How to Dance an Undead Waltz by Hailey Edwards
Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy #4
Urban Fantasy
August 22, 2018 Self Published
Favorite Quote:
Once upon a time, I had wanted to corrupt the boy next door.
From here, the boy down the hall was looking ripe for debauching to me.
Reviewed by Angela
Before I get into my review I just want to say I can’t believe there are people who still haven’t started reading this series yet. It’s crazy good. CRAZY, SPOOKY, OMG WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT GOOD. I picked up the first book because the blurb was so intriguing, but now I’m pretty much in gimmegimmegimme, wantwantwant, stalk the author’s website and twitter profiles to see when the next book is coming mode all the time.
The fourth installment in The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy series picks up right where book three left off. Grier is still coming to grips with accepting the betrayal of the two people who she trusted the most… her childhood crush and ex-boyfriend Boaz and her best friend Amelie. Boaz has revealed that he is engaged to another woman and intends to marry her. He says to better his family, I think he’s being a selfish bastard. The worst though, is that his sister Amelie knew all along. WTF PEOPLE? This means Amelie has moved into the carriage house and Linus into Woolly. Where he belongs.
Grier is slowly learning her role as Dame Woolworth and coming to grips with her powers. Thankfully she has Linus to help her along the way. Since learning of her unique parentage they’ve expanded on her lessons and Linus is experimenting with Grier’s diet in order to help her body get in better shape. Her gwyllgi protectors, the Kinase Pack, have moved on to Woolly’s grounds, not only offer protection, but to continue on with her self-defense lessons. Grier is always surrounded by chaos and in How to Dance an Undead Waltz she is once again the center of a storm of conflict. There is a bounty on her head, but no one knows who or why or even how much her death is worth. Linus has convinced her to throw a ball as Dame Woolworth, which will be her very first public event since gaining her inheritance. AND the mystery that is Maud’s basement will finally be revealed. It’s good y’all. It’s really, really good.
I love Grier. I love her so much. She is one of the reasons I keep reading and open the next book in the series as soon as it hits my Kindle. But she isn’t my favorite character in this series. Linus is. Which is kind of shocking considering my first impression of him was a one-dimensional, wimpy, odd, untrustworthy distant relation. Then came book three and his transformation into this mysterious, sexy, powerful, brilliant man who loves Grier unconditionally and has since they were both children. I like that he knows when to stand in front of Grier when she needs protection and behind her when she needs support. He always, always, always does what is right for her, whether that is to his benefit or not. Now that Boaz is out of the picture and has messed up any chance with Grier, she is free now to see what has always been right there patiently waiting and hoping. I adore seeing their relationship grow and deepen. It’s so lovely.
Grier seems to be leaving her old life (but not necessarily all her old friends) behind, and is slowly embracing her new role as Dame Woolworth. I feel like the next book in the series will feature some big changes in her relationships. Familial, romantic, and friendship wise. I for one am super excited and can not wait to see what happens next.
I absolutely, 100% recommend this series. Final Grade-A
This does sound like an enticing series. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm, Angela.
Finished this yesterday and now I’m impatiently waiting for the next book.
I’ve only read the first two – must catch up!!!