Saturday I headed up to Daytona Beach to attend the Coastal Magic Convention.
Jennifer Morris aka @HappyTwilighter hosts a fabulous reader/author convention every year called Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida. CMC is a smaller convention that focuses on bringing readers and authors together in an intimate setting that faciliates more one on one interaction. This three day event starts on Thurday and ends on Sunday. From big name authors to those just starting out, CMC offers a place to network, rub elbows ith some of your favorite authors, make new friends, reaquint with old friends, and grab some seriously awesome swag.
I arrived around 11:00 (running late as usual) and got to talk with with Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About (@twimom) and Liza from Blogging by Liza (@mislizalou) SQUEEE for about 10 minutes before my coffee date with one of my favarite authors, Jennifer Estep. For 30 mintues I and Jen chatted about her recent trip to Germany (her Mythos series is uber hot with German readers), snow, NA books, spitting llamas, AND she gave me some hints as to where her Elemental series is going. I won’t spoil but I’m positive readers will be pleased.
We broke up around lunch time and I headed to have Lunch With An Author. With events like this, I usually try to book with an author I haven’t read and/or met before. I was SUPER siked to see I was lunching with Jan DeLima (I and Mandi each reviewed a book in her Celtic Wolves Trilogy) and new to me author H. D. Smith. Penny (@sweetiepiepen) was also sitting with us and is always guaranteed to make you laugh.
After lunch I went for drinks with Jan DeLima while we waited for the next panel. She is simply lovely and if you ever get a chance to meet her, GRAB IT! We talked about self-publishing, the newer trends that seem to be sweeping the publishing world, and what she is currently writing. A romantic suspense series is on her horizon and I am looking forward to reading it.
I only made to ONE panel that day, I know, I suck, but it was lots of fun. I got to hang with @jaymzangal while we met various authors and discussed contemporary romance. Jade Lee, who is an ABSOLUTE trip, is self pubbing a new pnr shifter romance -Seducing The Skeptic- under pen name Kathy Lyons. Fresh Fiction called it a ‘fast, fun read…peppered with spicy love.’ Seducing The Skeptic is available only in ebook and it is the first in a series. Donna, one-half of the fabulous Kit Rocha team, was also there and after assuring me I would totally do Lex no matter how much I was protesting, informed me that there will hopefully be one more book in the Southern Arcadia series. YAY!!!
She also gave me this from her and Bree
Be. Still. My. Heart. The lovely @jaymzangal was nice enough to Vanna White for me to take these pictures. I was informed this is the ONLY ONE IN EXISTENCE right now.*swoon* I’m told the tattoo emblem on front is a clue towards Beyond Ruin which is set to release soon. I tried to steal Donna’s laptop to get a sneak peek but she’s much faster then she looks. And to answer the question on everyone’s tongue…no this will not be included in the giveaway.
Afterwords me, Jen, and Liza attended the public book signing and I got to meet a few authors I’ve long admired but was never able to meet. Paige Prince, Megan Hart, Jocelyn Drake (who is writing a spin off to her Dark Days series and will release first one in July), Tere Micheals, Carrie Anne Ryan, and more. All in all, it was a fun day and I’m hoping next year I can just throw caution to the wind and stay the whole weekend.
Now on to the giveaway!!!
There are plenty of conventions that I am unable to attend due to money, time, and location but that doesn’t stop me from coveting all the great swag I see being posted online so I decided to bring the convention to one lucky commenter. Tell us what convention is on your MUST GO TO list and I will send the winner the swag bag and swag I received at CMCon 2016. You will get everything pictured below and a few extras I picked up from the authors themselves.
Only one comment per person (multiple entries from same commenter will be deleted). This is for US residents only. The winner will be chosen on Friday and posted here
Rom com or any in NYC.
Ooooo! SWAG!!! Yes, please!!!! :) I would love to make it to the Romantic Times convention, but I fear the overload of awesome might cause me to expire after one step through the doors.
Such a fun giveaway! RT is one I would love to go to but it is always near a work-related convention I usually attend for continuing education.
I get to check the RT convention off of my bucket list this year. Squeeeeeee! I am looking forward to April.
I was so lucky to go to RT last year. It was so awesome!!! A must do!!! I want to go to Dragon Con! Thank you so much for the Jocelyn Drake up date I love the Dark Days series.
Would love to attend RT.
I’ve never attended one but I would have gone to this years Cleveland ComCon the end of Feb but I’ll be in AZ for a wedding. I’ll be missing Thor aka Chris ;). Thank you.
Coastal Magic Convention would be fun
I have never attended any, but I would love to go to RT.
Thanks for the chance to win!
RT is the one I don’t want to miss!
I am so jealous. I so bad want to go to one of these cool book conventions or fairs. This one sounds like a lot of fun. I want to do one to meet all the cool authors and all the cool goodies. Plus getting to meet the authors and other bloggers has to be cool. I don’t have a lot of friends who read so hanging out with other book lovers would be cool. Would love to win this sweet prize. Thanks for the chance.
Oops RT is the one I want to go too also
DragonCon in Atlanta! My daughter attends GA Tech and I missed my shot last year. Trying again in 2016!
I’d have to pick other the RT or BEA :) Thanks for sharing!
The RT convention would be my first choice, but heck any of them would do! Great contest swag…thank you for all you do!
If I had my choice I would absolutely love to go to RT. Just reading all the tweets and other coverage looks like so much fun. Not to mention all the amazing authors and books!!!!
WOW what a great stash!!
Would love love to win!
Hope Karma is with me
Wicked Book Weekend
April 22–25, 2016; Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
Great list of authors at this event in sunny Florida.
I’m actually going to my choice! It’s the Historical Romance Retreat in Spokane.