Dragos Goes To Washington by Thea Harrison
Series: Elder Races, # 8.5 Novella
Paranormal Romance
October 12, 2015
Self Published
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: She crooned in his head, ‘Honey, I’m so proud of you for not killing anybody. ‘His gaze flashed to hers, and that flat, assessing expression vanished as he laughed. Squeezing her fingers, he told her, ‘Week’s not over yet.’
Dragos and Pia Cuelebre are on their way to Washington, DC to try and repair the damaged peace between mankind and the wyr demesne. Certain events already have Dragos riding the killing edge and Pia has to make sure no one taunts the deadly dragon. When an important politician’s husband is found murdered in their house and it looks like a Wyr is the culprit, Pia and Dragos will have to pull out all the stops to figure out who’s trying to frame them..and why.
I adore these novellas that Harrison writes about the Elder Races. They are perfect little peeks back into our favorite character’s lives and grace us with clues to new plotlines and story directions. Dragos Goes to Washington is part of a three novella series centering around Dragos, Pia, and their son Liam. They can each be read as a standalone but more fun when read in order. Short and sweet, Harrison delivers a full, rich, often steamy stories that engage you from page one.
Pia and Dragos are entering another chapter of their lives. Liam is growing up faster everyday and Pia finds herself experiencing some growing pains of her own. Though Liam was a surprise for them neither see any reason not to at least try again. *wink-wink* This of course engages the mating bond, putting an already volatile Dragos at defcon 12.
He was wearing his inscrutable expression, his gold gaze flat and unrevealing as he watched the protesters. It was one of his most dangerous expressions.
At the same time, Dragos and Pia are required to play nice for a Wyr/Human summit. Think UN summit but much, much deadlier. The supernatural events over the last year have caused great concern and damage to the already fragile peace and now there is a human supremacist group called A Right To Privacy that is doing everything possible to make sure the summit does not go well.
Harrison does a fabulous job of creating a tense volatile conflict while further exploring the dynamics of Dragos and Pia’s relationship. Even after a couple of years, there is still a sense of wonder and confusion on Pia’s part as to how she and Dragos managed to come together. He keeps his emotions locked down tight and sometimes Pia is unsure of how Dragos feels about her and their life together.
“How on earth did we find ourselves here, of all places?”
As king of the wyrs, Dragos must do some serious juggling to keep his people and his family safe. He can’t even afford to be seen as weak but in the privacy, he reassures us and Pia that he is one hundred percent committed to his family-especially Pia.
“As long as you’re okay, everything is okay even when it’s not. When you’re not okay, the world is hell.”
The mystery solves quickly, the events surrounding the case opening the door to a new storyline and arc that should prove to be a very interesting time for the all the wyrs. I loved getting to spend sometime with my favorite Elder Race characters and seeing what they are up to. I look forward to the next two novellas, Pia Goes to Hollywood (11/17), Liam Takes Manhattan (12/22), and the next full length novel-Shadow’s End ( 12/1).
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Paranormal Romance
Good to know you liked this novella, Tori. Price tag is a tad high for a novella. Sounds like it’s worth it?
I enjoyed it alot but I agree the price is a bit high for a novella.
I can’t wait to read this book. Thanks for the review, Tori. I agree about the price though because it’s a Harrison, I will probably still buy it.
Thank you. I too have certain authors that I just tell to take ALL MY MONEY! lol
I’m with y’all. I love this series but the price is kind of high. Still, I’m buying.
The full length novels lost some of their luster for me, but these novellas have been awesome. Pia Saves the Day, Peanut and this one. Love!
Part of me loves the novellas far more then the novels.