Feel the Burn by G.A. Aiken (Dragon Kin #8)
Released: November 24, 2015
Paranormal Romance
Reviewed by May
“I’m fine. Because I’m breathing. And that’s thanks to you.”
Kachka folded her arms across her chest. “That is thanks to me. And yet I still do not have your kingdom.”
“You have my everlasting loyalty”
“The loyalty of a one-eyed rebel king who is allied with two made queens?” She shrugged. “I could definitely do worse.”
Picking up where we left off, this book follows Kachka (sister of heroine featured in last book), who in need of some excitement. When Annwyl enlists her to help with the fanatics that are causing so much death and destruction in her kingdom Kachka jumps at the chance – but not before grabbing some helpers in the form of fellow Riders.
This set up gives us some new faces to enjoy, and even more characters to add to this epic and sweeping world. I am a huge fan of this series, and this is a wonderful addition to one of my all-time favorite worlds to visit. From moments with Annwyl and her daughter to Briec and his precious perfect girls – the whole gang is here and in fine form.
Among our new members I liked Zoya the Rider so huge many ask if she’s a giant. Impossible to offend and very blunt, she really was a fun contrast to the very serious and deadly Kachka.
“We should kill him here,” Zoya said. “Put him out of his misery.”
“I’d prefer you not,” he said simply.
“Quiet, penis-haver.”
He smirked. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
One of my favorite things about this series is that the women lead the way. They are the strongest, the baddest, deadliest, and the real power holders in this world and I love that. It is such a rare thing, and I always love revisiting these ladies. In this book I was concerned I wouldn’t remember or would forget things, but Aiken artfully reminds us and gives enough context that the words flow right along and the story is smooth without any need to go back or try to recall details.
This book showed us a lot of happenings in the plot with the cult, as well as giving us a good peek at Annwyl’s kids and what is happening with them. What it did not deliver for me, was a satisfying romance. Maybe it was just these characters personalities, but they happened to have sex a few times and be on this journey together and at the end of the book simply were together. I felt like Kachka decided she liked sex with him enough to hang around, and I never quite understood why she was the one and only for our friend Gaius the Rebel King.
Here we had an epic warrior of a woman paired with a one-eyed king. I felt like the possibility to explore more depth, to give these two stronger (romance) scenes would have really made a huge difference overall in this book. There was a lot of action and a ton of the usual Aiken humor, I feel the story would have been better balanced with more emotional depth and connection.
There are some really funny moments, some great moments with past characters, and I’m excited to see where the next book leads. In the past the romance generally is a strong part of the story, and really adds to the plot instead of feeling like an afterthought. This was an epic addition and it opens up a lot of potential and possibility that I’m excited to explore for sure. I won’t spoil things for anyone with this review – you’ll have to go read and enjoy the adventures along with me to find out what else happens!
Grade: B-
I love this series but since Eibhear the stories have lacked strong romantic plots. She has been building so many “worlds” that it has taken away from what drew me to them — the romance. The characters are still well developed but I’m not as invested in any of the main couples. I’m still reading, but I’m borrowing them now.
I absolutely adored this book. ADORED!! Zoya left me in tears.
I titled this one “When misandry is fun?”
It kind of is though, I should probably unpack that but it happens so rarely I don’t really feel the need.
But I’ll agree, the romance isn’t the strong point here, but I enjoyed the rest of it so well I just couldn’t care. And how many people would be a suitable match for Katchka? Not many, so for me it was less about her being the right person fro him, than HIM being the right person for HER, which turned out to be vastly more relevant to me despite the fact that we’ve know Gaius longer.
I kinda felt the same. I still really liked the world and the peek into everyones lives, but this time it almost felt as if the romance was a subplot and not the main feature. I liked the scenes Gaius and Kachka had together, but I just wished there would have been more of them. Definitely going to read on though!