How to Live an Undead Lie by Hailey Edwards
The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy #5
Urban Fantasy
December 11, 2018 Self Published
Favorite Quote:
“I had never belonged to someone before and had
them belong to me too.”
Oh, how I love this series. Let me count the ways.
The fifth book in The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy series starts off pretty much where the last book leaves off, with Grier really starting to embrace her role as Dame Woolworth and embrace her newfound relationship with Linus. (Who has been patiently waiting years for her to notice him.) She has thoroughly distanced herself from the Marchands and tentatively reached out to her grandfather. Although, tentative is almost too strong a word, as she and Linus both know he can’t be trusted in any way, shape, or form.
Undead Lie is the payoff for all the fans of this series who have endured this author’s cruel snippets and sly comments on social media. I will admit to begging her to spare my beloved Linus on more than one occasion. The romance between him and Grier takes flight in this book and I can see their HEA on the horizon. Thank goodness. They make true commitments to each other and definitely work as a team in every way possible. They balance each other out, they give each other comfort and support, and understand each other now that so much of the truth of the past has come out. They really are moving toward healing and finding peace. Linus really is my favorite of this author’s heroes.
The plot threads are all starting to come together. Slowly, little by little, a bigger picture of what happened the night Maud died and who Grier’s true allies are is becoming clearer. A major character’s true motives are finally revealed, and I was honestly devastated by it. Will we get more answers about the Marchands in the next book? Maybe find out more about Grier’s parent’s relationship? There was some positive developments with Amelie/Boaz/Adelaide, and I’m comfortable saying I no longer completely despise Amelie or Boaz, I’m also really looking forward to learning more about Adelaide.
Lethe and Hood continue to be my favorite secondary characters in this series and every time they are on page I find myself smiling and laughing at their antics and banter. Ms. Edwards mentioned the other day on twitter dreaming that Linus and Grier’s son grew up to marry Lethe and Hood’s daughter and all I could think was YES, YES, YESSSSSSSSSSS. GIMME.
I feel like so much happened to move this series forward, and yet there is so much more left to come. I’m pretty sure I saw somewhere that the next book will be the last one featuring Linus and Grier as the main characters, so I’m guessing all my questions will be finally answered. All I know is this series gets even better with every new release and I am already looking forward to the what is coming next.
Final Grade-A
Series List * Author’s Website
GR * AMZ * BN * K * GP
I did not know this had been released! So excited to read it.
Loved this one, my favorite in the series so far.
Whoa, I thought this wasn’t going to be out until January! Off to one-click right now. Thanks for the review.