The Undoing by Shelly Laurenston
Series: Call of the Crows, #2
April 2016
Joint Review: Sheena and Tori
Favorite Quote: “Look at the situation we’re in! She has a clipboard!”
Tori: Jace Berisha’s life wasn’t all that grand, being the wife of a sociopathic religious cult leader, but she never expected him to kill her. When she is granted near immortality by the goddess Freya, she grabs hold with both hands. Of course, being able to exact revenge on her murderous husband is a bonus. Working with the Crows to prevent the coming of Ragnarok, Jace finally has the life she always wanted and an outlet for her anger issues.
But something wicked is coming.
An ancient goddess, bent on vengeance, is cutting a bloody swipe through humanity and her goal is the Crows. In order to save the world and themselves, the Crows will have to join forces with their greatest enemies, the Protectors, a clan built for the sole purpose of killing Crows. Luckily for all of them, Protector Danski Eriksen is a lover, not a fighter. And the woman he wants to love up on? The one and only Jace.
Crazy clans?
Unstoppable gods?
Annoying pets?
Let the games begin.
Anything Shelly Laurenston writes is pure, unadulterated fun. The queen of humorous paranormal romances continues to keep her title with her latest series-Call of the Crows. The Undoing is the second installment in this action packed, laugh out loud, sexy as sin series based on Norse mythology. Set in the present, Laurenston creates a world brimming with supernaturally enhanced warriors who have been enlisted in the fight to save the world from complete annihilation. Each one is offered near immortality at their death with the condition they must serve the god or goddess who gave them their second life until their final death. Some are chosen due to their heritage while others are chosen for their skills. What you end up with is a melting pot of obnoxious, arrogant, loud, petty, narcissistic, trouble making death bringers who can’t stand one another and will leave you gasping for air as they wack, stab, and beat their way to victory.
“Is there something psychologically wrong with you?”
The Undoing starts off with a BANG. We learn exactly how Jace Berisha became a Crow which is foreshadow for what’s to come. Now a full-fledged member of the Crows, the introverted Jace spends her days hiding from the more obnoxious clan members who want her to “socialize” and playing with her puppy, Lev. Her nights are spent drenched in blood and kicking arse as she and her fellow Crows carry out their missions. When one mission to recover their Goddess’s bracelet goes horribly wrong, Jace finds herself being saved by a very sexy Protector.
Danski (Ski) Ericson and his fellow Protectors were sent to retrieve some priceless books by their God but they never expected to walk into a murder of crows. With bodies and parts flying, he is more than a little pleased he finally gets to spend some time with the lovely and reserved Jace. When he learns the books are in a language none of his brethren can read, he hurries over to the Crow mansion and offers Jace a job as one of her talents is knowing multiple languages. After being told no numerous times, Jace finally accepts the job to get away from the Crows and a love affair is born
No, it’s not but soon will be.
I loved this installment. Filled with Laurenston’s trademark humor and snark, we get a ringside seat to the romance of two warring clan members while the tsunami of a storyline expands the world and the arc while building an intriguing conflict. New and old faces offer more background towards the coming war while the interfering clans keep you in tears.
“Get Brodie to drop that squirrel!”
“Oh my God. It’s got the plague or something, right?”
“It’s…it’s not just a squirrel.”
So Sheena, what did you think of The Undoing?
Sheena: Tori, I love this series and Laurenston’s hilarious writing style so much, that any and all romance is just icing on the cake. I get so engrossed in the zany Crow bickering and larger than life personalities that this world of Gods and warrior clans fighting to prepare for- and stave off Ragnarok, is more than enough to captivate. That being said, I was supremely satisfied with the hot Viking sex.
Jace is a berserker with a cause. Her character sang to me because for the love of the gods, she is not overly shy, she just wants to be left the eff alone and avoid small talk. I have far less traumatic reasons for hating small talk in comparison to Jace, however, I found myself fighting giggles whenever her introvert-ness was confronted. Ski was handsome enough. Present enough, kind enough and pretty much served his purpose. For all intents and purposes, this was all about the Crows. Ski was more of a prop. Never really got to know him. Even so, his lack of development did not really bother me. So many rich characters vied for my attention that Ski’s “meh” ness did not really register. When he wasn’t slowly finessing his way into Jace’s favor, he was engaging in a series of standoffs with book one’s hero, Vig, that nearly busted my gut. Besides Jace, the Crows and the most outrageous house party I’ve ever seen, highlights of the story included a Protector called Bear and his tenuously brokered affinity for Jace’s dog, Lev. I loved Bear. He is a brutal, alpha warrior with a sweetly crass streak that made his character really pop! The Protector’s are seriously studious, owl-like warriors who fancy themselves above the fray- until they are knee deep in it, of course. Heh!
Tori: Sheena, I’m pretty sure Jace is my fictional sister from another mother. I too despise small talk and have some, err, anger issues, am shy, and prefer books to people. While I have never gone as far as hiding in a cupboard (or biting off someone’s nose), I have walked away while someone was in mid-sentence, peeked around doorways to avoid talking to anyone, and pretended I didn’t hear someone calling my name as I ran away. Jace’s awkwardness resonated in me and I adored her. I found her backstory fascinating. OMG her grandmother. (I died). Jace had good reasons for her actions and I can’t help but hope we met more of her relatives in future installments. I have to agree with you about Ski. I liked him because he was the one for Jace. Laurenston created him as a foil, a grounding agent for Jace and we never learn his backstory or gain any real feeling for him as an individual. Not like we got for Vig in book one. But he gets the job done between, over, under, beside the sheets so yeah… VIKING SEX FOR THE WIN!!
Shenna: I did not think it possible, yet I very much so enjoyed The Undoing even more than it’s predecessor, The Unleashing. I could not get enough of the snarknado tendencies of these Crows! Amsel, Chloe, Kera, and the whole gang come together as often as they clash and fight- always proving that Crows stick together, no matter what against any enemy or threat of any kind. It was heartwarming and emotional to see how they looked after Jace, the obligatory sisterly warnings they gave to Ski when he expressed his interest in her, and the downright deadly defense when it came to protecting her from her own blood. No matter the threat, these girls stick together!
Tori: The Undoing was phenom. While I enjoyed The Unleashing, The Undoing went into expands on the world with stronger details, with more humor, stronger elements, and a better balance between the arc and the subplots. The teasing, pranks, and snippets of violence between the clans and each other as is the almost homicidal need to protect one of their own is part of what makes Laurenston’s books so funny. They are predestined to mess with each other and Lord is it hilarious. Their motto is literally ‘love hurts.’ The Crows are the ultimate girl gang gone wild. I was almost hysterical watching the the party unfold and & Cleo’s ex husband…my stomach hurt from laughing by the time I was done reading.
“Since this is my party, shouldn’t I have a say in who gets to come?”
“It’s a party in your honor. No one said it was your party.”
The whole character base is a is the literary equivalent of taking LSD. Bear and his OCD tendencies was a story all on it’s own. In fact, each of the Protectors all had this calm, cool, anti-social vibe going on that when they did associate with the Crows and other clans, you were shocked by how devious they were. So much goodness in here.
“What did you do?”
“Just smiled pleasantly.”
“Always instigating. You’re almost as bad as Erin.”
Shenna: The Undoing boasts vibrantly colorful supporting characters and hysterical interpersonal struggles within the clan factions. These clan run-ins occur in conjunction with Jace’s personal journey which all ties into a race to stop a demon from prematurely setting off events to bring the great battle before its time. Ultimately, The Undoing had me utterly ugly laughing, akin to the “ugly cry” but far more embarrassing and less voluntary.
The broader story arc got a little too fantasy-crazy for me but, hey, I never let a little envelope pushing get in between me and a good story, so I am in it for the long haul for The Call of Crows series. I am already eager to get my hands on information for book three. More Bear…and Viking sex please. Said everyone- ever! Ca-cawww!!!!
Tori: Indeed. There wasn’t one single character who didn’t make a lasting impression on me and leave me wanting more. I myself enjoyed the arc and main conflict. It was ‘out there’ but all her plot lines are and I couldn’t imagine them any other way. I think Laureston does an excellent job of expanding upon it from book one and giving it just enough zaniness to keep me wide-eyed without leaving me eye rolling and wondering about the logistics.
The Call of the Crows series is a definite must read for fans of humorous, outrageous, over the top PNR that overflows with colorful storylines, insane characters who refuse to act normal, and sexy adult romances that aren’t hampered by emo drama or baggage.
Sheena Grade: A
Tori Grade: A
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I loved this review, and now am very excited to read the book. Do I have to read book #1 to understand things in this one?
No really. The romance and world is pretty well developed, contained, and self-explanatory. However, the arc flows over from book one so you may lose some comprehension by not reading book one. And book one is also hilarious.
It was “B” read for me, between Ski’s cardboard nature and a few things that could have been just a bit tighter/better… it won’t be a book I reach for again and again. but I’m the picky one! LOL! Overall really an enjoyable read and I am 100% IN THIS SERIES! YES!!! Not sure anyone can ever be a fave like Jace was.
I have all sorts of squee for this book. I think it is already time for a reread!
I have wanted to read this author for a really long time; but her other PNR had so many books out already when I heard of it, that I never started it. Looks like this new series might be a second chance. We’ll see, kind of in a reading rut right now.
Helyce, but her other PNR is a closed/ended series. So really, if you think about it, this is the best time to start it ;)
My new favorite series!!