Undeserving by Madeline Sheehan – 7/1. Starting with a book that is going in my “maybe” pile. Fans of the Undeniable series have been waiting years for a new book, and now it’s hear. It’s Preacher’s book, and it takes place in the past (as in present day Preacher is dead — I think). Anyway – due to that, I’m not too excited. There are other present day characters that have stories that need to be told. But…….this series is so cracky. Sheena said it’s just okay. Kindle l Goodreads
Trust by Kylie Scott 7/18. The blurb to this one realllllly pulls me in. Excited to try it. Goodreads l Kindle
The Red by Tiffany Reisz 7/11. This goes into my “read” pile as I just finished it yesterday. I liked it – but it’s not going to be for everyone. It’s pure erotica. Sex, sex, and more sex. But it tells a story – a fantasy story of sorts….that kept me engaged. Review will be posted next week. Goodreads l Kindle
Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai 7/25. A new series starting at Avon – I’m hearing good things about this one! Goodreads l Kindle
Kiss My Boots by Harper Sloan 7/18. I loved, loved, loved the first book in this series, Lost Rider. Redeemed asshole hero, for the win! Kiss My Boots features a sister as the main character. Very excited for this one. Goodreads l Kindle
The Importance of Being Scandalous by Kimberly Bell 7/25. I was offered this for review and the blurb looked cute, so I’m going to give it a try. I’ll report back Goodreads l Kindle
A New Leash on Love by Debbie Burns 7/4. I couldn’t pass up a dog featuring rescue dogs. I’m about 50 pages in so far and the hero and heroine are both grumpy, which I like. Review coming soon. Goodreads l Kindle
Oh I have Hate to Want You on my TBR for this month as well. I hope we both enjoy it!
Also Trust looks really great but that is just cover lust! Must go read the description.
I read 1 on the list, have 1 on my TBR pile and want to read 2 others listed.