Hero: Blake. Landlord. Recluse. Hates most people.
Heroine: Autumn. Newly single. Fantasizes about her landlord.
In this scene, Blake has found Autumn’s drawing, that shows her on her knees, in front of him. He starts to fantasize…..
Blake’s body didn’t care about the particulars. Not right now. He set the paper down on the edge of the sink and wrapped his fist around his ready cock. Halfway through that first stroke, he noticed Autumn’s hands were tied behind her back.
“Fuck.” A breath shuddered out of him and he braced his free hand on the wall, alongside the mirror. Images flooded his mind. Moving ones that started with this picture. When he’d fantasized about Autumn, she’d ridden him on a beach. Or snuck into his apartment for a nasty fuck against the door. The need to be dominant had always tried to bleed into the fantasies, turn him mean, make him hold her down. It had made him feel like a monster, though, so he fought to keep the mental scenes tame. But she’d drawn herself in bonds. Bonds he’d presumably tied.
“You don’t want a lazy lay on the beach, do you, Fun-Size?” Blake spit on his palm and brought it back to his cock, choking it top to bottom. “You want a no-mercy fuck with no way to fight me off? I’ll make that happen.”
Yes, she whispered in his ear. Please, Blake? Sweat slid down his spine. “Your idiot boyfriend let you escape, did he?” In Blake’s imagination, he let go of Autumn’s neck in favor of wrapping that long blonde hair around his knuckles, pressing her open mouth to his fly. “Don’t you dare expect the same from me. You’ll go nowhere. Unzip my pants and greet your new keeper.”
There was a knock at the door.
Who could be at the door???? Captivated releases tomorrow, and I will also post my review in the morning.
This sounds so good! !! One. Click.
Whew! Is it hot in here or was it just that guy?! Sounds like a click to me.