Curved Horizon picks up a few weeks after the conclusion of Fortitude Smashed with Daisy Yuen and Chelsea Cavanaugh, whose Camellia Clocks are drawing close to timing out. Navigating the ins-and-outs of love is hard enough as strangers destined to be soul mates and proves even more complicated when Daisy shares dark, ugly secrets that linger in her and Aiden’s pasts.
Title: Curved Horizon
Series: The Camellia Clock Cycle, Book Two
Publisher: Interlude Press
Release Date (Print & Ebook): March 8, 2018
Subgenre: Romance: LGBT, Contemporary, Science Fiction
Content Warnings: Interlude Press posts content warnings for new books on its web site at
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The clock on the DVR read 3:03 a.m.
Aiden couldn’t sleep.
He watched Shannon breathe in the near-dark. The TV had gone off hours ago, and all that lit the loft was the glow from distant streetlights and hazy moonlight that came in through the window.
He touched Shannon’s face; his fingertips ghosted over the barely-there stubble on his jaw, the place beneath his cheekbone, the edge of his eyebrow. Shannon stirred, and Aiden pulled his hand back.
Wondering what happened and why it happened seemed to be a recurring thought between them. The story of their unorthodox meeting, the faulty dynamic and rocky beginning resurfaced too often for Aiden’s comfort. He thought back to the diner—Shannon’s conflicted expression, the way he faltered when he tried to talk about their own ruptured start to whatever this was. He thought back to Daisy saying I’m not good enough for her and thinking so quickly I’m not good enough for him either.
Aiden sat up. His gaze trickled over Shannon’s shoulder to the window. He could see the outline of the ocean between buildings and he strained to see more: crashing waves, stars reflecting off the water.
Shannon touched his elbow. “Whatsa matter?”
“Can’t sleep,” Aiden whispered. “It’s okay; go back to bed.”
“You forget how loud your thoughts are when you’re like this,” Shannon mumbled. He rubbed the heels of his hands against his eyes, blinked, and shifted on the pillow to catch Aiden’s gaze. “Talk to me.”
“What made it horrible?” Aiden asked. He sighed through his nose and fidgeted with the comforter. “What scared you?”
Shannon’s tired eyes sharpened. He tilted his head back against the pillow and looked at the ceiling. The hand on Aiden’s elbow stayed there; fingers drew circles along his arm. The other he kept to himself; knuckles drummed against his mouth.
“I lied to myself the night I met you. Even after you kissed me, I kept on lying. It took a couple sleepless nights and us fighting over coffee to really put things into perspective.”
“Put what into perspective?”
“You being real, you wanting me, you just… existing, I guess. I didn’t think you were what I’d get to have. I thought when my Clock timed out I would be paired with someone nice and predictable who would make my life easier. I wasn’t prepared for you.”
About the author:
After fleshing out a multitude of fantastical creatures as a special effects makeup artist, Taylor Brooke turned her imagination back to her true love—books. When she’s not nestled in a blanket typing away on her laptop, she’s traveling, hiking or reading. She writes Queer books for teens and adults. She is the author of Fortitude Smashed (Interlude Press ’17) and is represented by Saba Sulaiman at Talcott Notch Literary Services.
Connect with Taylor Brooke: Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Author Website
Well, drats. I don’t do Twitter so can’t enter the contest.
Thanks for sharing the excerpt.