The Bedding Proposal (The Rakes of Cavendish Square, #1) by Tracy Anne Warren
Historical Romance
March 3, 2015
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: She was not for sale.
Lady Thalia Lennox, once the reigning darling of the London social set, now lives an outcast’s existence, the object of scandalous rumors and lascivious innuendos. Betrayed by those around her, the lies have left her heartbroken, alone, and completely over men. That is until a younger man sets his sights upon her.
Lord Leopold Byron, a mischievous rake whose status as a younger son leaves him free to pursue his amusements without censure, finds his interest pricked for the first time in ages when he catches a glimpse of the beautiful divorcee. Determined to make her his mistress, Leo plies her with titillating suggestions and intimate advances only to find himself rebuffed by her on multiple occasions.
Refusing to take no for an answer, Leo takes the different approach and soon a beautiful friendship blossoms. But there are those out there who don’t want Thalia happy and will do whatever it takes to keep her under their thumb. As Leo and Thalia’s relationship begins to evolve into something more, Leo will do whatever it takes to keep Thalia in his bed and life forever.
This is my first time reading Ms. Warren but not my last. The Bedding Proposal is the first installment in Ms. Warren’s The Rakes of Cavendish series which revolves around the Byron family. Fans of Tessa Dare and Julia Quinn are sure to enjoy this lively adventure that brings two intelligent and witty protagonists together for a deliciously swoon worthy romance. Set in the Regency era, Warren’s builds the sexual tension between our protagonists with delicious exploratory scenes, witty banter, and sensual play. Intrigue and scandal only further enhances the experience and elevates this story above the average historical romance.
Lady Thalia Lennox was married at a young age to a man of her family’s choosing. Going into the marriage with optimism and hope, she is shocked to find herself the victim of abuse. When her husband goes too far, leaving Thalia unable to give him an heir, he sets up in order to divorce her. Lies and accusations leave Thalia dissolute and a social pariah. With a few loyal friends and staff members, Thalia is able to secure housing and money to survive but she has taken her lessons to heart and regardless of the rumors her husband started, she lives a solitary life with her staff and cat.
“Animals are wonderful company and they are never cruel or deceitful. Be kind to them and they will be kind back. If only people were so admirable in their dealings, just think how much better the world would be.”
Lord Leo Byron is a younger son of a Duke and lives his life as one of privilege. A hedonistic rake, he doesn’t always consider the consequences of his actions. He sees Lady Thalia and instantly decides she will be his next mistress, never considering that she may not be interested.
“Now, why don’t we go somewhere more private so we can get better acquainted. I have my coach right outside. And please, call me Leo. As I said before, all my intimates do.”
All his bedmates, he meant, his meaning clear.
Without knowing what she intended, she flung the contents of her glass up into his face, champagne splashing everywhere.
He blinked wine out of his eyes, a stunned expression on his wet face..
“You and I shall never be intimates. Good night, Lord Leopold.”
Having never been denied anything since a young child, he thinks Lady Thalia is playing hard to get and strives to change her mind. He oversteps many boundaries in the beginning with his hamfisted pursuit, not seeing that his double-sided innuendos are insulting to Thalia. He views her as a prize to be won. After she seeks to humiliate him, hoping he will finally take the hint, Leo uses her guilt to secure her companion ship for two weeks. It’s during this time that Leo begins to see the real Thalia.
Every day he came to know her a little better.
Every day he wanted to know more, be with her more.
Leo and Thalia are a delight both as individuals and as a couple. Both strong, witty, and intelligent with a wonderful chemistry that is apparent from their first meeting. Though an unlikely match, their relationship flourishes and deepens as they become further acquainted with one another. While Thalia’s beauty and reputation is what initially attracts Leo, it’s her charm and intelligence that soon captivates him. He gradually realizes that the face she presents to society only serves to hide a complex woman who’s still waters run deep. Leo is also not what Thalia initially thought him to be. There is strong substance behind ‘his devil may care attitude’ that only strengthens her attraction as she uncovers his many facets. As she spends more time with him, she realizes that he may be exactly what she needs. Their witty banter, dry humor, and undeniable sexual attraction keeps the storyline and their relationship flowing smoothly forward.
“Have you not realized, dear Lady Thalia, how vastly improper I am? Just say the word and we can be improper together.”
Naughty, fun, and explicit loves scenes are used to tantalize the reader and show the passion and love that is slowly building between them. I do adore a couple who can have fun in and out of bad and Leo does everything he can to make sure Thalia enjoys every minute they spend together. They have a delightful romantic sensual way about them that reassures you that they could very well have a very happy future together.
“Keep your eyes open.” He stroked faster, pausing to scissor his fingers inside her with every deep inner touch. “See how beautiful you are as you take your pleasure.”
The main conflict is deeply plotted and intertwines around our villain with flair. It does take a while to get the full story behind Thalia’s downfall and her ex husband’s role in it. I did enjoyed that Leo, unlike some historical romantic heroes, doesn’t automatically blame our heroine for the problems they encounter or engage in sexual double standards. Thalia and Leo get some help in being ostracized from some unexpected allies-Leo’s family. I am especially eager to see Leo’s twin brother Lawrence find his happily ever after. I was pleased Warren didn’t go the expected route and use the fact Leo and Lawrence were twins to add additional conflict to the relationship. I was disconcerted though by the manner in which Warren chooses to give our couple resolution. It was a plot device that required no real effort in producing.
Over all, The Bedding Proposal is a joyful heartwarming love story filled with humor, steamy romance, and just enough conflict to leave you cheering at the end for our delightful couple.
Overall Rating: B
Prior Tracy Anne Warren Reviews
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Publishers Weekly
oh Great review. I have been wanting to read this one. I do love a good conflict, and this author is pretty great.
I’m looking forward to reading her back list.
Oo sounds intriguing.