Starbreaker by Amanda Bouchet
Endeavor #2
Science Fiction Romance
April 28, 2020 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
Y’all. This was good. So, so good. Like grab you from the first page and keep you reading right up until the last page good. Like stay up until 2:30 in the morning good. (Yes, I did that.) I really enjoyed the first book in the series and was super excited for this next installment, but Ms. Bouchet takes this series to the next level in Starbreaker.
For starters, the when the book opens the Nightchaser crew of the Endeavor are making a pit stop on an out of the way planet to meet up with a mysterious man for REASONS. The task he asks them to complete is so dangerous that Tess and company are hesitant, but ultimately willing to do what they must to help the rebellion.
And then, to my surprise and delight, in only the second chapter, the adrenalin rush begins.
The main plot arc of the resistance and the Endeavor crew, led by Tess, fighting the evil empire and Tess’s “father”, the villainous overlord, is advanced quite a bit and there are a heck of a lot of new revelations regarding Tess’s childhood and upbringing. The worldbuilding is really well done and I enjoyed seeing it broaden even more as this author continues to add new adventures in new settings.
Don’t forget this is very much a romance and the relationship between Shade and Tess continues to deepen and grow, despite Shade’s betrayals from book one. He is willing to do whatever he must to make amends and prove to Tess that he can be trusted. There are some pretty satisfying sexy times and this couple absolutely works for me. I ADORE THEM. I also love that in any given scene I’m not sure who is going to save whom, because they are both bad asses.
But Tess and Shade aren’t alone and I absolutely must mention the amazingness of the crew of the Endeavor. Each secondary character is so well drawn, I care about them. I want good things for them and I’m all aboard for them to pair off and live out there own HEAs.
I would love to go on and on, but suffice it to say, everything about this series is captivating. I absolutely, positively can not wait to find out what happens next.
Final grade- A

Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras
Contemporary Romance
April 28, 2020 by Kensington
I really loved both the blurb and cover for Island Affair and couldn’t wait to download and get to reading. I mean the fake dating trope with a hot fire fighter in an island paradise setting? Gimme.
I have to say this did start out kind of slow for me. I struggled to engage and stay committed to reading. Honestly though, that may be just because of what’s going on in the world right now.
I really enjoy this author’s voice, but there were a few things that I think that kept me from really loving this story. The suddenness of this couple jumping into a fake relationship so soon after meeting is one and the appearance of an evil ex in the hero’s backstory was another. This may just be an Angela thing though since evil exes and dead exes are my least favorite way to create conflict in a story.
I did struggle with this couple at times, but I think it’s because they each had so many issues. I loved the setting though and would enjoy visiting with Luis’s family again.
Final grade-C
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