Hello Smexy Books!
When did you start reading romance? For me it was the summer of ‘87. I was eleven years old, unattended and un-athletic but not unadventurous. I wanted excitement! Danger! Boys! I didn’t find any of these things in my sleepy neighborhood. My best discovery was made in the used bookstore across town.
Harlequin paperbacks were five for a quarter. I don’t recall YA being a genre back then. There were children’s books and adult books, and I’d already graduated to adult. I loved Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Romance novels didn’t scare me. I loaded up.
I quickly discovered the eye-popping sex scenes of Harlequin Temptation and Silhouette Desire. I read book after book in a fevered rush of sweaty afternoons. I’d found my place in the dark corner of the stacks, admiring clinch covers and scanning the descriptions, anticipating hours of hushed, unfettered joy.
I still feel that joy when I discover a new author, or buy the latest release from a favorite. I’m still seeking romance, danger, and adventure (in books).
I love reading a good sex scene—and writing them! Sharing my own stories is the ultimate thrill.
Navy SEAL Rescue stars William Hudson, an elite warrior hero. He’s also an expert mountain climber, so bonus points there. At the start of the story he’s been captured by the enemy in Iraq. The heroine, Layah Anwar, helps him escape.
Navy SEAL heroes have been popular since the 80s. Middle East settings are common in romantic suspense, with Arab or Middle Eastern characters often portrayed as villains. I’ve never read a book with an Iraqi heroine, so I decided to write one. I wanted to push back against negative stereotypes and open my mind to new ideas. During my research I learned about the Assyrian people, who are part of the rich culture of the region.
I’m so proud of this story. I can’t wait to share it with avid, adventurous romance readers like myself.
Thank you!!
Susan Cliff
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Bound by more than desire…
A gripping Team Twelve romantic thriller
Sexy SEAL William Hudson will accept any help escaping enemy captivity…even if that comes from beautiful Dr. Layah Anwar, who’s willing to do anything to get her family to safety. Though neither Layah nor Hud trust easily, they must join forces on a harrowing journey across the mountains. Their survival is threatened by the brutal elements, enemy snipers…and the devastating desire they can’t deny.
Hud was in hell.
He’d woken up here two months ago, buck naked and half-dead, caked in a mixture of blood and dust.
This particular corner of hell was an underground spider-hole with four walls, a solid dirt floor and no light. The only exit was an impenetrable metal door. It had a slot wide enough to push a tray through. He ate whatever they served with his bare hands. On good days, the gruel had bits of meat and gristle. On bad days, he went hungry.
Each week he was given a gallon of drinking water and an empty bucket. He’d learned to ration his water or suffer the consequences. He hadn’t bathed since his arrival, unless he counted that extended waterboarding session with his new terrorist friends. One afternoon of this method had almost broken him, despite his extensive Navy SEAL training, but they hadn’t continued. They must have decided it was a waste of water. Either that or they thought he’d die before he coughed up any useful information.
In addition to waterboarding, he’d been treated to periods of sleep deprivation, electroshock therapy and regular beatings.
He almost missed the beatings; they’d made him feel alive. He craved human contact, even in the form of fists. He preferred blood to dust. Blood was pain, hot and bright. Dust was oblivion. It was the dark nothingness that smothered him. It rained down on his head from the cracked ceiling like a slow burial.
Sometimes he closed his eyes and pretended he was back in Iowa, in the storm cellar on his grandparents’ farm. He hadn’t wanted to be cooped up underground, protected from the elements. He’d never been afraid of thunder and lightning. He’d wanted to chase tornadoes and climb mountains and touch the sky.
If you’d like to win one of ten print copies (US only), please enter the giveaway by answering one of the following questions.
Questions: When did you start reading romance? Do you like Navy SEALs and military heroes? What about Middle East settings? Do you prefer fictional lands or real places?
A winner will be picked on Thursday. US residents only. Sorry.
Let’s see…I’d say I was 7 or 8 when I first figured out that there were such things as romance novels. Shortly thereafter, I found the “book cupboard” in the breakroom at my mom’s office and that was all it took. God bless the ladies in that office for sharing around their castoff romance novels!
My mom had a few romances on the shelf but they were the “sweet” kind. I liked those but I wanted more detail!
Congratulation, Susan, on your new book! I’m older than you; I started reading romances back in the seventies. I began with Georgette Heyer and Barbara Cartland stories. I do like a good SEAL romance. I’m happy to read stories set in the real world or a fictional one.
Thanks Kareni!
I’m old (hence, my screen name) and I started out with Victoria Holt gothics—back when she was alive and still publishing them! I read SWEET SAVAGE LOVE (sometimes called “the first bodice ripper”) when it was first published. I really got into historicals (especially Regencies) for a while, but now I’m almost exclusively a reader of contemporaries—and I particularly like books with angsty, complicated relationships that eventually lead to a joyful HEA.
I recall some Susan Johnson bodice rippers that were pretty shocking back in the day. I love a hard-won HEA.
I started reading romance in sleep away camp, when one of my tentmates brought in the books–maybe from her mom. I think the first one I read was either by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss or Rosemary Rogers. The books were new back then!
Thank goodness for romance-reading moms.
I love reading about military heroes, because they are protective of the heroine. Who doesn’t love reading about an alpha male ;)
Protective is my #1 favorite hero trait. I have a thing for “rugged” also. I feel like my heroes are nice-guy alphas, not the old-school type I grew up reading.
I started in the late 80s early 90s. I loved military heroes. Setting didn’t matter to me. My favorite series was the suspense, but I felt so adult reading Desire and Temptation. Good times
Yes! I think Silhouette Intimate Moments had some suspense. I loved all of those.
I am hiding a little behind my hands when I say that my first romance was Twilight! Which I read as an adult and completely obsessed over (I’m almost 40). After that it was more YA romance and then another little known series came around… you may have heard of it, called Fifty Shades of Grey. And then i joined Goodreads, followed some great bloggers and graduated to the big leagues! IT WAS ON.
I realized later that the classics i loved as a young girl were actually romance. My fave book until Harry Potter and Twilight was Jane Eyre!
I haven’t ready many Navy Seal books but I do like them! Love Middle East settings although I haven’t ready many. I love when good books come out with non-white heroines though!!! Real of fictional doesn’t matter to me. Like em both.
Hi Eden,
I haven’t read Twilight or Fifty Shades! Can you believe it? I think your gateway into romance is far more common these days. Welcome to the club. :)