It’s still June, right? I’m only seven days late!
Dating You Hating You by Christina Lauren – 6/6. This one is already out! I forgot about it. Has anyone read it?? Does it have the same kind of feel as their other books? Kindle l Goodreads
The Knocked Up Plan by Lauren Blakely 6/23. I love to listen to Blakely’s books – I put my ear buds in and hit the grocery store with some dirty words going directly into my ear holes. Good times. Kindle l Goodreads
Silver Silence by Nalini Singh 6/13. Her spin-off of her Psy/Changeling series – it’s getting great reviews. Can’t wait. Kindle l Goodreads
Stay by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy 6/20. I read Good Boy recently and gave it five stars so I’ll definitely be checking this one out. Goodreads l Kindle
The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean 6/27. I have this pre-ordered and plan to read it at the beach! Tori has already read this and says, “An utterly exquisite blend of pain and pleasure as MacLean holds nothing back in this couple’s relationship. My heart is broke a million times over.” – zomg I can’t wait. Goodreads l Kindle
Hearts on Air by L.H. Cosway 6/8. Out tomorrow! I enjoy this author’s voice a lot. Goodreads l Kindle
Raw Need by Cherrie Lynn 6/27. I read the first book a while ago and liked it. This features two supporting characters from book one that interest me a lot! Goodreads l Kindle
My Roommate’s Girl by Juliana Keyes 6/12 – I’m behind on this author damn it (story of my life). One day I will catch up because she writes good words! Goodreads l Kindle
Lost Without You by M.O’Keefe 6/19. The Debt, which is the free prologue to this book, is fabulous I hear. I love, love this author. Looking forward to this. Goodreads l Kindle
Second Chance Season by Liora Blake 6/20. I really enjoyed the first book, First Step Forward. Can’t wait for this one. Goodreads l Kindle
The Cartographer by Tamsen Parker 6/27. Guuuuuyyyssss…fans of this series – we finally get Reyes’ book!! *falls off the couch* Just a bit excited. Goodreads l Kindle
This is basically my June TBR list as well. I have already read My Roommate’s Girl. As Keyes #1 fan girl, you know I loved it.
The Lauren Blakely book has a great cover and I love a good pregnancy story.
I love all of Christina Lauren’s books! Unfortunately, Dating you/hating you is not as good as I had hoped. I’m at 68% and am not feeling the chemistry or especially liking the lead characters.
From browsing GR reviews, this was my fear. Boo. Thanks for letting me know
One of the reviewers at SBTB loved it, so that is giving me hope.