What a whirlwind! I have been in a freaking rut. The rut of all reading ruts- the mother-rutter of them all- I’m talking romance desolation- and finally, finally snapped out of it. After yet another week of inspirationless, mindless, going-through-the-motions “reading”- which was really just me reading a bunch of my saved passages from past books- I came across just the thing to bring me to the land of the romancelandia living. I’ve been so disconnected from my beloved past-time (shakes fists at my real life) that I missed the release of Dragon Fire, book 3 of the Vale of Stars series by Juliette Cross. I was SAVED! Cue the freaking trumpets, the bish was back! I ceased my sporadic reading on the spot, fed and shooed away the offspring, tossed a few bones at the pup and thanked my lucky stars the Mister was away at work because I was getting ready to indulge in some serious ME time! Vale of Stars is paranormal excellence. It’s sexy, and mysterious, the plot is well woven and the world building is so tangible that it makes me dream that I too have wings and things! Three books in and I’m as gone on the series as ever before!
Wounded, with a target still on his back, Kieren Moonring has been hiding in the last place his Morgon enemies might find him. In the human convent on the southern shores of Primus, his body heals quickly, but his soul is broken.
While Sister Liana tends to the recovering Morgon man hiding in their convent, she can’t stop or disguise her growing attraction. What disturbs her more is that he begins to uncover her past that is best kept buried.
Kieren fears his old enemies will find him, and then Liana. When his greatest fear comes true and she becomes their next mark…bloody hell, if he won’t murder the whole world to keep her safe.
The Wistful:
“I’d love to know what you’re thinking right now.” His humming baritone startled me.“Kieren.” I startled, clutching the robe at my chest. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“No,” he said gently, easing out of the shadows and into the firelight haloed around the hearth. “You were far too deep in thought.”
Rather than sit in the other chair by the fire, he sat on the wide ottoman right in front of me, his wings draping to the floor. Taking my empty wine glass from my hand, he set it on the ground. I tried to swallow, but I suddenly had no moisture in my mouth. That sizzling electricity I’d become used to when we were alone and close together vibrated against my skin. A welcome current rippled through me, warning me of the powerful being in my presence. As if I needed reminding. With his knees bent and set apart, he eased one hand forward and slowly unwrapped the robe from my legs, never taking his piercing gaze from mine. I couldn’t breathe as he tenderly unbent both legs and swept my feet into his lap. Then he did something completely shocking. And wonderful. He began to massage my feet, dragging both thumbs down the center of each foot then rolled them in the arch. I dropped my head back against the chair on a groan.
“God, Kieren. Is there anything you’re not good at?”
He chuckled and continued using his magical fingers on my feet. I caught his smile when I peeked at him, and the huskiness in his laugh promised me he was good at everything.
The Wanton…
“No going back now, love.”She shook her ahead in agreement, then clenched one hand in my hair, her nails grazing my scalp. She gripped the collar of my shirt with the other and tugged hard, popping the top two buttons before gliding her hand inside. Her soft touch was maddening. Holding her body up with my chest to hers, I rubbed the head of my cock along her hot seam. The smell of her was fucking intoxicating. I inhaled a deep breath, her scent saturating the air, and nudged her entrance. Her mouth gaped wider when I pressed in as slowly as I could, which wasn’t slow at all. When I finally sank to the hilt in the most heavenly place in the whole fucking world, I pressed my face into her neck on a long groan. So tight. So hot.
“Yes, Kieren.”
She dropped her head to the wall behind her, exposing her throat.
Yes was Goddamn right. I sucked a hard line down the column of her throat. “I want it,” she whispered. “I want it all.” I wasn’t paying attention. I mindlessly pumped up inside her, gliding my cock out to the tip and driving back to the hilt. The pleasure was beyond anything I’d ever known. Her hand in my hair fisted tight, holding me still as she slid her tongue over my lip and bit till I felt a prick of pain. My cock pulsed at the ecstasy of it. Her eyes bored into mine with unwavering determination. I wanted to retreat and draw closer at the same time…
Ugh, Kieren. Love, adore, covet, want! He was the epitome of a hero. I was so glad to be surprised by his book, usually the more mysterious and rich characters have to bide their time before their book comes to fruition. But not in the Vale of Stars! Cross holds nothing back, and really, am I even surprised? Book 1 in this series is the epitome of paranormal camp done oh-so right. I still read it, cover to cover every few months because Kol! (faints).
The series could be read out of order, each story stands alone, you get enough backstory to gain your footing just fine, but if you give no other paranormal series/novel a chance this year, check out book 1, Waking the Dragon and feast!
These books are bingey so in time you’ll get to Dragon Fire, and then we can squee in utter harmony!
Books 1-3 are available now via Kindle Unlimited!
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