How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse by K. Eason
The Thorne Chronicles #1
Science Fiction/ Fantasy
October 8, 2019 by DAW
I started this while on a plane flight between Phoenix and Las Vegas, and was so intrigued right from the start that I was annoyed that my flight only lasted about an hour. I wasn’t able to get back to it until my later flight from Las Vegas to Houston, but once I fell back into the story I couldn’t stop reading.
How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse is a YA/NA fantasy, science fiction, fairy tale trope retelling featuring a spunky, intelligent, crafty heroine who finds herself alone in enemy territory and must outsmart and outplay pretty much everyone around her, with only the help of a few members of her own royal household.
Gifted by the faeries at her naming with thirteen blessings, she is going to need every single one of them to rescue herself from the plot to take over the throne by an unscrupulous regent.
This story starts readers out at Rory’s birth and follows along for the first 16 years of her life as she grows, learns, and becomes the badass who is promised in marriage to a prince on another world. I loved that readers get the whole backstory of Rory and her family before being thrown into universal political intrigue. But once Rory enters into foreign territory, trust me, you won’t want to put this book down.
The worldbuilding is topnotch, the characters diverse and interesting, and I truly felt like I was on an epic adventure in deep space. This is exactly what I need on a late night plane flight. I am more than ready for whatever comes next in this world.
Final Grade- B+

The Absinthe Earl by Sharon Lynn Fisher
The Faery Rehistory #1
Paranormal Historical Romance
October 15, 2019 by Blackstone Publishing
I love paranormal/historical fiction novels of all kinds, but I really enjoy one with an interesting romance. The Absinthe Earl features a heroine in Ireland researching the tall tales and myths of the faery. She has a chance meeting in a pub with a man who knows all too much about what she seeks.
Ada Quicksilver is in Dublin to discover why the faeries have all disappeared in Ireland. Her research leads her to visiting several absinthe bars and in one she meets the Earl of Meath, cousin of Queen Isolde and a man who has his own interests in faeries, for reasons. They end up on a trip together to an ancient faery mound and this is where the easy flow of the story starts to get a bit more difficult to follow.
There is a reference at the beginning of the book with Irish/Fae names and terms, but I still had a bit of a time following along. I did enjoy these characters interactions, but the dialogue felt a bit stilted at times. But overall I did enjoy this story and look forward to reading more in this world.
Final grade- C

Faker by Sarah Smith
Contemporary Romance
October 8, 2019 by Berkley
I have a love/hate relationship with enemies to lovers romance. I want there to be tension and a believable conflict between the two MCs, but I don’t want them to be genuinely mean to each other. I went into Faker knowing this was a debut book by this author, and also knowing the main trope was two co-workers who don’t like each other, but get stuck together on a charity project.
I will admit the asshole Tate of the beginning of this book ruined the reformed Tate of the second half. He starts out so mean and rude that I almost DNF’ed because I was soooo done with him and his mouth. Haven’t we dispensed with this “he’s only mean to you because he really likes you” ridiculousness in romance? Ugh.
There is a kiss and a medical emergency that necessitate the two MCs spending quality time together, but I never really felt the chemistry and didn’t really care why Tate rationalized his behavior toward Emmie. I kind of wish she would have just stuck with Jamie.
Emmie on the other hand was intelligent, sweet, fun, and I liked her. Other than falling for Tate she seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders.
Liked the heroine, disliked the hero, maybe you will enjoy this one a bit more than me.
Final grade- C-/D+
What’s on my Kindle this week:
How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse sounds quite appealing! Thanks for the review, Angela.
Thank you Angela. I’ve enjoyed the book a lot and I’m looking foward to reading the next one. I’m just finished the Vorkosigan saga which I’v had a lot of years on hold despite the fact that I love Lois McMaster’s books of the World of the five goods. But those books of Vorkosigan are very, very good so it set the bar pretty high. And Rory Thorne’ book was a amazing reading and a wonderful discovery.
Thank you Angela. I’ve enjoyed the book a lot and I’m looking foward to reading the next one. I’m just finished the Vorkosigan saga which I’v had a lot of years on hold despite the fact that I love Lois McMaster’s books of the World of the five gods. But those books of Vorkosigan are very, very good so it set the bar pretty high. And Rory Thorne’ book, that I read just below, was a amazing reading and a wonderful discovery.
I’m so glad you enjoyed!