I can’t remember why I set this aside a few weeks ago. Maybe it just wasn’t grabbing me at the time or something else had all my attention. But this time when I picked it up I read it straight through to the end and really enjoyed.
I have always been a big fan of the brother’s best friend trope, throw in a hot has been baseball player who can’t stop talking dirty during sex and I am all in. In fact I should warn readers… this cutesy, cartoon cover is deceptive. This is a Tessa Bailey romance and that means moderate angst, smoking hot sexy times and a hero with a dirty, dirty mouth. I wouldn’t classify this as a romantic comedy.
The main story plot revolves around a relationship that is supposed to be fake in order for the hero, Travis, to build his reputation back up with a nice girl in order to get a new job as the announcer for a baseball team. Only the relationship isn’t really fake because Travis realizes he can’t stop thinking sexy thoughts about Georgie, and she can’t stop thinking sexy thoughts about him. I’m not usually a huge fan of manwhore/virgin romances, but his one worked for me. I really enjoyed this couple. Travis started out a bit of a dick, but ended up turning into a sweetheart and Georgie was bold and fun and I liked her a lot.
Not my favorite by this author, but a good read and I’m looking forward to the next book in the series which comes out January 2020.
Final grade- B-

Holy smokes. I don’t even know what to say other than wow. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series and went into this installment with no expectations other than I couldn’t wait to catch up again with Victor and his crew. I didn’t expect to be sucked right back into this world and enjoy myself even more than before. The world building got better. The characters more interesting. I could not put it down.
Once again, Ms. Schwab messes with her timeline and readers are thrown back in forth between past and present, but somehow, mysteriously, it works. New characters are introduced and they are fascinating. POVs change as quickly as the timeline, but don’t worry, you won’t care. I gobbled up every word and loved every bit of it. These characters are flawed and broken, violent and devious, but that didn’t matter to me, I had my favorites and rooted for them to succeed right up until the exciting, surprising end. Sometimes anti-heroes are the best heroes.
Now I’m keeping my fingers crossed the wait for book three won’t be too long.
Final grade- A
My reading list for this week:
I know I’ve ranted about it all over Romancelandia, but I still can’t get over that cutesy rom-com cover for a book by Tessa “queen of the dirty-talking alpha hero” Bailey. That is such a misleading cover.
I don’t mind the cutesy covers, but they do tend to give the impression that those books are rom-coms or lean more toward WF and a lot definitely are not either.
Storm of Locusts is so good. It’s a great second entry into the series.
I’m about 50% in and really enjoying.