Ola from Daytona Beach!! That’s right fellow readers, it’s my annual pilgrimage to Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach FL.
4 days of sun, surf, liqueur, authors, friends and SWAG!!
This year the event was held at the gorgeous Daytona Shores Spa and Resort.
Unlike most, I didn’t arrive until Friday afternoon. I instantly headed to my home away from home-the bar.
Of course, all my peeps were already there and practically had the drink menu memorized. Yes, I’m looking at YOU, Robin. :)
My roomie was Chelsea Mueller-author of phenom A Charmed Soul series and owner of the ever-popular Vampire Book Club blog, and a good friend.
I was able to meet C.L. Wilson, Robin D. Owens, and a few others which were pretty much my goals this year. :)
A couple of panels, dinner, too many drinks and a lively beach party wiped me out and I headed to bed rather early (10:30 pm).
Unfortunately, I had to leave the convention this morning to help a friend get to the airport ASAP. I realized on my way back that I felt horrible. Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, headache, and a slight fever. So I headed home instead of back to the convention. No need to make anyone else sick or test my own immunity. Sad I had to leave but grateful I got to spend a little bit of time with these wonderful ladies.
HOWEVER…I didn’t leave empty-handed and my loss is still your gain. I will be giving away two autographed CMCon#18 bags brimming with SWAG!! Comment on which author you’d love to meet to enter. Two winners will be chosen on Friday, the 30th. Sorry, US residents only.
If I could meet any author probably Julie Garwood because she was my gateway into becoming a full-time, devoted romance reader.
Coastal Magic looks and sounds like so much fun! At some point I’m going to work up the courage to go to some romance con!
Glad you got to go; sorry you got sick :P
I’d want to meet Nalini Singh and the Ilona Andrews (both of them). I think we all know why. Their awesomeness abounds.
Probably Judith McNaught because she was my gateway author and also because I want to ask her why she isn’t writing anymore.
I’d also enjoy meeting Robin D. Owens since I like her Celta books. Other authors I’d like to meet: Patricia Briggs, Anne Bishop, Anne Cleeland, Nora Roberts, Lyn Gala, and ….
I hope you’re now feeling better, Tori.
Charlie Cochet and Mary Calmes
I would love to meet Kresley Cole and Julie James. Thanks for the giveaway!! Hope you feel better soon!! ☺️
I would love to meet R Lee Smith. Land of the Beautiful Dead was amazing!
Would love to meet Nora Roberts!
Jayne Ann Krentz!!!
I would love to meet Nalini Singh. I’ve been reading her since her start and I would love to talk to her about how she remains so awesome book after book, series after series!
I’d want to meet Ilona Andrews.
I’d love to meet Nalini Singh.
Sorry you got sick, but I’m glad you got to have a little bit of fun.
I would love to meet them all but if I had to pick one then nalini Singh
glad you were able to enjoy yourself at least some even if cut short. would like to meet elizabeth hoyt or maybe shelly laurenston :)
Beautiful hotel. Would love to meet Jill Shalvis; she is a hoot.
Looks like you had a great time. Good for you.
I would love to meet Robyn Carr.
Sorry you got sick. Looks like a wonderful place to have fun.
Susan Mallery would be one of my picks.
C.L. Wilson