Sealed in Sin (The Vessel Trilogy # 2) by Juliette Cross
Urban Fantasy
Released April 21, 2015
Samhain Publishing
Reviewed by Sheena
In my excitement, the following is mildly spoilery.
Book 2 in the Vessel trilogy is wrapped in unpredictability. Though an HEA is expected, the road traveled in this installment is anything but predictable. Sealed in Sin picks up shortly after events in Forged in Fire cemented Genevieve as the most powerful Vessel of Light , the being of which a prophecy foretells will be the most powerful factor in the imminent battle of Dark and Light. Unfortunately, Genevieve blunders and in her naiveté’ makes a series of poor decisions that compound and culminate into the worst choice EVER in regards to her safety and Jude’s trust. The novel begins and my beloved Jude is MIA for the first 40 pages or so and his absence left me a little bereft and wanting. Especially when a new usurper suitor begins to make himself known to Genevieve- the angel Thomas. Pardon me. The insanely-yummy-dripping-with-sensuality-and power- self proclaimed-Guardian Angel, Thomas.
“I glared at the stranger and tried to catch my breath…he stood nearly as tall as Jude, similar in build but leaner. Black hair hung in staggered waves halfway to his shoulders. he regarded me with startling eyes- deep cobalt blue, the color of a glacier buried and untouched for centuries. Like white marble, his jaw, face and neck were sculpted in perfect, harmonious lines. His captivating signature circled me like a wintry halo.
Jude – get your ass in gear and into this story ASAP! This heavenly body is super shady and his aura screams ulterior motives for our girl Gen!
While the plot moved forward full steam ahead and we uncovered important layers to the Demon Prince’s unusual alliance, Sealed in Sin was definitely a loaded book, focusing on character development and some flashbacks where we not only see the truth in Jude’s making, but more painful character truths are revealed. While Jude is hunting the prophecy they believe will aid them in their fight, Thomas insinuates himself into Gen’s life, saving her and endearing her to him. Thomas is dangerously seductive, building her trust in him by offering her the one thing that Jude can not give her to make her feel safer and more in control of her destiny. Gen (like a fool!) hides Thomas’ arrival and influence in her life from Jude and the scene where her betrayal is uncovered is heart breaking. Let’s just say you definitely pick a side, and the person who you side with’s name certainly does not rhyme with Beneieve. *Grumbles* she’ such a fool!
Poor Jude….Will he ever get to keep his girl without all of demon and now angelic kind trying to stick their grubby little tongues down her throat!? Jude was so patient and protective in book 1, I can not stand for this Thomas-the-usurper- to cock block him!
“That’s what I thought,” Jude said in an arrogant huff. His hands rested casually on his hips, but the taut, flexed muscles across his chest and shoulders spoke of the tension coiling in his body. “He’s been planning to seduce you from the start.”
“What? No! He-” Wait. Had he? His animosity toward Jude was clear. Was it because he wanted me for himself?”
“Yes. he has. And apparently, he’s done a fine job.”
“He did more than kiss you, didn’t he? Tears pooling…I gave a stiff nod.
Cross continues to add to her rich character development by introducing a bevy of enforcer demon masters/hunters who are so enigmatic that their brief appearance begs more story to be told, so much so that I can not suffer the series stalling as a Trilogy. This world is too rich to end now! Yep. It’s that interesting, sensual and unique. Even the dastardly Demon Princes wink as if they too have a story to tell. Spoiler alert: They do!
The tone of the book pulsed with warning and cautionary vibes. Genevieve’s deceit, though free of malice, shows just how vulnerable she was to manipulation, despite her rapidly growing power. Unfortunately, just when you think she gets it, it’s too late because the last unscrupulous trap she falls for, costs her the one thing she vowed to have and to hold, and to cherish for eternity.
“Only then did I plunge into the well of grief waiting to drown me in its endless embrace. I curled into a tight ball, remembering the look on Jude’s face as he said goodbye, knowing it was for the last time. He’d held me with love, not regret sacrificing himself without a moment’s hesitation.”
Annnnnnd then she snaps out of it. Genevieve rises from the ashes to become who I predict will be an amazing sight to behold in book three, Bound in Black, due out this summer. She has matured and is now a woman grown, a formidable heroine, hell-bent on salvaging her love, restoring life that is believed to be lost and defeating Hell’s demons once and for all!
Action packed, fast paced and steamy, I recommend to any paranormal romance enthusiast. Sealed in Sin can stand alone, however, you won’t want it to. Like Pringles…you can’t just have one…feast upon this cracky goodness!
Grade: A
O.M.G. Your reviews are SO kickass, Sheena! And I was literally laughing out loud. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, I’m super pumped you enjoyed book two. ;)
Yes, yes, yes ! Sheena, once again you have reviewed perfectly. I just finished and definitely dizzy with emotions! Ms. Cross, I look foward to Bound In Black!
Whoohoo! Yay, Jezy! Lots of secrets to unfold in BOUND IN BLACK. So happy you liked it, Jezy. :)