The blurb sums up our hero and heroine well:
Corbin: I loved my grandma, but I don’t need her money. All I care about is keeping the house—the only place that’s ever felt like home. That, and screwing over my dad, who wants to turn the property into a mall. There’s only one catch: To receive my inheritance, I have to get married within six months. Me, the guy who’s never dated a girl for more than six minutes. Now I need to find a woman I can trust. So when I’m rear-ended by a Prius, I figure it’s a sign that I’m supposed to meet gorgeous, down-to-earth Teagan Monroe.
Teagan: First I lose my job. Then I come home and find out—in the most graphic way possible . . . yeah, that way—that my boyfriend is a cheating jerk. And then I speed off and nearly kill Portland’s sexiest bachelor. Corbin Lane should be pissed. Instead, he offers me more money than I’ve ever seen in my life to marry him and live together in a mansion for two years. No sex. No feelings. Just cash—enough to make all my dreams come true. Then we go and break all our rules . . . and I realize I’m falling in love with my fake fiancé.
Trust me, Teagan, I’m thinking anything other than cordial thoughts right now and you’re testing my control.”
Holy freaking snickerdoodles.
A rush of breath escapes me and my chest tightens. Nipples salute him and a rolling heat hits me in all the perfectly hidden away places.
“Corbin.” I breathe out his name, unable to say anything else. He’s left me tongue-tied and turned on without any hope of escape.
One perfect brow arches. “Nothing to say to that? No rambling like you’re prone to do?”
Clarity and common sense flee. There’s no thought in my mind other than, Yes. Please. Do it. Take me. Kiss me.
Bad idea. Very bad, stupid idea.
“I don’t think—”
“I don’t really care what you think right now,” he whispers. Has he moved closer? He has. I’m plastered against the door and he’s so close I can see every small line around his eyes. His dilated pupils have almost entirely erased the blue. His breath ghosts across my lips. “You’ve been tempting me since the moment I met you, and I’m trying to keep my distance. This dress, though. Fuck, Teagan.” His hands land on my thighs, gripping me firmly.
My body shudders. He’s not doing this. He’s teasing. He has to be. He’s given me no indication he finds me attractive in the least.
My bravery flees. Hopefully it meets my common sense and returns to me.
Until then, I say the only thing I’m thinking.
“Do it.”
My review will post this week!
The plot and the excerpt sound entertaining. I’m excited to read your review.