Death Knell by Hailey Edwards
Foundling #3
Urban Fantasy
December 4, 2018 by Piatkus
Favorite Quote:
“A human heart only has no many beats.” He flattened my palm against his chest. “I’m not capable of a love so small or finite. What I feel for you can’t be confined to the lifespan of a century. My heart speaks the language of eternity, and the name it whispers is yours.”
Reviewed by Angela
Holy smokes this book. Honestly, when this series started I would have never in a million years predicted the direction it seems to be going in. For some reason when I picked up Bayou Born I expected a paranormal mystery suspense novel with some voodoo and witchinesss. I did not expect the broadness of the world building or for Luce Boudreau to slowly morph into the savior of the universe.
The third book in the Foundling series is so very different from the first two books, mainly because Luce has finally left her old life behind and embraced her identity as Conquest. She is settling in with her coterie and she and Cole are at peace with each other. She’s not quite as comfortable with her new NSB partner, Adam Wu, but I think that’s mainly because Adam is so much of an enigma.
Everyone and everything is in limbo, War and Famine have made their arrivals and Luce has had her confrontations with them. Now everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for the arrival of the last sister, Death. When animated dead bodies start appearing with messages meant for Luce, she and her allies know the final showdown is coming and coming soon.
There is so much going on in this book, I couldn’t possibly give a concise rundown. And I really don’t want to. I think this book will make fans of this series very, very happy. There was like this huge info dump, without it actually coming across as a huge info dump. Does that even make sense? We learn so much about Luce and her history, Luce and her past relationship with Cole, who Adam is and maybe some of his motivations.
This quote blew my mind and had me thinking about this series in a completely different way.
“What do you think Earth prayed for the first time the cadre appeared?”
“And who do you think delivered them from evil?”
“Your father,” I said stunned.
“We don’t resemble angels,” he spat. “Angels resemble us.”
“Shit.” A cold rush of understanding trickled down my spine. “He’ll kill me.”
That’s what good guys–or guys convinced they were good– did to those they viewed as bad guys.
“You’re cadre.” His grip eased. “He would only see a demon from a mythology he helped create.”
I won’t even get into who the HE is that is being referred to, you’ll learn soon enough, but DAMN IT, I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. That’s right, there are a heck of a lot of questions answered and Luce moves forward both with her coterie and accepting herself, but there are also a ton of revelations that only leave more questions. Especially after the last chapter. A part of me wonders if Adam is more to Luce than just a partner, and the other part is like nooooooooo. Hailey Edwards wouldn’t do that right? Right? Not after all the discoveries about Luce and her personal/romantic life. I came super close to messaging her on Twitter asking how many books this series is going to because I want to know just how long I have to wait to find out. I still might.
I think this is my favorite of the series so far. Maybe because we are smack dab in the middle of the war between the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse and I finally have an understanding of just what is going on. At least I think so. Lol. I see the romance between Luce and Cole moving forward which makes my romance heart happy. I’m getting to know each member of the coterie better and learning their individual characteristics. (We finally find out Miller’s natural form!!) I feel like something huge is coming and it has me all excited. I’m more than ready for whatever twists and turns this author has up her sleeve.
This is not a series where the books can be read as standalones. You definitely want to read them in order.
Final Grade- B+
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