Smooth-Talking Cowboy by Maisey Yates (Gold Valley #1)
Released: February 20, 2018
Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by Mandi
I really enjoy Maisey Yates books. You can call me a fan girl – I’ll take it. I consider her my comfort read author and she always delivers for me. Smooth-Talking Cowboy is the first in her Gold Valley series, a neighboring town to her Copper Ridge series. More cowboys and small town fun – and I’m still enjoying.
Olivia, or Liv, has been dating Bennett for a year. They grew up together, and when they started dating, it didn’t shock anyone. But – when Bennett did not propose to Liv over Christmas, as she expected, she broke up with him, fully expecting him to realize his mistake and beg her back. But he doesn’t. This makes Liv upset and sad. Liv likes her life orderly. She is very prim and proper and likes everything in her control. Growing up, her twin sister was wild, and eventually got into heavy drugs and ran away. This put enormous strain on her parents, so Liv did everything she could to be the perfect daughter and not cause problems. This has carried forward as an adult – always trying to be perfect. It would have been perfect to have a Christmas proposal, and she didn’t get that and it has thrown her life into a bit of a tail spin.
When she gets a flat tire one day on her way to work at the local winery, none other than Luke is the one that drives by and helps her out. Luke is one of Bennett’s best friends. Luke lost a lot in his childhood, and found himself wandering around at the age of sixteen. He made it to the “Get Out of Dodge” ranch where he fell in love with ranching and hard work. Grant, Wyatt and Bennett (brothers) took him in and considered him family. Luke is one of those gruff cowboys – wears his hat low, rolls up his sleeves, and probably cares more about cattle than people. He has secretly loved Liv since he was eighteen, but she was always hooked to Bennett’s side. So now they are broken up, she starts to get under his skin more.
Luke wants to buy property for sale by Liv’s father – but her father is very picky about who he will sell it to. Liv wants to make Bennett jealous – so they come up with a plan. Luke will pretend to date Liv, if Liv puts in a good word to her dad so Luke can buy the property. Guess what happens?? Liv and Luke fall in love along the way.
I really enjoyed this romance – there is really good sexual tension…
“I don’t,” she said, sniffing loudly. “I don’t believe in indulgence for the sake of it.”
He reached out and grabbed hold of the fork, taking a large slice off the cinnamon roll and putting the bite in his mouth slowly. So very slowly. It was gratuitous. It forced her to watch the motion of his lips, the play of his throat as he swallowed.
“I do,” he said finally. “Whiskey and cinnamon rolls. I do it because it feels good.”
“Not me,” she whispered. She wouldn’t have been able to make her voice louder now if she wanted to.
“Try it,” he said, his voice holding more temptation than all the butter in the cinnamon roll ever could. “You might find it’s not as scary as you think.”
…dirty sex and a great grovel scene at the end.
“I was wrong, Liv. I was flat-out wrong. I want the chance to explain myself.” Hank honked his horn again. Luke hit the side of his truck with his open palm and hung his head out the window again. “Hank! I’m declaring my love here. Don’t make a scene.”
Come on, Hank!
I’m weak for cowboys that have sexy forearms, who drive big trucks, and have lots of stubble. Weak, I tell you!!! Luke knows exactly how to push Liv’ buttons so that he gets that judgmental “sniff” out of Liv – and it drives her insane.
“I’m not stuck-up,” she said, bristling.
He shifted in his seat and her eyes were drawn to where his hand was wrapped around his glass. He had strong hands. A working man’s hands. Callused and rough, vaguely dirty around the fingernails even when they were clean.
She imagined that they’d be rough to the touch.
That they would scrape against her skin.
If she were to shake hands with him, or something. Because there were no circumstances otherwise under which they would ever touch.
She looked away.
“Okay, Olivia.” His tone was so maddeningly placating it made her want to punch him.
Liv eventually realizes that she loves the thought of Bennett – but not Bennett himself. Then she is faced with Luke – who brings out passion in her that she didn’t know existed.
There are a few things that may not work for all though. I’ll just lay them out. First, Luke has slept with a gazillion women and Liv is a virgin. I know – been there done that.
Luke calls Liv “Kiddo” throughout the entire book. Thinking in my personal life, if my husband called me Kiddo, I’d be like – WTF??? But then I think of some of the other nicknames he calls me and maybe we are all weird and Kiddo is okay. But to me, Kiddo lends into the – Luke is the more experienced and Liv is the naive one – and I don’t know. Take it as you will.
I’m already in love with Wyatt, Grant and Bennett. I’m ready for their books!
Grade: B
Sounds like a good book, but…I’m not sure I could deal with “kiddo”—it’s not exactly “Duchess”, “Princess”, or “Contessa” (some favorite nicknames from romances). In Sarina Bowen’s SHOOTING FOR THE STARS, the hero keeps calling the heroine “Buddy”, which totally rubbed me the wrong way and was one of the reasons I thought the romance was the least interesting element of the book.
I think Tori was just telling me about a “Buddy” pet name – it may have been the same book – she was not a fan.
Kiddo is a hard one to pull off
One of the Kristen Ashley books has buddy too. In my head I say it like Paulie Shore with that valley accent. I can’t help it! There is nothing sexy about it! Hey buuuuudy