From Mandi, Tori, Kini, Helyce, Sheena and May – Happy 2018!! We had so much fun sharing books with you this past year. As always, I like to share some of my favorite “Smex Scenes” of the year. I feel like I really fell for the intense, growly hero this year. We can’t wait to see what 2018 will bring.
King’s Captive by Amber Bardan – I usually don’t love captive romances, but this one worked so well for me. There are some good twists and turns that kept my attention. Super cracky fun.
“I need you,” I breathe into his ear. “I need you so much. Please fuck me.”
My hands run the curve of his head. The short hair on the back of his skull prickles my fingertips. I run my touch all the way to his crown, loving the way even his hair resists me as I push against the grain, loving that his head is so perfectly round and so perfectly large. I find that for all my deceit I’m not hardly lying.
His rough cheek grazes mine.
Not hardly.
I hold him tighter, and rock into his lap. His cock rubs against me. Everything gets warmer. The thing nestled between my legs is huge, and a crapload harder than his fingers. The difference between his erection and his hand is about the same as swinging with a hammer and letting go a wrecking ball.
There’s a chance sex between us will destroy me. I shift my hips, revel in a wave of pleasure as his erection grazes my swollen nub.
It doesn’t matter, I’m ruined anyway.
Illegal Contact by Santino Hassell – I’m so glad I finally read this one, just this month. It’s so sexy, with great banter, a grumpy NFL hero and his personal assistant. I can’t wait for the next one.
“Let me kiss you again.”
“As a thank you for having a good day?”
“Yeah.” I sat up, causing his hand to fall away. “And because I liked it.”
He didn’t say anything at first. Just looked at me with his fingers curling in the fabric of my sheets.
“Did you like it?”
“Yes,” he admitted. “That’s why it’s probably not a good idea.”
“Fuck good ideas. I’m tired of imagining how your tongue would feel in my mouth.” I moved closer, breath coming faster. “Please? Just one more time. Then I’ll fuck off.”
Noah put his hands on me. Fingers sliding into the wet hair at the nape of my neck and his other hand gripping my shoulder as he drew me in to swipe his tongue across my mouth. I shuddered. He felt it and smiled as I released a husky groan. And that was fine. He could be as calm as he wanted while I gripped him hard enough to break capillaries and drowned in the cool taste of his mouth. His talented tongue and sensual kisses made me question whether I could woo this fucking kid when he was a way better kisser.
It was supposed to have been one kiss, but Noah wasn’t moving. He gripped me tighter the longer it lasted, and his coolness faded one low moan at a time.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield – Although over the top in the sex department sometimes, I really enjoyed this book. Why over the top, you ask? Example:
Erect, his penis was approximately the width of a baseball bat, properly and ridiculously huge.
GIGGLE. This book also features daddy kink, where the hero and heroine have total consent, they just role play that the heroine is young (she is in her twenties) and he is her step dad (again, just role play). It’s so dirty and fun.
“You can’t do this to me! I’ll…I’ll tell my mum!”
Ty licked her other nipple, a slow leisurely stroke. “Tell her what? Tell her you’ve been wet for your new daddy since the day I walked through the door?”
“I’m not! I haven’t—”
“You think I haven’t seen the way you look at me?” He dropped his mouth to her neck and began planting small, somehow mocking kisses on her sensitive skin. “You think I haven’t noticed how you’re always blushing and ducking out of whatever room I’m in? I bet you’ve spent hours rubbing yourself raw thinking about me.”
Sanctuary by Rebekah Weatherspoon – Farmer hero?? Check. Heroine who likes to be in control?? Check.
Inch by inch, I take him with ease. I turn my head to the side and let a deep breath out through my nose. It’s too much. It feels too damn good.
Slowly, I rock my hips forward just a little. He only slides out an inch or so before I slide back down and take him even deeper. I have to go slow. He’s so big.
“Shiitt.” Silas groans. I know that groan and I don’t blame him because I’m right there with him. I am pathetically close to coming all over his lap, but not yet. My eyes snap and I fix him with a deadly stare.
“Don’t come. Don’t you dare come until I say so. Think about farm equipment and next quarter’s sales projections if you have to.”
“I can hold off, just don’t—don’t stop.”
Killing June by May Bridges – A dark, complex book that really surprised me. You can read Tori’s review. We highly recommend it.
“Fuck,” he groaned and his hips flexed up.
“You want something to fuck?” I asked, detaching from his chest and straddling his lap. His cock was at full attention between us.
“Yes, please, Miss June.”
With a fist full of blond hair, I led him off the bed and put him back on his knees. From the cabinet I grabbed a new toy and a bottle of lube, then dropped to my knees in front of him. My head dipped down. His body tensed when he felt my lips, feather soft against the shaft of his cock. His head kicked back when I licked from the base to the tip and took him between my lips.
His hands, still cuffed, were clenched against his stomach.
The Cartographer by Tamsen Parker – The Compass series by Tamsen Parker is a very well done erotic series, and I waited a long time for Reyes’s book. It was worth the wait!
I’m playing with fire. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Except that’s a lie. I totally know. I want Hart on his knees for me so badly I’d do unspeakable things for the privilege. That’s what it would be to have this massive and fetching man grinding the knees of his jeans into the pavement while he takes me in his mouth. I hope he knows I think so.
Then Hart’s bulk is sliding down my body as he digs in my pants and pulls out my cock, stroking the semi I’ve got and turning it oh-so-quickly into a full hard-on. The man’s got amazing hands. Big and work-roughened, but gentle. Before I can say anything, the slick heat of his mouth is surrounding me. Fuck all is that good.
I let my head drop back against the brick as he works me over. The way he moves makes me think he wasn’t lying about never having sucked cock before. Not that it’s bad—most men have a pretty decent idea of what feels good to them and it’s not so hard to try to mimic that—but it’s…inexperienced. I kind of love the sloppiness of it, knowing I’m his first.
Too Hard to Forget by Tessa Bailey – Have I ever mentioned that Tessa Bailey is the Queen of Dirty Talk?
His guttural groan in response sent her fingers raking up his back, her palms sliding down his spine. “Okay, okay,” she whispered, before his mouth took her again.
Elliott was close, so close to the edge. She remembered his signals as if she’d never been gone a day. His thighs began to get restless, shifting and flinching, as if they weren’t under his control. He started holding his breath, releasing it in explosive bursts between utterances of her name, in that warning tone. Peggy, Peggy, I’m going to come.
He didn’t have to say the words—his body spoke for him—but his breath puffed into her ear, along with one final litany that sent her orgasm cresting alongside his own. “Get ready to take it. The only cock that makes your pussy happy…it only comes for you, too, baby. Only between these spread legs of yours.” His hand came up to grip her jaw, tilting her head back. “Look at me while I brand you there. Going to pour it in, nice and hot.”
Going Nowhere Fast by Kati Wilde – So intense and angsty and growly. One of the best of the year.
I’ll fuck you so damn good—and then I’ll own you.”
My breath is coming in sharp pants. Because I can imagine that. Oh god, I can imagine it. I think he can, too.
“Or I’ll own you,” he says roughly.
“You just keep telling yourself that.” My heart pounding, I close my eyes. “Are you hard right now?”
“Hard as fucking steel.”
The need is so sharp, so deep, I can’t stop my soft moan. Breath shuddering, I squeeze my thighs tight, squirm in my seat. Gravel rumbles through his voice.
“That does it for you? Knowing my dick’s hard?”
Everything about him does it for me. “Yes.”
Harshly he tells me, “My cock’s been hard for you for four fucking years, Aspen.”
Oh god. My hands slide down between my legs but I stop myself, arching in my seat, reaching back and gripping the headrest behind me instead.
“Touch yourself.” It’s a hoarse command. “Get yourself hot and wet so I can get into you fast and hard.”
By the time we turn into the campground and crawl slowly along the dark loop road, I’m wrung out with need and tension. Wrung out, but never so aware, so awake.
He pulls into our site and kills the engine. “Get into the tent,” he says, and his voice is a low growl. “I don’t care which one. You have until I get the site locked down for the night. Then I’m coming after you. And we’ll see who owns who.”
Most Eligible Bastard by Annika Martin – A very well done enemies to lovers romance!
His fingers tremble as he unbuttons the pearl buttons of the sweater. I love that he’s trembling.
“Pull up your skirt, then,” he rasps.
I hunch over and pull it up, turning it inside out, gathering it up.
He pushes a hard-cut thigh between my legs. “Ride it. Move. I’m gonna need you good and wet.”
“I don’t know how much more wet I can…”
“Ride it,” he growls. He gyrates his hips, getting up the rhythm. I match his movement, moving while he undoes me. It’s a little embarrassing, but it feels so good.
“Harder,” he whispers in my ear. “If you want me to undo these dainty buttons, you gotta do your part.” He nudges my legs wider. “Ride.”
I do it. Satisfied, he returns his attention to the buttons.
“I look at these buttons sometimes…fuck,” he pants. Like he’s lost his ability to make sense. He kisses my forehead. “You watching me down there?” his fingers are soft spiders at my belly, undoing the third-to-last button. The third-to-last button. “Unwrapping you. You watching?”
“I’m watching,” I say.
“Is this what I’m doing when you beat off? Don’t bother trying to tell me you don’t. He knows it is. He flicks open last button. My sweater falls open.
His thigh between my legs is blunt waves of pleasure. He fists the center of my cami, uses it to pull me into a faster rhythm. “I love how you move on me.” He skims his palms up the front of me, sliding over the white fabric, callouses catching and snagging. “Like this?” he says. “Is this what I do to you next?”
“Next,” I pant, “You do whatever you want to me.”
Enemies Like You by Annika Martin and Joanna Chambers – Another enemies to lovers book – with spies and a ton of action….and super hot sex scenes
Kit doesn’t bother to answer me. Instead he says, his voice low, “Touch your cock again.”
Ah fuck, but this is gonna end me. If I don’t lose my mind first.
Obediently, I take hold of my dick. The soap’s all gone now, but I don’t care. I almost relish the snag of my calluses as I take myself in hand and begin to slowly pump. I feel like—I don’t know—a tuning fork or something. Like I’m resonating with him in some weird way. Like we’re synced together and Kit’s controlling the pleasure coursing through me, determining the pace and intensity of each pulse.
And I can’t—I literally cannot—look away from him.
“You really want to come, don’t you?” he says softly. It’s more of an observation than a question.
Yeah, I want to come. Really bad. My dick’s throbbing so hard, I could weep from the pain of all that unfulfilled desire that started building in me hours ago, back in that room, on my knees, with his cock in my mouth. And now this…
I give a faint humiliated moan, but I can’t tear my hand from my dick or my eyes from his face.
His smile is slow and satisfied. He feels the shift between us too.
“Not yet, darling,” he croons. After a pause, he adds dreamily, “I could watch you do that all night. I wonder how long you could last.”
A lot of hot sounding books.
Whew! It’s 20 degrees outside but HOT in here! Love your lists!