t wait to meet you!!
I totally love the way Cumberbatch put the engagement announcement in the Times. So British and so cute!
I have to check out Jane the Virgin.
I don’t know if you have seen Justine Baldoni’s proposal. He’s the actor who plays Rafael Solano in Jane the Virgin. If you haven’t seen it is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVTr5MNa_8Y
Best proposal ever!
Have fun and good luck on Sunday. :)
I don’t think Julie James’ last FBI/ US Attorney book, It Happened One Wedding, really belonged in that series either lol. The hero just happened to in the FBI…and the case he was working on was kind of a side thing the heroine had no involvement in. Even the cover looks nothing like the rest of the series. But I’m looking forward to Suddenly One Summer now that I know what to expect… and I actually remember Ford!
Can’t wait to start Rogue Spy. But first, I’m going back and rereading the whole Spymaster Series…soooo freaking good!
Happy weekend!
I’m waiting for RT2016.