Hero: Ethan Ransom. Former detective, now a super mysterious lurker. And kind of awkward in social situations. Possible assassin! Well adept at street fighting.
Heroine: Dr. Garrett Gibson. Only female doctor in England. Confident, has wicked fencing abilities…but can she protect her herself while walking down dark streets? Ethan teaches her how to fight dirty. And then they do other dirty things together.
“Kiss me,” she urged in a whisper.
“I have to go,” he said shortly, and pulled back while he was still able.
But Garrett moved with him, her hands reaching up to grip his head on either side, the way he’d taught her at Baujart’s. The strength of her fingers electrified him.
“Kiss me,” she commanded, “or I’ll break your nose.”
The threat startled a ragged laugh from him. He shook his head as he looked at her, this fearsomely capable woman who loved geese and was afraid of spaghetti, and could either wield a scalpel in a complex surgical procedure or use it as a throwing-knife.
There had always been a cold streak, but he couldn’t seem to find it now, when he needed it most. He was breaking apart inside. He would never be the same after this.
“Christ, you’ve ruined me,” he whispered.
Just a teeny-tiny peek into Hello Stranger, that releases this Tuesday. I’m currently on page 64 and so far enjoying. I have a review planned on Tuesday, so we will see how the remaining 300 pages hold out. Goodreads l Kindle
Thanks for the peek, Mandi. I’ll look forward to reading your review.