Blood Type by K.A. Linde (Blood Type #1)
Released: April 24, 2018
Paranormal Romance
Reviewed by Mandi
I’m always up for trying a new vampire romance series. I’m not sure if I noticed in the blurb where it states that this couple’s HEA continues into book two – this one ends in a bit of a cliffhanger. So be aware for those who don’t like an unfinished HEA in book one. But let me also state, that cliffhanger or not, I had some problems with this one.
In this world, an apocalypse of some sort has occurred and vampires are top dog. Humans live in extreme poverty and desolate conditions, unable to afford simple technoogy. Reyna lives in a tiny apartment with her two beloved brothers and absolutely no money. With her parents gone, Reyna has no choice but to do the one thing that terrifies her the most, but will be the best solution to get money to her brothers – to go work for Visage, a company that provides human blood donors to vampires. Reyna is terrified of needles, and can’t even imagine fangs piercing her skin, but she is desperate for money. Visage is the world’s largest corporation and pays well. Vampires have learned that they need to drink their own blood type, and Visage is in the business of placing humans with the same blood type as the vampires need. After arriving, she learns they are starting a new program where they are permanently placing humans with a vampire match (rather than moving them around to different vampires after some time has passed.) Reyna isn’t sure she wants to be with the same vampire forever, but the pay is double what she expected.
She signs on and is placed with a very wealthy vampire named Beckham Anderson, and she moves into his swanky penthouse. He is your standard cold, intense, quiet alpha vampire, who I guess you are supposed to fear? But we never really get to know him! This book is told all in Reyna’s point of view, but that doesn’t mean we should have such a disconnect with Beckham. I feel like he is almost a supporting character rather than the hero. We get to know valet, Everett, more than the hero. Beckham is so secretive with his personality, that he is still a secret to me.
We find out he actually doesn’t want Reyna as a blood donor – he has his secrets there. He has a girlfriend-ish named Penny who he is very conflicted about and this drives Reyna away from him a few times. There is drama with Penny at the end of the book that confused me and just didn’t play out well. I didn’t like the inclusion of Penny in this story. It felt forced – just to make some conflict between the romance beginning between Reyna and Beckham.
Everett, the valet where Reyna lives, and his friends play a bigger role in this book – I don’t want to spoil their conflict, but it’s a little more exciting than what Beckham brings to the book. But – I found it all just a little silly. It never caught me nor made me feel on the edge of my seat with suspense. Beckham was always there to save Reyna from the bad vampires, and Reyna was always there to run away from Beckham and get her feelings hurt from Penny.
This one didn’t do it for me and I most likely won’t find out what happens in book two.
Grade: C-
My feelings were very similar to yours. I felt like the heroine came off really young and immature, and I didn’t find that appealing.
Yes, agree!