When a big scary biker shows up at Jimmy’s Diner fifteen minutes before the end of my shift—covered in tattoos and looking at me like I’m on the menu—I should flip the open sign to closed.
But I don’t.
I’m too used to doing what I’ve been told. Too used to working and struggling and surviving to do anything different. A closed sign wouldn’t stop him anyway. He’s here to collect a debt. And I’m the only one left to pay. (Blurb for Shari Slade’s Ride Me Hard) Goodreads l Amazon
Ride Me Hard is the first installment in Shari Slade’s new serial series, Devil’s Host MC. A dark, erotic, suspenseful serial that gives readers a decadent taste of the dark side with Noah, an enforcer with the Devil’s Host MC (Motorcycle club), and Star, a waitress whose cousin is in deep debt to the MC. Noah plans on getting payment…one way or the other. Slade has said this serial will contain six parts.
Regret flickers in my belly. I remember that my security comes with a price.
“Are you going to hurt Harry?”
“Not if he has Dev’s money. But judging by the way he ran off tonight, that might be an issue. If you’re worried about him, I might let you plead for his life. You’re pretty on your knees. We could do this again.”
Ever since the hit show Sons of Anarchy and its sexy star, Charlie Hunnam burst on the scene, the appeal of MC romances has skyrocketed. Kristen Ashley, Joanna Wylde, Madeline Sheehan, and other authors flooded the market with their sexy, hard-core, sexually demanding, dirty talking, take no prisoners bikers and readers can’t get their hands on them fast enough. Everyone loves a good hero, right? But what about the bad hero? The anti-hero? The criminal hero? The man who not only walks on the dark side, but thoroughly enjoys the journey.
According to Wikipedia an anti-hero is a “protagonist who is lacking the traditional heroic attitudes and qualities, and instead possesses character traits that are antithetical to heroism.”
The anti-hero is drawn to power and filled with greed. They are the materialistic, power hungry, tyrannical side of our natures; the side that wants to possess everything it desires, without limit, and control everything it needs. Usually a no holds barred alpha, this anti-hero makes no excuses for his behavior. He doesn’t care what you think of him. He’ll use you and everyone around him- it’s all in a days work for him. They are always motivated by a lower, primordial nature. Money, power, sex….the list is endless.
What is the appeal of a biker? In romance, they are the ultimate forbidden fantasy. They are the personification of the uber alpha bad boy (most times) who throws caution to the wind and live their lives by their own rules. The subversive lifestyle of the MC battles against out rationale side, eliciting a secret thrill as you imagine what it would be like to be totally under someone’s control. You’re their property. You’re second class. You’re only worth what your man deems you are. Yet for all their posturing; you are protected. You belong to him and he will do whatever it takes to keep you by his side.
Hot breath whispers over my ear. “No turning back now, sweet girl.” His words tumble in a rush—rough, tender, just for me.
“Remember what I said. You’re mine. Nobody fucks with what’s mine.”
In the beginning, we despise this person. We don’t want to be attracted to them. They go against everything we have ever been taught about what a “real hero” should be. They are atypical. They disregard the inherent rules on which life is based upon. Yet, an attraction forms, eliciting both panty dripping lust and dark self disgust as we find ourselves beginning to trust and eventually fall in love with them. They embrace both the good and evil dualities to expose us to something we can all relate to; the ambiguities of life. With these men, we love to hate them and hate to love them. Against our better judgement, we think we may be the one who will finally tame the beast that resides in them. We convince ourselves that we will be the one to bring these powerful men to their knees in front of us.
A sensual mouth, curled into a smile that says I know everything you’re thinking, and yeah you’re exactly right. A smile that says test me, please. A smile that says I’m hungry and you look like cake.
Fuck me. I want to be cake.
He is every bad decision I’ve ever made all rolled up into one terrifying package.
This particular hero and storyline doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. What do you think? Are bikers still your ultimate dirty fantasy or do you find your eyes glazing over when someone mentions a new MC romance release?
I still love the MC trope. But, as with anything, there are authors who can hit it out of the park and others who miss it. The authors you mentioned – Wylde, Ashley, Sheehan – are able to work that anti-hero angle so well that they have me bouncing back and forth between hating and loving the guys. These men may not care what anyone thinks of them. They may be blatant about their motives being merely money, power, sex. But they all seem to possess a common characteristic that keeps us reading. These men aren’t cruel just for giggles. They have a damn good reason for doing what they do. Which makes it hot. Sexy. Alpha all over the place. These are passionate men. Therefore, we see the possibility that they can be brought to their knees for love. This is what we root for throughout the book. Not that they change. But that they find the woman who will give them the love and understanding they didn’t even know they needed.
I agree. I just love the anti hero and seeing their metamorphosis.
i think we all at one time or another want to be cake! :)
love reading biker stories, the bikers always seem powerful & in command.
Yes. Yes we do. lol
Nope, my eyes glaze. Don’t like them, won’t read them. They are in the same class as billionaires for me – over it.
Bossy billionaires and insipid virginal poor heroines-UGH.
I enjoy them if the story is well written and not too OTT.
Jill Sorenson has a good MC book. As does Cara McKenna.
Agree but I also like some of the OTT if written well. Cheating is what usually makes me walk.
I am a big fan of Sons of Anarchy which led me to trying a lot of MC romances. They are really not working for me.
II was trying to determine why and some of it is in this part:
“The subversive lifestyle of the MC battles against out rationale side, eliciting a secret thrill as you imagine what it would be like to be totally under someone’s control. You’re their property. You’re second class. You’re only worth what your man deems you are.”
I never got a feeling Tara or Gemma from SoA are this and I guess I am more into reading something in that line, some power balance thrown into it.
I always felt that was a HUGE factor in why Gemma and Tara went behind the MC’s back a lot of times, pushing through their own agendas. They had to be sneaky because of their status. Powerful women in their own right; they were still forced to stand one step behind their men.
Hmmm, I never saw it like this. i think manipulation is just another way to push your agenda and it’s working as well as guns and brawn- Gemma practically directed path for entire club, John wanted out of gun business, she didn’t.
It’s a matter of perspective I guess, but it’s still far cry from calling her property and second class… I like seeing women with more agency. If you know any mc romance where power is more balanced, please rec. :)
Tara and Gemma were second class citizens in the eyes of the MC but not because they were lessors. If that makes sense. To me, it’s more steeped in tradition then the actual men thinking this.
Gemma does scheme to take the club in the direction she wants and Clay listens to her in private but her voice was only heard through his. She was and never would have never been allowed to sit in church to cast her vote on club matters. So she manipulates, schemes, and outright lies to get her way. She was the ruler behind the throne.
I think the best MC books where the balance of power is more balanced is those where the MC storyline isn’t as prevalent or the heroine does not merged herself fully into it.
Motorcycle Man by KA. Tack and Tyra were pretty much equals all the way (socially, economically, professionally) BUT the romance far overshadowed the MC and Tyra (besides the occasional party) never has anything to do with it. Tack keeps her pretty insulated from it. I’ll have to think about some more and get back to you.
It actually makes sense. It’s kind of how MC rules prevented black members, but everyone knew it’s removed from reality and outdated rule. So, yes, Gemma didn’t have vote, but she was ruler behind the throne (loved that, btw :) ). Tradition plays a lot into it.
It is a tricky one…Thanks for looking into it. :)
I was also a big fan of SOA, however, there were many, many times I cringed at the realities of their club. They all cheated (which, like Tori, is a big deal breaker for me), they all had a tendency to treat women badly. Maybe not all the time, but it was definitely a prevalant thing. Remember when Clay beat the crap out of Gemma? No matter what she’d done, there is no reason for a man to do that. I know there was love between Jax and Tara and Clay and Gemma. And if anyone did them harm the men would seek revenge. It just wasn’t the romancy kind of love that the MC books I like convey.
I agree with Tori that the books in which the MC isn’t the prevailing focus are the best. Definitely Ashley’s Motorcycle Man. I loved that book.
I really like Joanna Wylde’s Reaper’s MC series even though it’s very much in the same vein as SOA. I was kind of turned off when I started reading but for some reason stuck with it and I’m glad I did. When these heroes fall for their women they go all in. They make subtle changes because they respect the woman. Then, as love develops we see these men fall hard.
River Savage has written Knights Rebels MC which has two books out at the moment. Incandescent and Affliction. These are a cross between Ashley and Wylde. I really like these a lot.
Thanks Deb. :) I’ve read so many it’s hard to remember which was what. lol
I’m the same way. I think I have more TBR books in my Kindle and Nook libraries than I even realize and yet (thanks to you all) every day I read Smexy and go “Oohh, I need that!”
Now…have I read Jill Sorenson’s MC book? I’d have to look that up. Lol
Oh, yes, I don’t want SoA romance to read. Cheating and domestic abuse is bad in any relationship and not tied to MC lifestyle exclusively. I mentioned SoA because it was inspiration behind genre in last several years and I can see it in many books regarding heroes, but not regarding heroines. Power balance is definitely different.
Another one I remembered is “Riding Dirty” by Jill Sorenson. Definitely focused on romance and it was a sexy read.
Thanks for these recs, Deb. I’ll def look for Knights Rebels Mc. :)
OMG, I am such a Biker romance freak it’s not funny! Catnip…Its just like catnip to me….*mewling*
Thanks for the rec Deb! I actually just downloaded the River Savage book, but haven’t gotten to reading it yet. I’ll def read it now.
I must confess, I am over bossy billionaire’s but honey, give me an insipid virginal heroine and I am pleased as punch, hahaha
Don’t judge me! Maybe thats why I love historical novels so much, those broads are almost always innocents at the hand of some roguish rake! ha!
Sheena, I think you’ll like Savage. ;-) Nix is a hottie!
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