Hi, it’s Tori. Once upon a time, I opened a twitter account. I was a business owner and had learned it was a good advertising medium. After being online for a while, I found I wanted more interaction so ventured into twitter romancelandia and found my peoples. I stumbled upon Mandi while discussing books and a love affair was born. At least on my end. I decided right then and there she was going to be my new best friend. I just had to convince her. When she put out a call for another reviewer, I was ecstatic. “It’s a sign!” I told my husband. He said to stop being a creeper (killjoy). I begged, cajoled, bribed, whined…and became a part of Smexy Books.
That was almost 10 years ago. It seems like just yesterday I posted my first review and was amazed anyone even cared much less read it. What started out as a way to share my love of reading with similar minded people became so much more as I fell in love with my fellow readers, reviewers, and authors. Throughout the years, I have been blessed to have shared so many firsts with my Smexy ladies and this community. Births, marriages, careers, etc…I have laughed and cried with these women and my life will truly never be the same. And for that I am grateful
But my time at Smexy Books has come to an end. My life is taking me down a different path and sadly, that path is leading me away from blogging. I’m not disappearing though!! I will still read and review occasionally but no longer on a full-time basis. And of course, they will have to drag me off twitter kicking and screaming so no reprieve there for you all.
So farewell mes amies. Thank you for all the laughs, tears, and drinks. Thank you for your friendships, your advice, your shoulders, and your wonderful stories. Thank you for making me stronger and showing me the true meaning of “girl power.”
I’ll see you soon on the other side.
Nooooo! I look forward to your reviews on all things Erotica! Who will I turn to now? Uh well, I’ll manage. ;) Good luck on your new endeavors.
Thank you. I’ll never part with erotica and will still review what I read on GR and AMZ.
Aww. Good luck in all you do. You’ll be missed for sure.
Thank you
I hope your new path brings you much happiness. I am glad you will still occasionally review & will still be on Twitter- I really enjoy your viewpoint. Good luck, and thanks!
No’ I’m sorry you’re leaving blogging, but just know you’ll need a restraining order to ditch me on Twitter.
Because of blogging, and because of Mandi, I met you.
I’m a better person because I had the honor to know you for so long.
Best wishes! :)
PS… we’ll always have NOLA.
Tori!!! It’s the end of an era! I wish you the best, and I’m so happy you’re not quitting twitter or romance, because I this way I don’t have to go to your house and beg you not to leave us!
Good luck in your new endeavors, Tori. Thanks for the last ten years.
Your reviews will be missed.
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. I will miss seeing you all here on SB but I’ll be ard. I’m like a bad penny, I always show back up. lol
Awwww man. Good luck, Tori!!!!!!!
Love you Tori!
I’ll miss your reviews here, but you gotta go where your path takes you. Good luck on your new endeavors. And I hope to still see you on Twitter!
I’ll miss your reviews an wish you good look in your new endeavors.
All the best in the future.
I’ll miss seeing your reviews, but good luck in your new adventures.
Unfortunately I have never done twitter but have found that your taste and mine align very well so I always followed you here on Smexy. Alas I don’t know if want to do any other social media so I will just say thanks for all the recs I have received so far. You will be missed.
Best wishes, Tori, as you follow your new direction!
Best wishes Tori! I’ve always loved your reviews as your tastes in books seemed pretty aligned with mine. I’m not on Twitter, but maybe I’ll have to finally get an account just so I can keep following what you are reading.